Worked tonight nothing exciting except we have a new administrator, don’t know why or when or how just know there is someone new to have to understand now. Our old administrator was really laid back this lady seems to be right on top of things.
My knees are really hurting me almost non stop , even with taking ultram and Tylenol every few hours. Not even the edge is being knocked off. Nothing. Just will be glad when I have the knee surgery. And get past this kind of pain. I know there will be pain but it will be different in the fact that I will know that if I work thru it that the pain will eventually stop. Without the surgery no such deal. Just more pain.
Didn’t hear from Janet today. Hopefully she is getting better. I heard from her the other day and I thought she was getting better but I guess not. Tammy heard anything?
Melissa how about you , have you heard from her….
For all who asked and who are praying for me thank you…I will let you all know about the stress test. But I don’t look for trouble at all. The doctor that read my EKG said the areas that he saw could be explained from rhe wrong things being eaten
TRACI: Sounds like the iron infusion must have workd since you are being so full of energy. Actions speak louder than words. And yours are yelling.
SHEILA: that is a good thing to do winterizing your house , hopefully that will save you a lot of money in gas or elect which ever you use to heat with this winter. Hopefully we wont have the winter like we did last year.
What I meant to say about the yahoo mail is go to control panel and find the thing that says display, go to settings and move the bar over about half way and then you will be able to read your yahoo mail. Don’t know what they have done that you have to do this but my granddaughter told me about it.
Tell Ririe hello from all of us. He is going to start seeing a different woman soon. Lol .
VESTA: GOOD GRIEF WOMAN!!!! But you got all the prayer warriors on here praying for you from lip to knees. Instead of head to toe lol On the knee it will be the laproscopic knee surgery? Sure wish that is all with mine would be better than total knees.
BRENDA: love the picture of you and Dennis. That is a good one. Get you some cuddle duds and you wont have to stay under a blanket this winter.
Im glad your toes are better. Take care .
RENEE: Im glad that the sleep study went well. Tell Tiff I know of a young girl that does what she use to do maybe I can get her to email you. Ok? Would that be ok? Hopefully it will help her . And yes she is right the best counselors are the ones that have been there done that. I hope her dreams come true.
BEV: Yes I have read that if you have small dogs or small children t put the Christmas tree in a playpen. You can probably find one really cheap at a antique store or resale shops or something. Another thing is get a small tree and put it up on a card table in the corner.
Wonder why you don’t have the results of the stress test? My doctor said the results would be available the next day.
CONNIE: wont be too much longer till your surgery now will it. Have you gotten everything ready? Lol I know you have. Thanks for worrying about me but I will be ok no need to worry. Just pray that there isnt anything to worry about. Wow job hunting already? That is amazing . Jan Cook
NUTTI: I know you are anxious to know your weight. You have a lot of will power to not be trying to find out. But this way it will be a good surprise.
I am getting out my Christmas décor and putting it up this week end. I don’t have to work so we are going to put up Christmas because with my knee surgery on the 4th I wont be able to do it afterwards that is for sure.
Glad you doctors are enjoying all of your successes. Hopefully you will get to the meeting on the 26st we have missed you…

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good morning everyone. I'm trying to take it easy today so I'll be well rested for my trip in the morning, we will be leaving around 5am so we can get there in plenty of time. I'm so excited about finally getting the seminar behind me. My doctor gave me my referral letter yesterday so hopefully I can get all my paperwork turned in right then. (I'm hoping it work's that way) The girl's are going with me, so hopefully we can turn it into a nice little day trip afterward's. It will be a nice break to get away for alittle while. The only thing planned for the day is going to school to watch Tiff sing for the Vet's. I was worried that I would miss this each year after Kala was out of high school, but Tiff is singing this year. We all need to stop and remember just what our Vet's have done for us, and honor them, and the school's do such a wonderful job at doing so at their ceremonies. Jan I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. You may have to do like I did and get a stronger pain med. I just take a half one of mine, and if that doesn't do the trick take the other half. It's terrible having to live in so much pain. I'm sure Tiff would love to talk to her. Sometime's it take's talking to someone your age that has been through it. Just knowing someone else understand's help's. Tiff has different's thing's to do beside's cut (using a rubberband and ice), and it made a huge difference in her recovery. So sure if she will email me I can give it to Tiff or forward it to her email. Bev I know what your going through with the tree. I plan on getting a smaller tree this tear and putting it on a table. Peanut has never messed with our tree unless we put candy or popcorn on it (Yes, Jan she still beg's for human food.LOL), but Tiff's new puppy Frito is still in the puppy stage and I'm worried she will have the tree from one end of the house to the other. Have you thought about putting your tree in a corner of the room and putting like the children's safty gate around it. That might help. You can usually pick up a playpen at a thrift store pretty cheap, I gave $8 for mine and it was like brand new. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and enjoy's the sunshine.

I sure missed everyone yesterday. I had a training all day on Dynamic Communication and couldn't get to email at all. I swear I'm getting me an IPhone after the next version comes out so I can email from anywhere!!! The class was good but really big. Seemed a little more for supervisors but I did learn some techniques. I didn't wear my Cuddle Duds because I was afraid the room would be too warm (in another building, not mine) and I nearly froze to death. I sat there for 8 hours with my legs wrapped around each other and my arms crossed and hands tucked into armpits. Every once in awhile I had to go to the restroom and run ho****er over my hands. John said I should have complained but most everyone else seemed OK.
Vesta, you are a walking disaster right now. Glad these are all things that can be taken care of with surgery. You will be as good as new soon!!!
I had an email from Janet and she's going to have to have her gallbladder out. I think that may have been the problem for her for some time now that I think of it. Isn't hindsight wonderful???
My shoulder (right) is some better but the pain is really returning quite a bit. It annoys me because I hate for anything to slow me down. Since losing weight I have so much more energy and want to go go go and the pain makes me irritated!!!
John did get himself weaned off the nasal spray. He was just miserable for about 4 days and nights but he was determined to stop using it and he has. He just uses saline spray now to keep his nasal passages moist but he's going to be getting a vaporizer for our bedroom and that will keep him more moist. Winter is hard when the furnace starts to run. He also ordered us a new mattress and box springs. We have been suspicious that ours, even though it's not really old, was causing us to have more back pain. It really did not perform well. It's only about 4-5 years old. He ordered the new set from COSTCO and it may take 4 weeks to be delivered. I figure it will come just about the time we are ready to leave for Christmas!!!???!!!
I am not putting up my big tree this year since we aren't going to be home but will put up the smaller one in John's office and decorations in other rooms. Our tree is 10 or 12 feet tall and just too much to decorate if we aren't going to be there. Stacy will have a tree at her house and John's son has our old tree and John is going to make him put it up in Las Vegas. John's daughter, Shannon, is coming to Las Vegas to Tim's house and Sean will be there too so all of his kids will be together. I'm so glad for him.
Wednesday is DH's birthday and I'm stumped for a gift. I am not getting a cake - getting him some chocolate chip cookies - he loves them, I don't!!! I think I'll get him a good book - we both love to read so I can use the gift too!!!
Guess I better get to work - or fix my lunch - whatever!!!
Hope all of you have a good weekend. You know I rarely can get posting done on the weekend so I'll see you Monday.
Hugs and much love,