Jan C.
on 10/29/07 3:04 am - Cedar Creek, MO


Sunday was a really nice day what I saw of it. I was suppose to go to work Sunday night but I was so dizzy that I couldn’t walk straight so I called in. I was so sleepy that I went back to bed and slept and slept. I finally got up and got dressed and went outside for awhile but didn’t feel the best in the world for sure. Came back in and started drinking water. I have drank over 100 oz and still haven’t gone to the bathroom but once. I must have been really dehydrated. I am feeling better since getting that much water in me and I am still drinking. I didn’t get in all I needed for the last two days and I guess it sort of piled in on me without knowing it. Wont happen again. I bet you.


I had an appointment with the orthopedic guy in Branson this  morning at 9am to see what he says about my knees and if he will do them both at one time. No Janet I will be at Skaggs hospital in Branson if this doctor thinks it is time. I know they are really hurting me a lot and they are keeping me from doing the things I want to do. Also this doctor uses the gender knees. Those are sort of new now, smaller for women and they have more flexibility about them. About time someone thought of us women when making something.


Melissa how are you doing? I haven’t heard a word from you or anyone to know if you are ok? Hope hubby and you both get well soon , you know those kiddos need healthy people around them.


Guys I don’t know what happened to Janet I have emailed her and haven’t gotten an answer I hope she is ok?



Tammy V. Im glad that you decided to go ahead and I know that now you will feel better after that gall bladder is out too. Hope everything is ok


Tammy I too think you look just great you can really see the difference in your looks in just 4 short months.


Nutti: you too are doing wonderful , sounds like you are being really busy with Halloween , the new mommie and a new driver. Take care and hope we see you in November.


Traci so glad that it seems like the iron infusion is doing you some good. Don’t over do and you will find your groove there in between the highs and lows.


Vesta hope the belly ache is doing some better. Are you getting anxious for your first meeting?


Shannon congradts on the weight loss.


I know this is short and sweet but wanted to get it on line.


I have checked with several surgeons and none of the good ones will do both knees at one time. Too much complications they say. Found one that would do it but he doesn’t have the best reputation. So guess I will have one done in Branson at skaggs  on probably the 27th of November.

See you all tomorrow

Don’t know what has happened to Sheila I tried texting her and she doesn’t answer.

Hugs and Blessings




on 10/29/07 3:44 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning Jan and OH peeps!  Jan I'm glad your feeling better I know there is a lot of sickness going around lately.  I'm glad I got a flu shot last week I don't want the flu especially if I might be having surgery soon? Debbie and I didn't go to water aerobics this morning Debbie wasn't feeling good either and I slep in I was so tired don't know why? My weekend was ok nothing real exciting going on.  I did buy some Halloween material to use as a backdrop to take pics of my fur babies in their costumes.  I will probably try and get those taken today which means I have to give my babies a bath and groom them which takes a few hours.   I have been drinking more protein drinks this weekend found a really good mocha frappe recipe on another board and I got the stuff and made it and it was really good.  I got some b-1 vitamins also and started taking those.  I also got some caffeine free diet coke and have been drinking 1/2 of that and 1/2 reg. coke trying to wean myself off it. I haven't heard anything from my insurance company yet about my wls, guess I will give them a few more days and then start calling and bugging them.   Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday. Take care and enjoy the nice weather! BEV~  

Traci K.
on 10/29/07 4:20 am - Sullivan, MO
Jan - you take care of yourself!!!!  I've had my internet going on and off all day.  I also have my grandbaby here today, watched my pastor's grandbaby for a short time this morning and have my three kiddos home today as well.  So it's been busy!  Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Brenda Minks
on 10/29/07 4:40 am - Silva, MO

Hello, Right now I feel so bad!!!!!!!!!!! I ate a couple pieces of that peanut butter toffee candy in the black in the  and orange wrappers for halloween. And then  I had a couple sugar free cookies.

I had to throw up and now I feel sick all over. I also had trouble keeping food in my pouch last  evening. I don't think it is because of what I ate,  because I have eaten the same thing before and  it didn't bother me. Maybe I ate to fast or to much.

