Jan C.
on 10/29/07 2:35 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

It was a good quite night at work tonight, I hear thru the grape vine that Janet is really sick so I will go ahead and get this done tonight so it will be up for you all.

I don’t have a lot else to report since I told you all this morning about seeing the orthopedidist this morning , Change the date my first knee surgery will be on December 4th with the second one following in about 4 weeks. This is Dr. Talley in Branson he is with St. Johns but will be operating out of Skaggs Hospital . I was really concerned with the n/g tubes and stuff since of our wls and he doesn’t use any of that because he uses a spinal to do his surgeries with. How neat I can lay there and watch him do the surgery lol

I told him that and he looked am me like I was weird lol.

Elizabeth he will use the female gender knee that is the ultra flex too since I told him I had too passions in life one being gardening and the other is dancing and I want to continue to do both. He has a really good record for his successes in his surgeries. Love that a lot of you are telling me about your surgeon that fixed your knees. Thank you so much for being so caring.


I don’t think I was getting anything just careless with my water and protein intake. Sometimes if I get busy I forget and I guess our bodies remind us in some bad ways that we have to now and always take care of it. It wont be ignored.




BEV: joe and I got our flu shots about a week ago too. Since I am working in the nursing home now I wanted to have it for sure. Things get passed around in there a lot. I try to protect myself by washing my hands probably 20 to 30 times a day when working but there is always that one germ that gets around all of that.


Glad you are working on giving up the coke. Once you get the caffeine level low enough switch to crystal lite in water and will give you a flavor that will make you think you are getting something else lol like I said change to a habit to a good one , it is the only way to break a bad habit.



TRACI; thanks for the concern. Im ok just need to remember my water and protein. I think we can get lazy sometimes and think we don’t have to do those rules . lol NOT TRUE>



BRENDA: another case in point of not following the rules. Better watch eating those sweets , you will start to add those hard fought pound that you took off coming back on .

Take care of you . you’re the only one that can.



BOBBY JO: hey we miss you too , the computers in the library aren’t as funny as yours was in your home lol

WOW on the weight loss, great going….



TAMMY H.; hey sounds like your home will becomes yours once more soon. You wont know how to act without 20 people there will you?


Thanks for letting us know about Janet. I hope she gets well really soon.



ERIN ; good to see you post when you do. Watch the carbs and need to make a commitment again about the exercise I guess. Right?


Will pray for you about the job situation.










on 10/29/07 3:59 pm

Hellooo Mo!

wow here we are Halloween! we open tomorrow at 6:30pm mostly for the tweaking and the actors getting their parts down. and for DH to make sure all the air props have enough air going to them to make them work properly.  and than Halloween we will be so busy! the kids are so psyched up! the haunt looks great and so far I only see one dead area that cant be helped....so there ya go....ya learn with each thing you try. got a few new suprises for my victoms...errrmmm guest! I will post photos on my webshots when we are all finished!

Happy Halloween.....just incase I cant post again.






Traci K.
on 10/29/07 8:46 pm - Sullivan, MO
Jan:  Ouch - knee replacement sounds a bit painful!  I'm praying it all works out well for you Jan and that you'll be feeling much better after.  My mother-in-law had the joints or something done with her knees.  Not a total knee replacement, just something just shy of that.  It worked great for her.  I have woken up this morning with an itchy rash!!  I noticed a bit of it starting Sunday afternoon.  Didn't think anything of it, then yesterday it was getting a bit worse and then this morning it's spread - WOW!  I'm not sure what it's from.  Could it be from the iron infusion I wonder??  I don't know????  It's driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     I'm calling my PCP this morning to ask about it.  Then my 5 year old just woke up and is crying with a bad sore throat.  I'm not sure if she's going to be well enough to go to school or not.  I guess it's just going to be one of those days!  Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

D S.
on 10/29/07 9:49 pm - Kansas City, MO
Is it time to go to bed yet? I'm super tired!  It wasn't terribly chilly this morning.  I let the dogs outside without a sweater on, so no complaints there.  It looks like another fun day of walking around like a zombie being exhausted.  For now the baby is still asleep, so I think I might run and make hubby's lunch and then crawl back into bed.  In fact, that sounds like a GREAT idea! Have a great Tuesday!


Sheila H.
on 10/29/07 11:27 pm - Marshfield, MO
helllooooooooooooo again this is 3rd time ive tried posting so gonna keep this 1 short...im home and doing pretty good....THANK YOU for ALL ur prayers..and pray for jonadal today too... how do u get ur vita's in when they have to be crushed?????? Tks Jan and i love u all


on 10/30/07 1:03 am - Nixa, MO

Hello Missouri,

Glad you got a quiet night, Jan.  You needed some recuperation time.  Isn't it amazing how much we need fluids.  I drink and drink and still need more sometimes.

I think our Christmas trip may be cancelled.  DH's older son really wants to spend the holiday with his dad so I'm betting that we will be at home and that they ALL come to our house.  I am fine with that.  It wasn't my idea to go away at Christmas in the first place.  DH and I love to travel but we get to go lots so I'm fine with being at home and off work for a week.  My DD and DGS will come to us if we are home and that makes my Christmas.  Last year I was having surgery on 12/26 and so my Christmas was a little nervous!!!

I am concerned about Janet - haven't heard from her for several days.  Hope she's doing OK.  Also Melissa.

Not much excitement going on here at MSU today.  Registration starts tomorrow for Spring 2008 so that will liven things up. 

Hope you all have a great day.  Welcome home Sheila - prayers for surgery people today.



Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 10/30/07 1:10 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH peeps!  It was a *****illy out this morning I thought?  Maybe as the day progresses it will get a little warmer? I didn't get much done yesterday like I wanted too.  I went to see my shrink yesterday and she told me that I look so much better and happier to her then I did when I first started seeing her which was a few years ago.  She said I have come a long way and she was very happy for me.  She has to ask these questions every time and when she asked me if I wanted to hurt myself I said "do you think I really want to hurt myself if I have come this far and am going to have major surgery to better my life?  The only person I want to hurt right now is the darn insurance company who want to take their time in processing my approval."  She laughed and said she would feel the same way.  I told her that I took myself off one of the medications and was doing fine without it and she said she was ok with that.  I want to take as little medication as I can get by with that's why I wanted off it.   I went to bed late last night so therefore I am really tired today and didn't want to get up this morning!  I thought that I would start having more energy since I have been taking vitamins but so far I don't feel any different.   I called my insurance company yesterday talked to a lady on the bariatric team and she told me that the nurse hasn't reviewed my case so I asked for the nurses name and ext. # and I called her but had to leave a message and she hasn't returned my call.  The lady I did talk to said that she reviews them in the order in which she receives them.  I just wonder how many is ahead of me that's what scares me!  If she doesn't call today then I will call her tomorrow and the next day and the next day until she gets sick of me calling. LOL.... I can't believe it's Nov. already!  It seems like this year has gone by so quick soon they will be playing Christmas songs on the radio boy I'm not ready for that.... Jan, knee surgery doesn't sound like much fun especially if you have both done at the same time will they actually do that?  I wish you the best of luck with that and will keep you in my prayers.   Well, got to get back to work for a little while.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day and enjoy the weather! Bev~

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