Hello all. Spent most of the day outside cleaning, pulling digging and the general gardening stuff. Transplanted a fairly large tree, now that was a lot of work. Was a crab apple that I planted last year and it is getting to big for the area I had it in. It was already 7 ft tall and just not going to work where it was. First I had to dig the hole it was going to go in and that took about 3 hours of steady work with the pick and shovel. Hoping that all that work like that will eventually get my arms tightened up some lol. But since I have been doing a lot of that all summer with no luck in the tightening part I don’t think it will help much. I am stronger than I was but still have that loose skin on my arms.
In the morning I have to be at outpatient by 8:00am to have some lab work done in prep for my surgery on the 4th.
So no eating until after that is done. I am making me a protein shake to take with me as I will be pretty shaky by then I know.
I felt a lot better today than yesterday, I had my protein shake as usual and then tried to eat some lunch later but all I could manage was some chicken broth. My stomach started rolling when I tried to eat some tuna. So didn’t get that down. Sometimes I think maybe I just am not suppose to eat food again lol. Seems like when I eat real food I have stomach problems. If I eat protein shakes and protein bars I don’t have a problem. What would be the cause of that? Doesn’t make a lot of sense. And the things that I can eat are things that aren’t easy on the stomach so don’t understand. Like really spicy chili, or anything that is loaded with peppers and spice. Try eating a grilled piece of fish, chicken or anything and my stomach goes nuts. Well not nuts I cant eat those either lol
Anyway it isnt gall bladder since I don’t have one. And it doesn’t give me pain anyway. Just diarrhea and loads and loads of gas. Will take 4 to 5 gas x to calm it down some.
Since I ate some food last night at the Deer hunters supper, I have had diarrhea today and tonight has been really bad. So (ole timers ) what is your diagnosis?
TRACI: when I get my b-12 they give me a vial that will last about 3 months with giving my self a shot 2x a month. I had to have my doctor to call them tho so they would give it to me more often.
Yeah I know that fat will make me sick but not sure about sugar since I haven’t tried that,other than licking my fingers after cutting a cat or something like that. I dumped on sugar before I ever had surgery so I am sure that I will now. But im not going to check it out to see. And don’t worry I get my protein in and all of my supplements in and water in so I am healthy according to my labs. It is time to do them all again tho.
RENEE: so glad you and your girls had a good trip to
Yeah isnt Ha Ha tonka pretty ? I have got some beautiful pictures there. Would love to go back up there and use that as background and have some really good pictures of Joe and I made there. Especially now that im not as big as I was.
Sounds like a really good idea in keeping a 50 pound fawn colored dog in the house. What kind of dog is it? I use to know a girl that had two fawn colored great danes and during deer season she put orange coats and hoods on them when they had to go our lol they looked sort of funny but where we lived was at the edge of the government hunting ground that was really overran with hunters.
BARBARA: who knows what it was that made me sick but that is one reason that I don’t really enjoy eating out anymore, you just never know what they put in things to make it.
Hey maybe Joe should come up and hunt with your hubby and kids. He sure doesn’t have much luck it seems. Bless his heart, he really wants to get one but just cant go out and stay as long as he needs to I think is one thing. He cant sit still , he gets to hurting too badly he has a handicap deal that says he can shoot from his 4 wheeler but that involves loading it and unloading it and that is a hard thing to do too unless he hunts right here around the house and he said he was a little afraid to do that , too many houses and people .
SHEILA: did you have any better luck with the new protein powder? IF you like the one i and several others use when you come to the meeting you need to go to food 4 less and get you a jug of it. To me it is the best but then there are others that don’t like it at all. Like my sister she drinks Isopure the liquids that are already mixed up , you might like that better.
We have got to figure this out and get you a protein supplement that you like and can take.
I don’t know about the exercise, he released you for all exercise all ready? Just what ever you do take it slow and if it feels like you are too early back off until you feel like it is right.
BOBBY JO: sure seems like so many new post ops are having trouble with their protein shakes. What kind are you doing? You may need to switch around some. I was doing soy protein before surgery and after surgery I couldn’t stand it. So started on the “ON” 100%Whey Gold Standard Protein Powder. I use vanilla and then doctor it up with frozen strawberries 6 oz milk , 6 oz of strawberry flavored water and about ¼ cup of splenda put in blender and makes a delicious smoothie. Oh don’t put the scoop of protein powder in until you have everything else blended well then hit the button about 3 to 4 times to just stir the P.P. in well , if you blend the P.P. too much it will become foamy.
I use the vanilla flavored P.P. and that way I can get as creative as I want too.
SHANNON: Congratulations on your new jeans being baggy lol and I can feel for you about the new bras , I don’t think I can go much lower and have anything at all left to even roll up lol I wear a 36B now and that is only because I do roll up the skin and stuff it in there lol
Sometimes when the scale isnt moving for awhile it is just because the body is adjusting itself. Measuring is such a good way to keep you from getting upset with the scales.
When im at a certain spot too long I up the exercise or water or try to up the protein more. Sometimes it is one sometimes two things and sometimes it is all three.
It will keep going down just hang in there. You aren’t done yet I know.

Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I felt kind of out of it Saturday and yesterday but pushed on and got some work done and walked at the mall. Been reading more about rheumatoid arthritis and some of my symptoms really make more sense now. I keep forgetting that it is a body-wide disease, not just my joints.
Everyone is doing/looking so great. This is an awesome tool we've been given - let's never take it for granted. I get most of my protein from regular food but do one bullet a day to be sure. I can't say that I think they taste "good" but they are such a small volume that I can just get it down in a few swallows and be done with it. I don't have one year labs until December and am anxious to see how I'm doing. All previous labs have been very good. Did have B12 checked a couple of months ago and it was excellent.
I am so excited for Thanksgiving. I love turkey and the thought of fresh roasted hot turkey bird is wonderful. I can't wait!!! And, I don't have to cook it - DD is in charge.
I am sending a fax today to my PCP telling him that the cortisone shots worked on my left shoulder but not my right and asking what the next step might be. I don't want to take the time off work to go to physical therapy and frankly don't think it will work for me. I just want the pain to be controlled until summer - that seems to take care of it for me. He mentioned Prednisone but I've been on steroids before and really don't like to start that again. It's a bumpy road and I know he's trying.
Hugs and prayers to all of you.