We just got home have been gone since about 6am this morning. We helped my brother and his new wife move her things to his home. She also has a huge truck load of yard furuniture and plants. We had a 6x12 covered trailer that was flled to the brim with flowers. She and I dug and dug bushes, plants and bulbs. Till we were worn out and could have dug more and more.
She gave me about half of what we dug up. If I would have had to buy them as big as they are would have been several hundred dollars worth of plants. Things from surprise lilies to a 6 ft tall crepe myrtle. Lol. We didn’t leave many things in that yard that is for sure. They were all hers and she had been living there for about 12 years. So she had a lot.
I am going to have Joe to take my picture when I go to work tomorrow. I am dressing up since it is Halloween . Im nothing really but silly that is all. I mean im not a witch or anything am wearing a pair of black capris, with long orange Halloween decorated socks, and a orange t shirt that has a witch on it. Then my Halloween earings and a head piece that has spiders on springs on the top. Lol
The residents should all get a kick out of it. I counted on the schedule last night and there are 12 aides and nurses going to be there tomorrow night not counting myself. I have made all of them little trick or treat bags with candy in them plus other little gifts.
Has no one still not heard anything from Janet and Melissa? I am really worried about the two of them.
NUTTI: Boo!!!! I bet you all are having loads of fun with the haunted house tonight aren’t you? Have you had lots of people there so far? Wish I could come over and see it but don’t guess there is any way.
Have you talked to Janet and or Melissa?
Yes I am axious to see and hear all about your nights tonight and tomorrow.
TRACI: yes im sure that knee replacement will not feel good for awhile. but I have read all about it all and I have seen and been practicing all the rehab that I will have to do , right now I am doing some special exercise that are suppose to strengthen the muscles in the top of my thigh so I will have more strength to use them to help make my leg move afterwards. This surgeon too doesn’t put you to sleep , he uses a spinal. I told him hey neat I can sit and watch you do all of this. He looked at me like he thought I was nuts. Lol
They probably give you something in your iv to really relax you tho. Lol
Did you check with your doctor to see if the iron infusion can cause the rash you are talking about? Sounds a little weird but as a nurse I know that anything can cause a reaction to someone at any time. Nothing if you put it in your body is completely safe.
DARRAH: oh sweetie sometimes those babies can really try our soles cant they. But I know you are like everyone else and wouldn’t take a couple of million for her , even on her bad days.
Don’t blink because if you do she will be grown and you will have grandbabies. Life does go on . I know , I remember how you are feeling. So does any other woman that has ever been a mother. So reach out there are a lot of us out there , that have either presently done that or in the past have done that. If you need a big hug (((((hug)))))) there you are.
SHEILA: hey my beautiful friend that just got to the losers bench. So does it thrill you as much as you thought it would to finally be here? Crushing the meds is a pain in the butt isnt it. I chew what I could and the ones that had to be crushed I just put them in a glass and poured warm water over them and melted them , if it was a capsule just open it up and put the contents in the glass or s.f. jello or something like that.
How are you doing on your water? Sip sip sip sip
Take care and if you have any questions. Give a holler.
LANA: yes it is really amazing about the fluids, this makes the second time that this has happened to me and I don’t think I will let it happen the 3 time, or at least I don’t intend for it too. Even today I drank over 100 oz while helping my brother and then on the way home I drank another 34 oz. I think I am floating.
Joe and I thought about taking a cruise over Christmas but we may wait and leave the day after. I will be having surgery on the 4 of December and the second one probably the 2nd week in January. I shoud be healed enough by the week following Christmas to be able to walk the ship and enjoy myself.
BEV: so sorry that you are having such problems with Humanna. I know nothing about this company…Maybe you would be better with straight medicare since you don’t get prior approval from Medicare. All they go by is whether the surgeon thinks you need it.
Oh how cute on the puppied, with their costumes, hope you post the pictures.
Im really sorry about not wishing a couple of people Happy Birthday today. One is my own sister: Sugar Sims
And Cheryl, What to wish both of you girls a great and Happy Birthday.
And of course who was Jonnag angel? Hope she is doing well.
Hugs and Blessings

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com

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