 But had to throw up then too. I guess that's what I get for bragging about  being able to eat sugar and anything else and  it not bothering me. I am going to lay down and see if I can feel better, please pray for me and also pray that I won't be so  stupid next time.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Traci K.
on 10/29/07 7:41 am - Sullivan, MO
Brenda - you could have that virus that's going around.  Take care of yourself.  
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Bobbie Smith
on 10/29/07 5:06 am - Ashland, MO
Hey guys I miss you all still no computer at home!!!!! Soon though well last night I went back to work with DH for the first time since surgery and I was worried that I wouldnt be able to make it through a complete job and guess what I made it with energy left over!!!!! I am down 51 pounds since surgery and am at 5 weeks out I am beside myself anyway I miss you all and will post more hwen I have my own computer back there are so many people waiting for computers at the library

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Traci K.
on 10/29/07 7:42 am - Sullivan, MO
  WOW - 51 lbs in 5 weeks!!!!   That is awesome!!!!!!!!!   
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Tammy H.
on 10/29/07 5:57 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall... So glad to see another nice looking day!!! Been in a pretty good mood all weekend....Sounds like everyone has made plans to move out...even my youngest stepdaughter!!!! I don't know if Joe and I will know how to act with it just being the two of us or not lol lol....But I promise I will figure it out really really fast lmbo!!! Love em all but I am so ready for this moment....Now I just need yall to pray that it works out and they all do move and that it works out for each of them! Thanks Guys for all the comments on my pics....You don't know how much it means to me!!!! Jan...Sorry you have been feeling under the weather...Hope you get to feeling better really soon... Oh and Janet is really sick is probably why she has not been online the past few days....I have had a few texts from her on my phone and she is not doing real good at the moment....Hopefully if it don't pass she will go to the doctor soon....I think it's like a cold or sinus allergies but shes pretty sick...Yall say a lil prayer for her ok? Mel....Have not talk to you in a few days... Hope all is well your way and everyone is doing ok....Text me and let me know how things are going...Luv ya Brenda....Sorry to hear your under the weather as well... It probably was you eatting to fast or not chewing really well....I have seen you eat sweet stuff and do great with it.....Hope your feeling better really soon... Nuttie....YOU ARE DOING GREAT GIRL!!! Keep up the good work....If nothing happens I might get to make it to the COF meeting in Dec and if I do I hope to get to see your stuff I didn't get to see this time I was there....I would love a tie dye t-shirt....If I bring one with me can you do me up one??? I love purples!!!!  Also want to say howdy to my lil Angeletts....Amber & Amanda.....Amber hope things are going ok your way and your feeling ok....How much weight have you lost?? Amanada...glad you have decided to start working on the liquid diet some now....Im telling you it will make it alot easier once you have to do it for surgery! And it will even help your body get into the looseing mode...So you will probably even loose some weight while your working your way towards surgery! Keep in touch... Well I got to get off and get on some of this house work..For some reason it wont clean it's self lmbo! Love you guys....Have a great Monday....Prayers for you all.....Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 10/29/07 11:14 am - Olathe, KS
I know I know. I don't post much. But I am feeling great and just not around the computer much these days.  I read up on ya'll weekly at the least just don't post much. Well guys I need some prayers. My current job is no more as of this coming monday. They have decided to make the change now. Yes I still have a job just not what I was hired for and not what I want to be doing. Please pray I find that job that I need. I do have an interview this Wednesday with the Ear Nose and Throat Clinic. It would be an ideal job for me and I pray I get it. It is in God's hands though. I will start at the church here soon too. Yeah! I had a carb full weekend with all the snack food at Halloween parties. I got in all my protien and water with all the carbs too. lol Today's been a better eating day for sure. Still couldn't resist the fig bar. So still a little more carbs then I would like. All well, tomorrow is another day. Todays totals Cal. 873 Fat. 23 Carb.60 Protien 98 I am still exercising. Weight training mon, wed, fri and water arobics tue and thur. along with 20 mins of cardio mon-fri.
Grace & Peace,
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