Last night we met Becky and Paul , her husband in Ozark at Lamberts, we really had a good time and talked talked and talked some more. I took her a big package of seeds of all kinds of flowers seeds, mostly pink in color ,she loves pink. She brought me the prettiest flower pot that she had painted and full of purple flowers. So pretty Thank you Bec. Love it , I put in in my living room for right now.
Went to wal-mart and there is so much Christmas stuff out already,. Made me want to do some Christmas shopping. Lol. Well I did some any way. You know the new Eagles CD?
I bought 3 of them for different people on my list lol
Hope it is as good as the old ones were.
Oh boy Joe had to just make me get out of there. They had their large mums on sale for 3.50 apiece I got 2 great big purple button ones. Think I will put them on the porch for awhile .
TRACI: I have always liked winter too but don’t know about this year. I thought last year I got cold but I am already wearing sweaters and jackets even in stores. Never before surgery did I wear a sweater unless I was going to be outside in the cold weather. Last night at supper I wore a red long sleeved sweater to the restaurant and it felt really good so don’t know how much I will freeze this winter. Lol
I am so glad that you are feeling better after your iron infusion. Do you have to have another one done or what? If so how often? Hope the next one doesn’t make you itch. Lol
TINA: glad your trip went well and hope your new fill will do the trick.
BOBBY JO: well if you didn’t live so far away I would come and make you some chicken soup. That is suppose to be good for a cold isnt it? It sounds like your immune system has gotten down and cant get back up. Go to the drug store and buy you some Echinacea and take about 4 of them a day until you start getting better then cut back to two a day. I take 2 a day and have for about 4 years and haven’t had a cold or flu or bronchitis at all since I have been taking it. If I start to feel a little sneezy or something I up it to 4 a day again for a day and it is all over with. I swear by them.
BEV: so glad that you are feeling better and not eating everything . Will keep praying that your dad will be ok and that they wont find anything wrong with his heart.
Hey another person that has started her Christmas shopping too huh? I really have about half of mine done already. I have two of those large plastic tubs full of Christmas presents already bought.
Get that protein in your body needs it to stay well.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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