Long overdue update....
Hey everyone! I miss you guys so much, but I can't even begin to tell you how crazy my life has been lately.
I think I'll divide it up into sections to make it easier to read....and that way you can just read the sections you care about and skip over the rest :-)
Well, we have officially had 1 test in our Pharmacology nursing class....the class is absolutely INSANE!!! There are like a MILLION medicines out there that we have to know something about....well, mostly we have to know about the categories (such as Blood Pressure meds, etc)...but still! Our next test is going to be the day AFTER Thanksgiving Break...which sucks royally because that means we'll be studying all through break and not enjoying it *pouts* No fair....but, only a year and a half to go with this portion of nursing school....I can wait...right?!? I'm not doing quite as well as I'd like to in this part of my class....so I've got to just step things up and get my rear in gear!!
I've also registered for next semesters classes already, and I've got quite a doozy of a schedule waiting for me come January. Ugh! It's only 18 hours....but the problem is...it's 18 hours!! That should be interesting....that also poses a problem for working....but that will be in the work section of my commentary on my life....
Weight Loss
I weighed this morning and I'm officially at 169!!! YAHOOOO!!!!! That means I am 72 lbs down in just under 4 months....my 4 month anniversary is next Friday....yay for that too! A huge WOW for me right now is the fact that like all of my stinkin' clothes are falling off of me! It's great! I'm in size Medium clothes...something I've NEVER in my life seen on an item of my clothing is a M. Also, another wonderful WOW for me is the fact that I haven't gotten sick and thrown up in over TWO weeks (knock on wood)! For a month or so I was getting sick 2+ times a week....that was no fun....but I think I've gotten things all worked out with how I need to be eating! :-) My last lab work was normal, even my protein levels were good....I have more labwork with my PCP at the end of this week and then during Thanksgiving Break I'm having my official 3 month checkup with my surgeon.
Work is going very well for me, I've met some GREAT people there...they are so wonderful. I've been talking to some of them outside of work, and we even went bowling on Saturday night together! It was really awesome to see them and spend time with them in a different setting....everyone looks sooo different in their normal clothes without a work uniform! hehe The problem is coming up next semester, with 18 hrs and classes that are getting progressively harder is that I really can't afford to work....so I'm gonna have to figure out something to do with that....I'd like to try and work at least twice a month if I can, just to stay on the payroll and stuff so I'll have a guaranteed summer job in case I can't find something else....altho I'm not really anticipating any difficulties finding summer work.
Jon and I are doing amazingly! We haven't had a whole lot of time together recently so he asked me if we could go on a date together on Sunday night :-) He's so sweet.....so we went out Saturday: ate at TGI Fridays, then went bowling with my friends from work. Then, Sunday we went on our date: we ate at a new Italian/Medditeranean place (it sucked) and then we went to WalMart for some neccesities, and then went to a video game store so he could use his giftcard he received on his birthday in Oct. We got 2 really cool games for our PS2, and we've already started trying them out!! :-D We are also beginning to make plans for getting married in Vegas in May when school lets out....that's very exciting :-)
Hmm....well I think I've covered the major avenues of my life so far so I should go and stop boring ya'll :-)
I love you all!! Now, tell me what's new for you! What have I missed?
Okay - I dub you officially BUSY! Girl - I'm exhausted just reading your update.
Congrats on the weight loss and poor you with the clothes falling off. As consolation, I give you permission to go CLOTHES SHOPPING!!!
I hit the Goodwill store, resale shops and garage sales (still do) to get great deals during that rapid weight loss phase and kept just a few things that fit at that time. Ya gotta have something to wear, right?!
Good for you on the school thing too.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
LOL yeah...busy is something for sure that I am. That's why I hardly am EVER on OH anymore....though I miss it and everyone soooooo much!
Thank you so much....I've gotten a few things at the Goodwill....but mostly just trying to wait before I buy too much....though I do have some gift cards that I'm just itching to use :-D I'll try to hold off a bit longer though :-(
How's everything going for you?
Thanks so much :-) You are right...it is the pits right now....but that's okay I'm working on it.... I have been trying really hard with my weight loss...sure, I mess up every now and then....but who doesn't!?! Someday I'll look as good as you do ;-) you are a total skinny minny....
I miss you guys soooo much, and I miss OH like crazy as well!
lots of love