Got up early and went to Branson to outpatient to get some blood work done this morning couldn’t eat or drink anything till I had it done. Man was I ever getting woozy by the time I could have something.I made a big protein shake and packed it in a cup and in ice to drink when I got done , sure tasted good but was already shaky so had to about 20 minutes later ate a protein bar too.
Granddaughter was with me and we had to wait around and get some test run on the tiny greatgranddaughter, The doctor wanted to know if there was something wrong with her kidneys since she had a kidney infection and he says it is really abnormal for tiny babys to have that. Anyway so far the test they have done doesn’t show anything we will see.
Like I told Kim,my granddaughter, don’t borrow trouble till it knocks on your door. No need to worry about things until we know it is so.
Well I did something more or less as a test I ate a few bites of cheese dip with K-mart Nachos. And it messed me up lol so now know don’t touch the stuff.I didn’t eat but a couple of bites of it but couldn’t drive home, I felt like I was drugged and confused. Had Kim to drive and as soon as I got in the passenger seat I went to sleep and slept all the way home. Wont bother that stuff any more. Is it the carbs in this stuff and not enough protein first? Is it fat? Is it sugar? Don’t know don’t really care just know I wont be eathing anything with it on it anymore.
Hey everyone remember Vesta this week, she has a skin cancer removed from her lip on Wednesday and then has gall bladder surgery on the 15th. Vesta know that we are all praying for you to get better.
BARBARA : LOL you all really caught me with cutting the cat didn’t you of course I meant cutting the cake but never will I be able to convince you of that lol.
Glad you were able to shed some light on my problem lol I sort of flabbergasted at it myself.
BOBBY JO: Seems like so many people have trouble with getting down protein it seems amazing to me that someone hasn’t come up with a protein pill or capsule maybe with 20 grams of protein in it and all you have to do is swallow all you want in a days time . Wouldn’t that be great? We need to get the protein powder companies on board with this and see if it would be possible. Sounds like a great idea to me doesn’t it you.?
TRACI: hope your day was busy and productive.
VESTA: I don’t know maybe so who knows. If it keeps hurting when I eat like that I will go see about it for sure.
Good luck on your surgeries this week and next. I will be praying for you.
LANA: what better than hot turkey bird that someone else cooked. Im cooking thanksgiving dinner but it is Today, Tuesday instead of next week. That is when everyone could come. And or wasn’t working.
So sorry that the cortisone shot didn’t work on your rt. Shoulder. Doesn’t make sense does it? Hope you can get some relief from it till summer. Maybe heating pads or something to mimic summer heat would help, You think? RA is a horrible disease, yes it involves all of your body not just your joints. So take care of you ok
Love you hugs to you.
JANET: LOOK WHO IS HERE EVERYONE IT IS JANET!!!!! Wow im sure glad to see you , was beginning to think that you might have deserted us forever .lol. So glad that you are feeling well enough to post on the board. WOW so good to see you.
Be sure and let us know what the testing reveals on Wednesday. Hopefully they will just go ahead and get that nasty thing out and will reduce some of the pain you are in. You know that when the gall bladder is infected and hurting that it can affect the back too don’t you or what you think is the back and it is really the gall bladder doing it. So when you get that out your back pain may , just may be relieved some. Lets hope so.
Janet I have an old friend on here now Renee , she has a daughter that was almost like Stephania, the whole nice yards , maybe she might be someone that she would be willing to talk to. She is about the same age as your daughter but has totally turned her life around and is doing so well and even wants to be a counselor for girls that harm themselves and . the girls mother is Renee and is posting right below you on here. Hope the two of you can get together and talk some she knows how you are feeling.
And lives fairly close to you too.
You know maybe some of the kids problems had to do with you being so sick? It is scary for kids to see their mom or dad really sick and some of them react really different ways than what we think they should.
So sorry that Jon is sick now and will be praying for your whole house, I always do anyway but sounds like you need a double dose. Lol
Will remember your friend Susan too.
