Today starts deer season, all sorts of hunters seen yesterday evening in our area. Will be lots of guns going off tomorrow morning because the deer are thick around here. Sure hope Joe gets us one. I love the tenderloin especially and deer is extremely high in protein , no fat, no carbs. Just pure protein.
Tonight is the deer hunters supper that the fire dept. here in Cedarcreek have been putting on for 50 years now. Quite a tradition. They sell raffle tickets for some really nice prices, like a new .22 rifle, is the main prize. Don’t know what else don’t remember. Last year Joe and I won a complete Christmas decorating prize. Tree, lights, bulbs, wreaths, and outside decorations too.
I think I dumped yesterday, we had lunch in a Mexican rest and I had Quesada’s only ate about half of it but it must have been too much or something wrong cause I started getting real hot and sweaty feeling, weak and sleepy. Didn’t get nauseated or anything like that but felt like my head just wouldn’t hold up on my shoulders. When we got to the truck I just more or less passed out asleep. Kept trying to stay awake but just couldn’t.
Don’t know what caused it unless too many carbs and not enough protein. Guess that could be it. I finally went to bed about 7pm and slept about 3 hours and felt a little better but still didn’t feel great. But as I was up got to feeling better, after drinking aboutu 20oz of water. Just a weird feeling.
Sure sad about the little 9 year old girl that they found dead wasn’t it? I don’t think the step dad is completely innocent on that deal? What do you all think? Has told conflicting stories . Just sad what people do to others isnt it? Such evil in this world.
TRACI: So glad that you are getting so much energy, I usually do have too but my knees stop me from being as active as I would like to be. Wow when I get them fixed no telling what all I will be able to accomplish.
Our church a here while back did a weekly study on the Dave Ramseys debt free living. Really a good way to live. We have it all down to just our house now. Would love to get that one done too but will take awhile.
VESTA: my first knee surgery will be Dec 4th. Thanks I will need all of you praying for me , will appreciate it that is for sure.
You sure are facing a lot of things going on with your health….I know it will all be resolved tho and you will be healthy again.
RENEE: hope you have a great day today with the seminar. I don’t know how all of it works at the place you are going so cant give you any advice about it. Just enjoy the day with your girls.
That is nice that your girls sang for the vets. Im sure they have beautiful voices.
With the RNY surgery it is hard to take too much pain meds as it will irritate the stomach. And besides it really causes constipation too. No I will get them fixed and then they wont hurt like this. I can stand it till then.
I will tell this lady about you and your daughter and if they want to get in touch with you they can, is that ok? Yes sometimes it really helps with kids to be able to talk to someone closer to their own age. About stuff.
LANA: so sorry that you were so cold in that meeting. I know how you feel, I get that way sometimes and nothing will warm me up . Even getting in bed and under covers I have a hard time getting warm sometimes.
Yes I got that email too today about getting the gall bladder our . That can cause some of the pain even in her back. When it gets too bad it will cause pain everywhere. I know it probably has been a lot of her problems for a long long time. When we lose weight this fast and this much it messes with the gall bladder badly. Im glad I already had mine out years ago. Lol
Im glad that John got himself weaned off the nasal spray. That is a pretty hard addiction (rebound) to get over. The saline spray was a good idea that helps and so will the vaporizer.
Hope your new mattress will help with the back pain. Didn’t know Cosco sold mattresses, Ive never been in one of their stores evidently they sell anything.
Have a great weekend to you too will see you on Monday.
JANE: yippee!!!! See we all told you , you could and would do it. Amazing isnt it?
CHIPSTER: hey not much longer till your surgery, a couple of weeks huh? How are things going for you?

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com

Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!