Jan C.
on 11/13/07 2:56 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We had a great family get together tonight. Was our family thanksgiving. My two daughters and son his ex wife and daughter, and then my granddaughter and her husband and 2 babies. Had way too much food but of course I couldn’t eat much of it . But I did taste a bite of most of it.

Was loud and noisy and fun and happy and all the things that a family get together is suppose to be . Joe said it got way to noisy for him. Most of the times we are way to quite I guess. Lol

Im about worn out so this will be short tonight …hope your thanksgiving you will have next week will be as much fun.



RENEE: I know what you mean about buying groc. I hate to go shopping but I really hate putting it away, and I still go and buy like I did before I had wls so my pantries and freezers are pack full and I keep buying why am I so obsessed with food??? Lol I guess I always was and still am just don’t cook it .


Good luck on all of your test you have to get done and don’t worry about the psych test. They will know you are crazy without the test. Sorry just kidding. All they want to really know is that you are intelligent enough and plyable enough to obey the rules and that you know what they are and know what you are getting yourself into. It isnt the easy way out but a life time commitment that will take courage and dedication.




TRACI: Hope you are feeling better and getting more production out of yourself. Don’t work too hard there will be more days you know.



BARBARA: wEll when your right your right….I know I wont be eating anymore cheese dip from anywhere. Nosirybob no more for me. That was it.


I hope your son will find something that will work. Im a biofreeze person too. I didn’t know you could buy it at wal greens because I buy mine online by the case.




CHARLOTTE : hey good to see you again. how have you been doing? How is the weight loss going?


Hope you will quit being a lurker and will start posting daily or at least once in awhile. We miss you.




SUSAN : so sorry that you have been so sick. I hope you have everything under control now. And soon you will be able to say that the wls was the best thing you ever did for yourself.


You are right in saying that it is a serious thing to do. And shouldn’t be taken lightly . It can cause some bad things but it also causes some great things. So hang on girl you should be getting better now.


Hope you will be able to go with Rory on his truck so you will be able to see him more.




JANET; So good to see you again. I hope that you are feeling better and get completely well soon.


Yes the steroid shots will reduce your immune system so that you will catch stuff more easily.


Am praying for you and your children. I know it worries mamas when their kids aren’t well or doing right. God has a plan in mind for everyone but also gives them free will to do as they want to. Teenagers have a way of being sort of , well shall we say , crazy. Lol but they do grow up eventually and the brain fairy comes and brings their brains back.


Im sure that moving to a warm dry climate might help your arthritis. But we sure would miss you.


Hey glad that you finally got your cold water fixed. That was silly that they let you all stay that long without it. Maybe with new insulation in the house you can not use as much heat this winter.


Im hoping to get some of my Christmas decorating done this next week since I know that after Dec. 4th when I have knee surgery I wont be doing much of anything let alone putting up decorations.


Hey thanks for thinking of me for the jeans and stuff. Love you girl.



I think you will get along with Renee very well, you all have a lot in common.




BEV: wow so glad about finally getting approval for your surgery. Way to go about getting them to pay attention to you. Lol I had to laugh about you threating to go to their president and CEO. Got some butts on the ball didn’t you?




WANT TO MAKE A CHALLENGE TO ALL THE LURKERS. I love that you come on and read and look but I urge you to come on and post if with nothing but to say Hi and who you are . We love to get to know new people and I know that a lot of you that lurk aren’t new . So lets see tomorrow how many we can get to post ok?









on 11/13/07 4:05 pm

Helloooo yall! I havent been doing much...enjoying the weather with the doors open and the music going! Dean is on days I can make NOISE!  not that I do but its nice to be able to pick up and vacume at the same time. and the music nice and loud makes doing the few chores I do go faster. I hardly know how to behave...he has been on the 11-7 shift for many yrs. he is pretty tired out also.... nice to get into a different routine.  I took the long trip to LR to see Dr. Baker for my 3 month check-up and I have lost 91lbs since consult and 113lbs since April. I made a mini goal for my self to get under 300 by New Years. that would be the first time since 1986 when I gained over 100lbs with my 2nd son Jason. I weighed in at 318 when I gave birth to him....I am now at the weight I was when I had Catriona 16 yrs ago. I feel good if I can figure out this walking thing....tonight I took a cake to my neice and tried to get back into the car but stumbled clear to the end of it....LOL I just could stand up straight....    I cleaned out a closet that hasnt been touched in about 4 yrs....found lots of goodies I wondered where they had gone!....LOL   Jan...weird about Christmas....this yr Dean and I are ready freddy to start our decorating....and since you are going to have surgery I would get er done! I have to Thank Tammy for her bag of clothing!  very welcomed! all I need now are a few tops... but one thing at a time....going to make an order and get me 4 new shirts to Tie-dye 2 more 5x and 2 4x that should take me into Wal-mart sizes I hope!   nice to see everyone posting! I do enjoy reading all about it....whatever "IT" is!