At least one prayer has been answered that you are better , well two really also that your parents are backing you up with the kids. That is great.
Anxious to see you again soon and will be sure and bring those pictures to the next one.
RENEE: Yes that was so sad about the little girl , but I knew the minute that the step dad said he went out drinking and left her home asleep that he was a liar and had probably done it. I told Joe that no one that loves and cares for a child of 9 would go off and leave them asleep by their self. I cant imagine what sort of animals that they are. You know everyone has fleeting bad thoughts that go thru their mind at times in their life but you don’t act on it , that is what makes us different from mad animals. And people that do things like these men did to that child should be strung up and boiled or peeled or something horrible so they would die a horrible death like that precious little girl. Such a shame that the mother just had to have that horrible man around so he had the opportunity to do such a thing. She isnt worth much either in my thoughts. Whew can you tell stuff like this makes me so mad that I get really carried away with revenge…sorry all but as a survivor of child sexual abuse it really pushes my buttons when I hear things like this.
Hopefully you will get to know Janet at the next meeting. Don’t think you all live too far apart do you?
MELISSA: way to go girl about school , what are you going to be studying, you said you laid out your scrubs. What ever it is that is great. I am really proud of you.
Boy those babies sure have it lucky with you and Terry don’t they? Did you do anymore on the papers for the oldest one? She sounds like she has really bonded with you a lot.
I am so glad that you have babies to love and to hold and cuddle. Precious aren’t they?
Give them both a big kiss and hug from all of us here.
Yes I had my search teams all gassed up and ready to go when both you and Janet both posted today a double blessing.
Hi Everyone, Got all my shopping done, and it all put away. I really HATE shopping. Normaly I can just send the girl's with the list, and they are off, but with it being so close to Thanksgiving and us having two dinner's (one with family and one with friend's) I figured I better at least get the major stuff. Of course Tiff went with me, and that always' means getting more then what we planned. I'm really not for sure which is worse the shopping or the getting it all put away. LOL I go for lab's in the morning, and then off for my phycs eval. at 1. He said this should take about 4 hour's. I'm a nervous wreak about this, and wondering what all is going to be done. I know I'm just being silly, and that everything will be fine, but worried about failing and not being able to get my wls. (Everyone pray that I wont be taken away in one of those ugly white jacket's. LOL) Jan my first thought was the mother had something to do with it, to me it just looked like she was holding something back, but then when I first set eye's on the loser I knew it was him. The fool didn't even really try hiding the fact he was guilty. He moved out of the house and didn't bother to even try to look for her. Really if one of my girl's was missing you better bet me and whoever I was with would be out looking for her, or he would be missing to. From what I've been told the 2 loser's were seen having lunch together, so I'm wondering if they were planning it then, and just how long this poor baby was being abused. I have alot of idea's to punish them (none I can put on here), but nothing would be bad enough for them. Janet is only about an hour from me (I'm an hour from anywhere LOL), and I look forward to meeting her. So if you want to chat Janet give me a shout. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Hi Renee, Just wanted to let you know we will be praying for your psych eval and other testing to go off without a hitch!! If they take you away in one of those pretty white jackets-we will all get together and try and help you accesorize, ok? LOL.... No, I just wanted you to know its normal to be anxious about it, but it will be okay and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Where are you going? Probably Joplin area, huh? Take care hon, and let us know how it goes. Love, Janet

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
Hi Jan,
I am a lurker too and need to get on the ball. Hi to everyone else out there, if you remember me, LOL
Re: to helping pain, don't know if it will help with his condition but....My physical therapist used Bio Freeze, in a tube, on my pain when she does massages etc. It does help reduce the pain but not all. ou can get it a Walgreens etc. It is like Bengay but the gel turns cold not hot. Goes right into the skin, not greasy and smell goes away in a couple of minutes.
