University of Missouri
I'm going to my seminar this coming weekend, and I would like to know what ya'll think of MU, the staff and doctor's there? I haven't really set my mind on any one doctor yet (I'm strongly thinking about Roger de la torre), but I would like to have one that will take the time to talk to me, and put me at ease especially since I will be coming from so far away. Any info would be great. Thanks.

I had Dr. Ramaswamy there at the University of Missouri. She is with Missour Bariatrics. I really liked Dr. Ramaswamy, but her staff (schedulers) are not really on top of things. It takes ENTIRELY too long to get a call back. Her nurse assistant, Amy, is cool. I like Jennifer (the dietician). She is a sweetie. I don't know about Dr. Roger de la Torre. I have heard a lot of good things on here about him though. I hope I have been somewhat of a help.
Cheryl :)
I met Dr. Ramaswamy at the seminar. She seemed really nice. When I got approval, i chose which ever Dr. was available first and I got Dr. Scott. He is leaving Mo Bariatrics. I met Dr. De La Torre at my pre-op class and he seemed nice as well. I have also heard good things about Dr. Fearing (she went to school at my Alma Mater, it would have been nice to have met her)
The non-medical staff, except for Jennifer, the two Amys, and new Leslie, suck. Scheduling and insurance and paper work people just are not responsive to phone calls and requests for information and updates.
If you can arrange it, go with a different location. If not, be tenatious, persistant, and patient at the same time...
Good Luck
I can say nothing but good things about Dr. De La Torre. Back on Feb. 24th is when I went to my seminar through MO Bariatrics. I had my surgery June 18th. So 4 months it took me. About two months of pre surgery testing and getting stuff my insurance wanted together then a month for insurance approval and then another month before I could be schaduled for surgery.
Seems to be some issues with there office staff these days form what I hear on here and I was reschaduled twice for my three month post op appointment. They have a new surgeon in there to see all there post ops and some new offcie staff I know. I hope they get there stuff together because they have some awesome surgeons there.
My hospital room was very small, too small. My nursing staff at the hospital were good none the less and I was able to get rid of my psyco room mate with no problem. See my profile and check out my June entrys from my hospital experiance.
Email works best to get in tough with Mo Bariatrics. I email Natalie and Jenn a lot to get stuff moving.
Grace & Peace,
I was just there with a friend for an appointment and spoke with some of the office people. Apparently they have had alot of staff leave and new staff start. I was told that the "temps" were answering the phones and that they were going through a ton of changes. They said the phone system just changed too. I was nervous about the office when I read all of the posts about this Columbia office, especially when I heard that Dr. Scott was leaving. I met the new office manager there when I was waiting and asked him some questions about what was going on. He was really nice and seemed truly concerned. He told us that he had weight loss surgery through the columbia office and was really working to improve things. I guess time will tell but I do know that he called my friend at home to follow up with things, so it looks like he is a man of his word.