Traci K.
on 11/13/07 7:43 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Picked up my kiddos from the small private school they attend to find out school is closed today due to an outbreak of strep!!!  Yikes!!  My girls have been fighting what I thought to be colds, but since they do have sore throats, I'm taking them all in to the doctor this AM to get a strep culture done to make sure it's not strep.   I also have my grandbaby today, so that should prove to be interesting taking them all to the doctor.     At least while I'm there I can see if my lab results are back from last week and get a new script for B12 for twice a month instead of once per month.  So it will be a multi-purpose trip.  Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 11/13/07 8:34 pm
Good Morning Everyone,  I am on my last few days of vacation. I have to go back to work on monday so i am trying to do everything and anything. I am finally catching up with light housework. I just wanted to say Jan you are right. I lurk and i dont post. I will try to daily say good morning. Everyone have a blessed day!
on 11/14/07 12:09 am - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ How are you all today?  I hope everyone is great!  I have already been to the hospital and then social services for my paperwork and am home.  A little concerned however-that they not only checked the gb, but also my pancreas, liver, kidney (on right side) and bile duct. She saw something, but of course, declined to comment. She just told me that I would feel better after Dr. P got the results and got it taken care of???? Ok-so maybe she saw a lot of gallstones-but said that I may end up having upper GI.  Prayer request here. For results that will have a favorable outcome. LOL... They said I will know something Friday. We are getting ready to go to town. Megan came in early to watch Jonathan while I went to the hospital, and let me take her car. Some guy, 2 blocks from the hospital-blew through his stop sign, and I had to slam on the brakes-and I hit her steering wheel-and I even had my seatbelt on.  Oh, I was HOT! Mike got hit there 5 yrs ago-same situation, only they t-boned him and totalled his truck and he ended up really hurt. It tore his rotator cuff in half and he had to have surgery and so on.....If I wouldve had time to spare-I would have followed him and got his license number and reported him-I was so mad! I felt stupid after I posted about Rowans killers-they ended up in Barry County. Mike said that the step dad was in Newton Co. so not sure what happened-if they just took him to Barry Co. for the arraignment. They did end up having people on the square in Neosho waiting for him....I guess they did in Barry Co.. too. Today is the funeral in Neosho. My kids sent a card and donation to the funeral home. The card was really beautiful and we are going to plant a tree out here in memory of her, in the spring most likely. I want to get a lilac bush-the one that blooms all yr round, like Lana and Jan have. Something beautiful.... Well, our washing machine bit the dust last night. Thank goodness we have a spare. Actually, the spare is newer than the one in the laundry room now.  Thank goodness Mike didnt let me sell it like I was going to. LOL....so tonite will be hooking the other one up. Its always something huh? I talked (well, text) Mel yesterday and she said her mom was doing ok and resting. Her first day of school was good and said she had a ton of homework already! She sent me a video of the baby and he is scooting! It was so cute. She sent one of him with the giggles too-it was so adorable!! Jon still has his cough, but woke this morning in a really good mood and doesnt seem as bad as he was. I am hoping that its just the weather and allergies. Darrel is going to be seeing his mom soon. He said yesterday that he did want to go and see her-but that he just knew "I" would be mad-and thats WHY he hasnt said anything. Oh man, did I get mad at him. I am always asking if he wants to call or see her and I am always the one who tells him that he should forgive her and talk to her and so on. Megan and Stephanie were both here and both said-wow, darrel, I have sat here while mom asks you if you want to call or see your mom and you are the one who tells her no.  I think its because its getting to be Christmas time-and although he doesnt get anything from her unless its free-or from garage sales-last yr, she even left the garage sale circle stickers on the presents. Anyway-her brother and sisters give Darrel money and so I think thats why he wants to go and see her-so he will still get some other presents from her family. Which I know is normal for a teenager, but it bothers me that he is trying to lay blame on anyone but himself.  I knew he was starting to miss her-because his behavior has been rotten, just like he usually gets when he is having any issues with her!!!!  I also told him that if he doesnt straighten his act up ASAP, that he will be ruining his christmas pretty much. He will still get gifts, but I wont bust my butt to get anything more than I have to for him. Its just been unbelievable. I guess I sound like a B, but he has been doing this crap since he came to live with us since he was 5, and when he was that little, we figured he didnt know any better, but now he is almost 14, he knows the mind games he is playing and what he is doing.  For Mike to notice and so on, its getting bad. Mike grounded him for a week for stunts that he pulled on Sunday night. Anyway-gonna get off this subject for now! LOL