Wish him luck for me, Hope it gives some relief.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com

Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Hello. Howdy. How are ya? Hope this post finds all of my peeps doing good. I know-two days in a row-right? Actually, I really didnt want to get off the couch, but I HAVE to get back to my routine-if it kills me. Ever since all this weight loss-it bothers me more mentally not to be productive than it used to when I was almost 450#, you know? Physically I COULDNT do it before and now that I can, I feel like I HAVE to....I have been sick for a month now-and I just dont get it. I take my vitamins, faithfully and I wear a jacket when its cold and I use hand sanitizer and all that jazz.....All I can think of-is all the steroid shots and stuff, did a job on my immune system and thats it. I just dont ever get sick like this-maybe once every 10 yrs, you know? Yesterday and today-the weather change is killing my osteoarthritis and degenerative joint and disc disease. Man, I just want to kick something...LOL...Just kidding, but you know what I mean-that pain that is so deep and intense and NOTHING helps it. I just hate that. I often wonder if we moved to Arizona or California-if it would help-lots of people tell me the climate change would help our bones and joints. The doc ofc clld yesterday and they are going to be doing some more labs tomorrow to check on them since they were way off in the emergency room. Not sure what they are checking for, and the new nurse, isnt as comforting as my old one thats on FMLA right now-thats for sure. LOL....I will survive though-just want all this over with and that gb out so I can enjoy the holidays with my family this year. Mel starts school today-GOOD LUCK MEL...Im excited for her. Have told her that she needs to make sure and take care of herself with 2 hernias and all-so that she doesnt end up missing school and all that! Jan-she is going for medical assistant, 18 month course. She is going to do what I did-OR she can actually work with the patients and do weight and blood pressure etc. She will be good at that. Im so happy for her. Told her that she will do fine and she will make lots of good friends and the time will fly by. At least I can help her study if she needs it ( I know I had to study my rear off-LOL) When I went back to school at 28, I crammed a 2 yr course into 9 months, went full time days and then part time nights and through the summer so that I wouldnt be poor any longer than I had to. Thats after Eric had left me and the girls and I didnt want to go on welfare or work at Mcdonalds. I got a court order for him to pay 200 a wee****il I was done with school and had a job. Since my house pmt was only 214 a month-I made it just fine. Not rich and no extras, but we made it. I did have to take out a student loan when my car broke down-but other than that, it was all good. Anyway-Im excited for Mel and I know she will do good. May have to go to lunch once in awhile to help her study with no interruptions-LOL.. My parents used to keep the girls for me a lot so I could study and what not. Please say prayers for Jon. He is still having a hard time. We are going to the doc tomorrow. I have been making his favorites for dinner and such and he just doesnt really have an appetite. He has been eating a lot of sf popsicles, which is alright and orange crystal light. No fever yet. Good thing there.
