Joe didn’t get a deer. They all survived his hunting. Lol. Today I stayed inside until about 3 this afternoon before I felt like getting out of my jimmies. What ever it was I did last night, dumped or what ever it was still hanging on today, all I wanted to do was sleep. About the only thing I ate was my protein shake this morning and later in the day a piece of cheese and 2 crackers. Did get all my water in but that was about it.
I made my self go the the fire depts. Deer hunters supper tonight, Is always a good amount of neighbors to see and visit with, a lot of them the only time we see them is at this event.
The money taken in from it and the raffle are all used to help pay for expenses for the fire department. So it is for a good cause. I paid for a meal of grilled chicken, a spoon full of green beans and about a fourth of a cup of pinto beans I did manage to eat about ¼ of the chicken breast and I fed the beans all to my great granddaughter. She loved them. They tasted good but was just too much.
SHEILA: well did your hubby notice that you had lost some weight?
Im sorry to hear that your not tolerating your protein too well.
Be sure and come to the meeting this month everyone is bringing samples of actural protein drinks that they make and little cups so everyone can taste and see if there is something they really like. So you want to be there for that so you can see if there is something better for you.
The getting in your protein isnt an option , it is a necessaity and you have to do it some way or the other. Some people are able to eat enough to get in enough protein, I cant so my protein shakes are very very important to me.
Do you still have your gall bladder? Or you think you might have an ulcer. You need to call Dr. H. and ask him what could be causing you to do that with your shake.
TRACI: yeah I have come to the conclusion that it had to be dumping but I don’t know on what. I have eaten everything that was on that plate before, the cheese sauce and all
The only thing I can think might have been different was what ever grease they use to grill the tostado in or on . I just cant figure out what it was. But what ever I don’t want it anymore.
VESTA: hey year Vesta, I will run you a foot race when I get both of my knees fixed and well, I hope it don’t take too awfully long before they are working good.
BARBARA: can you dump on something when you have eaten it before and it hasn’t hurt you?
I already have a lot of my Christmas shopping done, That is a really good thing since I may not be able to do much shopping after the 4th and knee surgery. Guess I will do the rest of it online. That is much easier any way.
CHIP: wow not much longer is it? Yeah I would imagine that the liquid diet would be really hard to do before surgery, I didn’t have to do that and really admire you all that do it without problems.
Take care of yourself. Yeah all sorts of emotions and thoughts run thru your mind while waiting for wls. What you are going thur is normal and most all of us when thru it too.
We are all here praying for you and im sure that you will be fine.
BOBBY JO: well wont be long before you have to buy some new jeans if it looks like that on you. Lol.
I think you are doing wonderfully well. You may very well be down to 250 by Christmas, you just never know.
The physical work will probably be a big help for you and your emotions. Don’t worry about being a crier. It will all level off after a little while. Ok?
I got an email from Tammy V, stating that she had canceled her surgery for this coming Monday. She had quite a few problems after her gall bladder surgery so is a little reluctuant for another surgery right now. But did say that she will probably be having it in January or Feb. We will keep your spot on the bench warm for you Tammy. Hang in there.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good morning everyone.... The trip to Jeff. City went good. It felt like I was finally getting the ball rolling in the right direction, and after getting my packet I know what else I have to get done. I knew there would be alot of test to complete, but WHEW they really put you through the ringer huh. It's all cool though, because I know it's all for the best, and will all be soooooo worth it. The trip alone was alot of fun with my girl's and Gary (my new rode trip buddy lol). I haven't laughed that much in awhile. We stopped at Ha Ha Tonka State Park ( in Camdenton), and checked out the castle ruins, OMG it was so beautiful. I want ot go back there (when I'm in better shape) and spend the day on the trail's, and taking picture's. I love rode trip's when your are able to find spot's like this. Not much planned today except relaxing from the trip, and getting a little housework done. The laundry at my house has a mind of it's own at times.LOL Jan I'm so sorry your feeling bad, I hope you get over this soon. Tell poor Joe so sorry for not getting his deer, hopefully he will have better luck next time he goes. We have been keeping Tiff's baby (she's about a 50 lb fawn colored puppy LOL) in the house as much as possible. You never know who's hunting in the wood's behind us or how trigger happy they are. It's fine if you give her my email [email protected], her or her daughter can talk to me or Tiff. Chip good luck with your surgery and your liquid diet. I'm sure that it's hard and that it sucks big time, but so worth it when it's over with. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
good morning Jan.... i know the protein isnt a option thats why i needed to know what was wrong...im gonna try a 1/2 cup at a time and see how that goes...as im not allowed to eat yet, just cottage cheese, oatmeal,s/f pudding which for some reason i dont want and mashed pot. and Yes my hubby noticed i was losing weight hahahaha
and YES i plan to be at meeting, that is cool i need a new protein shake..i did like the sample u gave me a few months ago and forgot to ask what it was.. its so BEAUTIFUL out this am...how long did u all wait to start doing ab lounger chair??? he said i was free to exercise after monday which will be 17 days after surgery but i dont wanna pu**** but am ready to get started.. im gonna go try the shake again as i havent tried it in 2 days... have a GREAT sunday all my friends
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334