Pre-op tips? (diet, supplements, exercise, etc.)
I'm not post-op I too am pre-op but I will tell you what I was told about preparing for surgery.
If you drink pop get off of it because you can't have caffeine after surgery.
I was told that if you load up on protein then you heal better and faster so drink your protein shakes.
I was also told to take Biotin to help reduce hair loss.
Start taking your vitamins now such as a multi with iron, B-1, and Biotin.
Exercising is good will build up your muscle tone and also help with healing.
Hope this helps and maybe some of the folks that have already gone through this can give you more ideas? Good luck to you and keep posting.
Hi Melissa!
I had my surgery on 10/15. Here are the things I really would have started earlier had I known what I know now...
Start learning to eat small, small bites. Use a baby spoon for practice.
Chew, chew, chew. We really don't think about hou few chews we apply before swallowing our food before surgery. The one time I've thrown up since surgery was due to not chewing a piece of soft cheese enough before swallowing. This has been a really tough adjustment.
Quit Caffeine (I had to quit in the hospital. Thank goodness for morphine!)
Stop eating meals with liquids. Not drinking during meals is tougher than I thought it would be.
Find a protein supplement you can stomach ahead of time.
Good luck with everything. February will be here before you know it and you are taking a great approach by physically trying to prepare ahead of time.