Jan C.
on 10/30/07 2:56 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

We just got home have been gone since about 6am this morning. We helped my brother and his new wife move her things to his home. She also has a huge truck load of yard furuniture and plants. We had a 6x12 covered trailer that was flled to the brim with flowers. She and I dug and dug bushes, plants and bulbs. Till we were worn out and could have dug more and more.

She gave me about half of what we dug up. If I would have had to buy them as big as they are would have been several hundred dollars worth of plants. Things from surprise lilies to a 6 ft tall crepe myrtle. Lol. We didn’t leave many things in that yard that is for sure. They were all hers and she had been living there for about 12 years. So she had a lot.


I am going to have Joe to take my picture when I go to work tomorrow. I am dressing up since it is Halloween . Im nothing really but silly that is all. I mean im not a witch or anything  am wearing a pair of black capris, with long orange Halloween decorated socks, and a orange t shirt that has a witch on it. Then my Halloween earings and a head piece that has spiders on springs on the top. Lol

The residents should all get a kick out of it. I counted on the schedule last night and there are 12 aides and nurses going to be there tomorrow night not counting myself. I have made all of them little trick or treat bags with candy in them plus other little gifts.


Has no one still not heard anything from Janet and Melissa? I am really worried about the two of them.



NUTTI: Boo!!!! I bet you all are having loads of fun with the haunted house tonight aren’t you? Have you had lots of people there so far? Wish I could come over and see it but don’t guess there is any way.


Have you talked to Janet and or Melissa?


Yes I am axious to see and hear all about your nights tonight and tomorrow.




TRACI: yes im sure that knee replacement will not feel good for awhile. but I have read all about it all and I have seen and been practicing all the rehab that I will have to do , right now I am doing some special exercise that are suppose to strengthen the muscles in the top of my thigh so I will have more strength to use them to help make my leg move afterwards. This surgeon too doesn’t put you to sleep , he uses a spinal. I told him hey neat I can sit and watch you do all of this. He looked at me like he thought I was nuts. Lol

They probably give you something in your iv to really relax you tho. Lol


Did you check with your doctor to see if the iron infusion can cause the rash you are talking about? Sounds a little weird but as a nurse I know that anything can cause a reaction to someone at any time. Nothing if you put it in your body is completely safe.


DARRAH: oh sweetie sometimes those babies can really try our soles cant they. But I know you are like everyone else and wouldn’t take a couple of million for her , even on her bad days.

Don’t blink because if you do she will be grown and you will have grandbabies. Life does go on . I know , I remember how you are feeling. So does any other woman that has ever been a mother. So reach out  there are a lot of us out there , that have either presently done that or in the past have done that. If you need a big hug (((((hug)))))) there you are.



SHEILA: hey my beautiful friend that just got to the losers bench. So does it thrill you as much as you thought it would to finally be here? Crushing the meds is a pain in the butt isnt it. I chew what I could and the ones that had to be crushed I just put them in a glass and poured warm water over them and melted them , if it was a capsule just open it up and put the contents in the glass or s.f. jello or something like that.

How are you doing on your water? Sip sip sip sip

Take care and if you have any questions. Give a holler.




LANA: yes it is really amazing about the fluids, this makes the second time that this has happened to me and I don’t think I will let it happen the 3 time, or at least I don’t intend for it too. Even today I drank over 100 oz while helping my brother and then on the way home I drank another 34 oz. I think I am floating.

Joe and I thought about taking a cruise over Christmas but we may wait and leave the day after. I will be having surgery on the 4 of December and the second one probably the 2nd week in January. I shoud be healed enough by the week following Christmas to be able to walk the ship and enjoy myself.



BEV: so sorry that you are having such problems with Humanna. I know nothing about this company…Maybe you would be better with straight medicare since  you don’t get prior approval from Medicare. All they go by is whether the surgeon thinks you need it.


Oh how cute on the puppied,  with their costumes, hope you post the pictures.



Im really sorry about not wishing a couple of people Happy Birthday today. One is my own sister: Sugar Sims

And Cheryl, What to wish both of you girls a great and Happy Birthday.


And of course who was Jonnag angel? Hope she is doing well.