The people for the insulation are coming tomorrow to get it blown in the attic and walls-so I need to get some extra cleaning done today. I cant wait to see what difference it makes in our heating bills! That would be really nice. Well, Megan and I are headed to town. I am going to close for now, and I will see you all tomorrow.  I agree with Jan-a challenge for you lurkers-come on in and say hi. Let us get to know you-you can NEVER have too many supporters-right? We care and are here for you-but we cant get to know you-if you dont let us!! We dont bite *hard anyway-LOL*  As always, your in my thoughts and prayers and take care.  Janet

on 11/14/07 12:15 am - Concordia, MO
Good morning all  Hi Jan. For the most all is good 5 days tell Surg. Still on the Liquid diet 9 days so far(it still sucks) starting to get a little nervures. I know this is normal, It is in Gods hands. I didn't want to be just a lurker,HEHE. so you got me to post.............
In Him, Chip<><

Brenda Minks
on 11/14/07 12:26 am, edited 11/14/07 12:33 am - Silva, MO

Well I am a lurker and not a poster! I read every post every day. My life is pretty hum drum. Most of the time it's just me and my fur  babies, Gracie - Mattie - & Fat Cat. It gets so quite around here that most  people probably couldn't handle it, but I  like it. We live on a dead end road and we  are the last house so there isn't even traffic. I have found a plastic surgeon in St. Louis that takes Medicare so I will be calling them  soon. We have been having cold drizzly weather  and it sure has been kicking my butt , with  the arthritis and the disc disease and the  Fibromyalgia! I have been suffering quite  a bit of pain. I haven't done much house  work lately due to the hurting, and it shows! The doctor did give me the Amitriptyline to  take at bedtime and I have been sleeping  better most nights. Jan it sounds like you had a great  Thanksgiving! We will be having  Thanksgiving here at our house this year. My daughter and SIL will be here with my 3 granddaughters. My sister and her husband  will be here and maybe her son and daughter with their kids. So we will probably have  a noisy day also Well now I have told you all everything and  won't  have enough to post about for  awhile. LOL

Take Care Brenda

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




on 11/14/07 1:27 am - Purdy, MO

Hello Hello.. WOOOOHOOOO!!! No white jacket for me LOL I put up a good fight and they backed off. LOL Just kidding everything went well and Dr. Van Pelt is very nice. It should be in in 2 to 3 week's. I decided to hold off on my lab wor****il this morning, so all of that is done now and should be ready to go by the beginning of next week. So happy to be getting a little closer. I got a small surprise on the scale this morning, I've lost 5 lbs since last week. YEEHAAA!! I'm really not for sure how that happened, and even asked the nurse if she done it right. LOL (Good thing they love me there) I know 5 isn't much, but I'll take it. So the rest of the day I plan on getting the laundry caught up, and doing a little housework.  Jan so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, and was able to have such a nice time with the family.  HEHE It don't matter if they know I'm crazy as long as ya'll and the people close to me know. LOL Janet it was so great hearing from you. I hope you could understand my letter, and rambling as I was so tired and worn out when I wrote it. I look forward to hearing from you again. I hope your test result's come back ok, and that you get to feeling better soon. It honestly sound's to me like Darrel is just looking for excuses not to see his mom, and since you are the step-mom he's trying to lay the heat on you. Good thing for you your daughter's have heard you ask him if he wanted to call or see her. Just hold your ground, and hang in there. From the way it sounds you are doing everything you can, and doing an amazing job. I'm so proud of you. (((((((((((( Janet ))))))))))  I'm planning on being at the support group and even bring a couple friend's with me if all work's out right. I can hardly wait to meet everyone.  It said last night on the news that the 2 loser's pled not guilty on all charge's.GRRRRRR!! But if I understood it right, that's so they could have a jury trial since they were going to try for the death penalty. I honestly feel that these 2 animal's should be raped and then both of them choked with a cord just like that sweet baby was, giving them a shot is to easy.  Chip good luck with your surgery. I hope all goes well and that you have a speedy recovery. Brenda I just had to let you know we also have a baby named Fat Cat. LOL Her real name is Ono, but the first litter of kitten's she had she got so big Tiff started calling her Fat Cat, and since we've gotten her fixed she's even bigger. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.


 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Brenda Minks
on 11/14/07 2:49 am - Silva, MO

Hi Renee, My cat has the name CC given to her by my granddaughter she is 3 years old. She has never had kittens, had her spayed  when she was 6 months old. I call her Fat Cat because she has gotten  really big and it's not just fat. Her whole frame is big and the size of her  feet is  really large for an alley cat.The last  time I had her to the vet for yearly check up  she weighed right at 12 pounds. Have a wonderful day.

on 11/14/07 2:59 am - Purdy, MO

LOL This poor cat got so big you could lay both hands across her belly and still have about 1/2 inch on both side's. I felt so sorry for her.


 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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