~What are you thankful for?~
Hi MO Board,
With the holiday season upon us-I wanted to throw a post out there to ask what you are all thankful for? I know its so easy in the day to day bump and grind of life to get wrapped up in all we have going on-and not always to concentrate on what the most important things in life are.. I am thankful for a God who knows my family and I's needs. Who is ALWAYS there for me, even when I forget to hand everything over to him, always!! I am thankful for a husband who always has my back. Who loves me no matter what and supports me in whatever I want to do. Who has had patience with me, even when Im sure he wanted to throw his hands in the air and give up~LOL....Those hormones, they can really get out of whack after this surgery ladies!! I am thankful for all 4 of my children. Even when they may be acting out or being difficult-I am thankful for 4 beautiful children and for the opportunity to raise them the best that I can, and to love them unconditionally-AND to hug and kiss them, and always tell them how much they are loved. In everything that I do in my life-my most important job is to be the best mom I can be and the best wife I can be. I believe that being the best mom I can be is the most important title I will ever have. I am thankful for the act of forgiveness. I am thankful that I have mended my relationship with my parents that we have all found a common ground and that they could forgive me, as well as my husband, for not being so nice all the time. Its awesome to have such a wonderful family and to be friends with them all as well. I am thankful for the WLS. I am thankful for Dr. Fearing, who I also consider my angel. She literally saved my life and I love her dearly. I am thankful for my PCP, Dr. Pendergrass who helped me in obtaining everything I needed here-and for helping with such a detailed letter to obtain WLS. I am thankful to my ortho surgeon, Dr. Ellefsen, for suggesting the WLS and for helping to find a good surgeon. I have been blessed with my doctors and their willingness to help me with this, and thank God for them every day! I am thankful for this site. For the friends I have personally made because of being here. I have made some of the best friends here-and have met most face to face. I am so thankful for the support you get here-and at our COF group. You all have made the biggest difference in my life. When I found this site and realized I was not the only one who felt the way I did-it changed my life forever. You have had the biggest impact on my soul and I thank you all for that and love you from the bottom of my heart-you are my extended family. I am thankful for the chance and wisdom to help others going through what I went through pre-op. I hope and pray that no one ever has to feel the way that I did before I found this site, and I will always be there to help if they do. Finally, I am thankful for what I have. I may not have much financially, but I have an over abudance in other areas of my life. I wouldnt trade a million dollars for a hug from my children or my friends and family-and I have an awesome God who has put people in my path who have been there for me, and I never asked for the help. HE knew what we needed. Its awesome to have and keep faith. Its hard sometimes, but I am a perfect example, that when you keep the faith, it all works out. Always. Im anxious to hear what you are all thankful for. Tomorrow isnt always a gaurantee-so I want you all to know I am thankful for you and I wish you all the best of the holiday season. Janet

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
I am thankful for my dear husband, John, who has never, ever made me feel unloved or unlovely, no matter what I weighed and who keeps me from flying off the face of the earth!! I'm such a twit!! I'm thankful that he brought me back to Missouri and by doing that gave me the fondest wish of my heart - to come home!!!
I am soooo thankful for my dear daughter, Stacy, and my dear grandson, Adam. They complete my life. And, I'm thankful for John's kids and the fact that they are accepting of me and treat me lovingly.
I'm thankful for my job. I love my job and have the very best boss in the whole world.
I'm thankful to Jesus for dying for my sins so that I can have everlasting life in heaven with Him.
I'm thankful for my PCP, Dr. Thomas Thomas, who is the sweetest, best doctor, my surgeon, Dr. Christopher Edwards, another sweetie who saved my life, and my rheumatologist, Dr. Norman Simon, who keeps me walking and moving by his care and compassion.
I am so thankful for my dear friend, Carol, who has been my BFF since we were pre-first grade. She is always there for me and I couldn't make it without her love.
I'm thankful for my joys and sadnesses because without the sad times I wouldn't appreciate the joys as much. If I had never been to the valley the view I have now from the mountaintop wouldn't be so sweet.
Basically, I love my life and thank God for it every day and for all of you, my dear friends, too.
Hugs and love always to all of you.