Hugs and Blessings




Traci K.
on 10/30/07 8:27 pm - Sullivan, MO
Jan - tell me you are not going to watch them put in your new knees?!!!!     I don't think I could do that!  Yes, my doctor's office called back and the itchy rash is from the iron infusion.  Great.  He said for me to take Benedryl 3x per day for the next three days, and if it isn't better after that, he'd call in a steroid.  Well, that's all well and good, but I can't go around here for the next three days sleepy!  I have stuff to do and my grandbaby here today and Friday.  So I guess I'll itch until nighttime.    The Benedryl does work at night to help me sleep.  So that's something I guess.  Other than the rash, I am feeling better.  Have  great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

D S.
on 10/30/07 10:05 pm - Kansas City, MO
Happy Halloween everyone! I LOVE Halloween.  I wish I had had more time to do things for it.  Oh well, next year when Gwyndolyn is a little older it should really be fun!  For her first Halloween Miss Gwyn will be a hot dog!  I had her picture taken in her little outfit, I'll put it on my profile.  She is the cutest hot dog ever! Jan- GRANDBABIES!  Oh, do bite your tongue!  That had best better be FAR FAR in the future!  You know I always tell my husband that my parents didn't have a very good "sex talk" with me growing up.  The conversation went exactly like this: "If you come home pregnant, we'll knock you through the next wall."  Not very informative, granted.  But it apparently worked since I didn't "come home" pregnant until I was 27 and had been married for 3 years.  maybe it could work again?  Hahaha. Traci- Hope that rash gets better!  I'm currently covered in what I think are ringworm- i have like 6 of them!.  I can't go to the dr til tomorrow tho, when my insurance kicks in.  You're a daily insipriation to me to take my iron pills (I became enemic after the pregnancy).   Iron transfusion = NO THANKS!  Hang in there! Everyone else, have a great day!


Traci K.
on 10/30/07 11:51 pm - Sullivan, MO
Darrah: For ringworm, go to Walmart and buy some Tea Tree Oil.  It's a liquid in a brown bottle where they have the first aid type stuff.  Put some on a cotton ball and rub that on the ringworm patches.  Do that at least once per day and it will get rid of that ringworm.  Tea Tree is antifungal, antibacterial and it really works!  Works great on athletes foot, plantar warts!!  all sorts of stuff. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 10/30/07 11:19 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning MO Peep's          Thought while I had a few minutes to myself I would pop in here and say Howdy. Terry is doing much better it wasnt his heart (Thanks You GOD) they think it maybe an ulser. Brought on by stress (Stress we dont have no sticking stress in our lives). Yea right. Poor doc donesnt even have a clue. Anyways we got to bring him home on Saturday. And I was really thankful for all the prayers!!! I could feel you'll prayers and outstreach of love. Thank you all so very much!!!! I'm doing alot better. Decided that if I plan on getting thro school and holding off on surgery. Then I need to be more disipline and not carry ANYTHING!!! So since Saturday I have been behaveing myself. I will still make an appt with the surgeon to see what he thinks about my plans.      I took Clara to her 1st Daisy's meeting last night. Daisys is the begining stages for Girl Scouts. They got to wear thier costumes and she has such a good time. I was so happy for her!!! So this week were practiceing our pledge so she can get her first badge. Then we get to walk in the Veterans Day parade. She thought that was really kewl. Dont think s she realizes that we will be walking and not sitten waiting for someone to toss candy. lol I got her signed up and accepted to head start. We just have to wait for an opening. But since she will be in real school next year and Terry & I are on disibility then that helps put her up closer to the top.      I'm taken both kids out trick or treating tonight. Janet & her son were going to join us but bless her heart she is so ill that I doubt that we get together. So I will just take the kids out maybe locally. Depends on how much gumshine I can muster up before hand. lol      Well the lil one is starting to fuss. He is laying in bed with his Uncle Terry. Clara is playing with her baby doll. Need to make beds and get b-fast going for the kiddo's.     I hope and pray everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween. Love ya Mel Tammy~ammy: Thanks so much for the prayers last night durning my melt down!!!! I love ya sweetie and cant wait until you come back!!!!
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
on 10/31/07 1:12 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, Jan, don't wonder at all that you came up with flowers after helping your brother and wife.  Flowers just seem to gravitate to you.  Must be because everyone knows how much you love them!!! My ever-blooming lilac that I just planted has taken off and gotten many new leaves.  I thought it seemed late in the year to plant but the nursery said it was the perfect time and they were right.  I ordered it from Park Seed in the summer but they didn't ship it until a few weeks ago. The tree we bought is really tall - at least 15 feet.  They called and said they are not going to move it until after the first hard frost when the sap is not running in the roots because it has rooted really well at the nursery and they don't want to shock the roots too much.  They are the pros so we will just impatiently wait!!!  It is guaranteed so they don't want it to die!! This AM was the United Way volunteers breakfast here at school.  It was really nice with all the big shots serving food.  I got bacon from the President!!! I am so excited to see Sheila back at home.  She's going to do so well.  Such a cutie-pie. I had a note from Janet and she has felt soooooo bad.  She seems to be on the mend though so she'll be back on the board soon I'm sure. My boss just got out of her meeting so I've gotta go. Hugs and loveys to all Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 10/31/07 1:54 am - Kirksville, MO
Hey Jan and All,       Got home yesterday from my gallbladder surgery. Have been sleeping ever since. I had a terrible time after surgery. I couldn't wake up and every little thing I tried to drink just came right back up, I think even the IV fluid was coming up. I could not even move around in my bed with out vomiting.So I ended up having to stay all night until about noon on Tuesday. I am very sore from all the vomiting. Not a good time ,that's for sure.Thank-you Barbara for reporting for me.        Was suspose to start my two weeks liquid diet on Monday, but of course that didn't work. And yesterday I just had some juice and chicken broth for breakfast and a half of a diet pepsi on the way home. And that was all I had yesterday. And have had nothing yet today.Don't have the stuff I need at home yet I need to go to the store and get some stuff, the shakes and jello and popcycles and stuff. I'll have to see if my DH will take me since I can't drive until tomorrow.Getting hungry though.          Well gotta go, not feeling to good right now.Hope all that are ill or have had surgery are all doing well ,and getting better. Take Care, God Bless, Tammy V.      