Also-I didnt know about Mels mom, Theresa, whom I adore-please pray for her. She is such a wonderful and loving woman and I am praying that they do not find any more cancer. Dang it. If Mel doesnt get on here to update everyone about her, I will. We appreciate the prayers. Well-a miracle happened here yesterday~ WE got our cold water line fixed FINALLY.....We have not had it since June! Only cold water we had was in our 2nd bathroom. So-everyone had to shower back there and any cold water for drinks etc-we had to buy bottled because the brita wouldnt fit on the bathroom faucet, and our water is gross. Well water and hate the taste-LOL...so anyway-it finally got fixed. I guess that would be because the owners will be here in 2 weeks and they didnt want to answer as to why we have been really good renters (leasers) and havent *****ed or complained and have been without for 6 months now. They also had a gentleman come out while I was in bed with pneumonia-and he gave them an estimate for insulation. He said that there is NO insulation in the attic or the walls anymore. So-that should help with our heating bills this year-I hope. We put 200 gallons in the propane tank and it was almost 400. Last year-we were paying 300 almost every 2 weeks. YIKES. This weekend Mike will be in Topeka or Wichita, cant remember which, for their big race. He doesnt have to pay, he is representing the Race Place and they are sponsoring him. Thats a good thing, and the only reason he got back into it. The race they just had a month ago-he won every class except one, and made top qualifier in every class. Im happy for him-and I am getting rid of the kids this weekend with their grandparents, except Jon, unless he is feeling better-and then I am going to start working on the yard and holiday decorations. My older kids, Megan and Aaron are going to help me get some of the stuff out of Mel and Terrys garage and help me set up the yard and what not. Cant wait to get all that done. Cant wait to see the owners. I saw Tim last year before surgery, with only the 44# weight loss!! **Jan-thanks for the prayers. It sure feels good to be missed, thats for sure. I am praying for all of you too, and pray for the grandbaby girl.. Hope she is good. Who all is coming to your house today for your thanksgiving? are you and Joe going anywhere thanksgiving day? I have a pr of sz 10 jeans for you. Black. They are either levis or gloria vanderbilt-something like that. Anyhow-I have that and 2 sweaters. One of my moms friends asked if I knew anyone they would fit and when I saw the sz-I was like YAY!!! SO-I will bring them to the group or send them with someone if I cant make it-OK? I cant wait to meet your friend, Renee. I will email her privately later today if I am up to it. I am still feeling a little tired easily, but trying to work and push through it. That little 9 yr old that was murdered, Rowan Ford, well-she lived fairly close to where I am. My SIL Aaron, wrestled against that pig that was her stepdad and murdered her. Aarons mom called Aaron and Megan because she knows Colleen-the mother. The mother had Rowan late in life-and the stepdad is much much younger than the mom. Everyone has been trying to figure out why they were together. She has 4 other children that are all grown and married etc!! Today-right across the street where Mike works, they will be bringing the 2 men into the courthouse and Mike works on copiers at the Sheriffs dept and such and they were saying that they are putting extra security on the square today. I say-dont. They have the men in solitary confinement, cant put them with the general population. I wish they would. They deserve what they are going to get-just like jeffery dahmer did. Aaron said that the stepdad was a freak in high school too. Always has been a drinker/druggie. I hate that the little girl suffered and I hope and pray that those men get whats coming to them. I cried when I heard about her-and for days when we heard her friends reading poems about her and so on. Dang it! No one deserves that. They actually (the sheriffs dept) wouldnt let the stepdad help with the search and rescue part of it. I think they knew from the beginning that he was guilty. I about puked when he was on tv blubbering saying how much he loved his stepdaughter. WHATEVER! The paper said they had been drinking, well, Im sorry-NO amount of alcohol OR drugs would make a person who is right in their mind do that to a child! I cant post what I would like to post about those men, all I can say is I sincerely hope that they get what is coming to them! **Renee-I will email you. Thanks for the support. It has been a really tough road, thats for sure. It sure gets tiring, doesnt it? I guess I had to overcome a lot of guilt and realize that I cant change her. I just have to deal with it and let it go. She is going to do what she wants and since I cant make her or control her as far as finishing school and what I would like for her out of her life-I just have to do the best I can, be supportive, as I can and move on. Are you going to go to the COF group this month? It would be sooooo great to meet you! You are out in the middle of nowhere-so am I...LOL....Love it-but sometimes it can stink when I cant just get somewhere in 5 minutes! Talk to you soon and thanks again!
**Traci-thanks for the prayers. Not afraid to admit that we need them. LOL.....I hope you feel better soon, as well. **Vesta-we are praying for you. I hope all goes well and please let someone know or have them post for you, so we know, ok? We love you. Please remember Sherrs mom, Leigh in prayer as well-she is having another surgery on her knee. Something happened, I dont quite understand the whole situation-but she has to have surgery again. Lets keep her in prayer too. Maybe I need to get in and do a prayer request post...Huh? Anyway-all my love and prayers to everyone. Take care, Janet