Well since Traci is the only one *****sponded to my post yesterday dont know what that was all about. lol..oh well ...I went to Sugars this afternoon and then we went to the new group support meeting. It was really great. We decided on a name of A.N.G.E.L.s. it means something but i forgot what lol Good talking to all of you girls tonight. cant wait now till the cof meeting on the 26th now we have more than one meeting a month that we can go to. Sugar and i are going to go exercise in the morning and then we are going to go shopping to see if we can find something. think we can? I will have to get back home before tomorrow night but hope to talk to all of you again then. so i can tell you all all the neat stuff i found to buy. Janet i hope you are getting better. all of you that are sick or what ever i hope you all are going to be fine. remember i love all of you and pray for all of you daily... HUGS AND BLESSINGS JAN
It seem's like I have a million and one thing's to do tomorrow. Some friend's of mine are taking my daughter's car to change the oil, and the plug's and wires. Said they wanted to make sure everything was good before we leave for Jeff City, and of course before winter kicks in. And then I'm off to get all the weekly shopping done that I put off today. (I'm not a big shopper) I'm so not looking forward to the cold that's sitting in tonight (thinking summer ended to soon). I'm such a spring and summer person. I love watching everything come back to life in the spring. Jan... I'm so glad you had a good time at the meeting tonight, I can hardly wait until the 26th, I will also be bring a couple other girl's with me. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and getting to know them.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com

Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
It was so good to see you and Sugar AND everyone at the Angels group last night. I love having more groups to choose from. I need all the support I can get.
Didn't sleep worth a darn last night - from 10:30 til 4:00 is all. I think we're ALL messed up by the time change. I remember my folks complaining about daylight savings time so much and I couldn't see what the big deal was. Now that I'm older I understand. I do love leaving for work with the sun higher in the sky.
Everyone here at work is complaining of upset stomach today - think we may be passing around a bug.
Adam and Stacy were in St. Louis yesterday for his follow up appointment at Shriner's. His short leg has caught up 1/2 inch since his surgery so it's now only 1" shorter. That means they are getting the desired result.
He goes back in three months to check again. Please remember him in prayers always. He's had lots of foot/leg problems in his 13 years.
So glad that Layla is on the losing side. I can hardly keep up with all the surgeries - in fact, I can't.
Gotta run - lots to do.

Hi MO board! I hope everyone is doing good.
I am on my 6th day of not smoking, & I really want a cigarette.... I know, I am keeping my eyes on the Prize. 35 days until pre-op class then I'll have my surgery date... So will Angela T. So I am trying to hang on.
Really chilly here today, & supposed to be 24 tonight. I love fall, & even winter. I'm a CA transplant so I love seeing the seasons change. The only thing I really don't like is the humid summers, but at least there is AC. I wonder if I'll feel differently after I lose weight. I am always hot now.(and not in a good way).
Well have a good Day/night!