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


on 10/31/07 2:37 am - Ozark, MO
Hey OH Board, Thought I'd pop in to say hi . I finally went and got my vitamins and a jug of protein powder. I also bought a pill crusher and a pill box for 7 days a week. I can't believe it's been 7 months now and I'm just about ready to have my surgery.(Dec.12).I'm so ready !!I Time sure has flown by.Ever since I went to the pre-op meeting I've been thinking how the girls there were wondering why I needed surgery. They said I looked good (hah) and wondered why I was there. They couldn't believe I was 100 pounds over weight. Then of course I've got the skinny minnies looking at me in "that" way that they do. So here I am,too fat but not fat enough to some. LOL I think it's funny,but I'm gonna do what I gotta do for me. I saw me gaining 5 to 10 pounds a year lately and I knew I was going nowhere but up, so I decided to do it now while I was at this weight. Just enough to get approved but not to far out where I had some real major issues.I almost felt bad about how they felt . I'm still getting used to being selfish and doing all this stuff for me, but I'm getting used to it. I love me.... I went to court yesterday for a capital one card (which I never had) and they were suing me for $1200.00.I've been fighting them for 4 years and they can't or won't show me proof it's mine, but I was expecting to have to pay cuz usually stolen identity is not easy to prove. Anyhow, the lawyers never showed up and the papers were messed up,so the judge dismissed it. I was praising GOD all the way out of the court house!! HE is so good to me. Hope Janet gets better. I've said some prayers for the ones who need and asked for it. I hope everyone is doing good. I get to take my kids trick or treating tonight. I'm just gonna take them to the mall in Springfield, then of course I get to "check" the candy (for the last time). I have to make sure the chocolate is good . Well, I gotta get my laundry done and clean house. Fun Fun. I'm going to go to the new meeting on Nov. 5th. I hope to see some of you there. Connie
Bobbie Smith
on 10/31/07 2:38 am - Ashland, MO
Hello all still no computer at home but within a couple days.... the fires in california stopped us from getting it apprently our computer guy buys all his stuff from there and they were one of the place**** by the fire and are now starting to ship orders out again wooohooo.... am finally over all the infections and dont know if anyone else dealt with this but they have put so many bandages tapes bandaids and such on my belly that now i can not even use a regular bandaid on there without my skin breaking open and it swelling up!!!! Oh well if  I would just not get infections and such they would not have to keep doing this now would they,...... I miss you all a ton and cant wait till the cmputer is back at home

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 10/31/07 4:19 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon OH family and Happy Halloween! I have been busy today trying to run some errands before work.  I have been sitting here making hair bows to match my dogs costumes so that they can wear them this evening. I have been so worried about my insurance and if they are going to approve me or not.  I read yesterday on the insurnace board this lady got denied cause her dietician didn't document something right and she didn't see her dr. at least once a month.  My dr. ordered me to go to a dietician in April and I have been going once a month sometimes more often however I haven't been going to see my dr. once a month so now I'm scared cause if the insurance can find any way out of paying for this surgery they will.  I tried calling Humana customer service last night and those people don't know anything.  I asked this guy if he had record of my paperwork and he didn't asked me if I had already had my surgery and I was like no why would I be asking if you had my approval paperwork if I had already had my surgery? Duh  I asked him for the email address of this nurse that I was told the other day that was on the bariatric team was reviewing my case and he said they don't have a bariatric team I was like this guy is nuts he probably doesn't even know what bariatric is so I got mad and frustrated and hung up.  I'm trying to stay possitive but if they refuse my surgery I think I'm going to explode and someone is going to have to commit me or something? I talked to my dad last night and my uncle is in the hospital with congestive heart failure then my dad tells me that he has been short of breath and having chest pains so he is going to the heart dr. tomorrow now that's another thing for me to worry about.  My dad has stints already I just hope there's nothing wrong with his heart and he is ok.  Please say a prayer for my uncle and my dad. Well, guess I better get some work done now take care and have a Happy Halloween!!!! Bev

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