Jan C.
on 10/24/07 1:10 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well went with Joe this morning to see his Dr. at the pain clinic. He was going to set him up with another injection of steroid in his back but ater finding out that he has infected teeth and was going to have some pulled today to wait until they are good and healed in about a month, Then we will sit up another appointment for the steroids. They are giving him double doses since the first time didn’t work well. The injection he got about 2 weeks ago has dropped the pain from a 10 to a 5 so hopefully the next one will help even more.

Then we went back to Forsyth to the dentist and they pulled 3 not 2 teeth and said they thought he has several more that are if not infected now will be because the roots appear to be gone, they are lose in his gums. GRRRRRRRR I could just slap those dentist that talked us into (fixing ) his teeth after his accident. I questioned them over and over at the time about since the teeth were knocked loose wouldn’t it be better to pull them all , oh no!!! so we fixed them, replace some , etc etc. to the tune of 6000.00 grrrrr.

Anyway that is in the past I guess.

After that we went and got our flu shots, I thought I ought to get it since I am working in a nursing home with lots of elderly people that don’t need me bringing it into them.


Then I stopped at the grocery store and bought a few groceries. And we came home. We were gone for over 6 hours. Oh well we got a lot accomplished.

Tomorrow and Friday I have to work then off Saturday and work Sunday and Monday .


Sugar bought me 4 of the cutest scrubs sets at a garage sale the other day. They are so cute but I have lots of scrubs now. The only think I would like to have now is more holiday tops. You know lab coats for different holidays. They are real cute .

She got me one for Christmas, is little Dalmatians carrying  red stockings. Lol

Got some pretty flowered lab coats too.



TRACI: am glad that you are on top of the situation about your iron infusions. It isnt anything to fool around with , if you are that low that you need infusions you need to get it done asap. Of course I know you know that. But just want you to know I am concerned about you.



SHEILA: yes you will get cold believe me, when you lose the layer of fat that we have under our skin you don’t have anything there to insulate you. So you get cold. And it is a bone chilling cold..believe me it is weird. I have never been cold in my life either.

I am getting very excited for you. One more day and all the waiting is over. Don’t worry you have a great doctor and hopefully the girls in the hospital will treat you as well as they did me. Tell them hi for me ok?



BEV: oh boy it may be very soon that you get a good word about your insurance coverage. Be sure and let us know as soon as you hear.

Im sure they will pay for it since medicare does .

The secret to breaking a habit is not to try to change completely but to subistute a new different , good for you habit in the place of the bad old one. When you do that you have no problems.

Good for you on trying to eat a good healthy diet. That will be good and also taking the required vits. You need that for surgery.

Yes im sure that a lot of people do have second thought and ideas about how they might be able to do the diet thing one more time. But we know in the back of our minds that it isnt possible, how many times have we tried. And we know that unless we do something and do it now that we aren’t going to live much longer. So the only thing left to do is to have the surgery, I wish I woudnt have had to do it but I know it was the only thing that was going to save me. And I thank God daily for the Surgeons knowledge and skill.



BRENDA: was so good to see you and Tammy at the meeting. I still think you and Lana need to sue someone  for stealing your butts lol. Just kidding girl.

Didn’t you just love my baby sister, Sugar? She is a really sweet girl and im so proud of her and her weight loss and all she went thru to get there.

Hey wanted to ask you is that Spankx really good? I have though about buying some to control the excess skin but didn’t know. Is it really worth it?

Lol glad you got perky girls again. lol



TAMMY V: Im glad you are going to get the gall bladder out this quick, that will make you feel so much better afterwards. No one that I know of is having surgery on the 29th. Sheila is having surgery on the 26th. But she should be gone for home before then.

Jonada has surgery on the 30th  so that is all I have.


Wish you were having your bypass at the same time of the gall bladder removal and then everything would be all over with. Im sure it will be done lap too wont it? At least you will see how quick you feel better after that and the bypass is probably less pain that that.

We will all be praying for your Monday .








Tammy H.
on 10/24/07 1:56 pm - Holcomb, MO

Howdy Yall..... Was pooped last night after finally making it home, so I went on to bed....Had a doctors appt this morning and had to leave early so still didn't manage to post...So I thought I would get it done tonight.... I had a wonderful time at the COF meeting & the gathering afterwards Monday night!!!! It was so good to see all of you again!!!! If you didn't see my post, Id like to say Thanks here as well....At the meeting, in pm's on OH & in emails I have gotten alot of compliments on my weight loss and my new hair cut....I want you all to know I appreciate it so very much!!!! It's a real boost to my confidence!!!  Mel....THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR LETTING ME AND BRENDA CRASH AT YOUR HOUSE FOR TWO DAYS!!! You and Terry were wonderful hosts!!!! I really enjoyed myself! And loved our shopping trip Tuesday!

Janet...I was so HAPPY you got to spend all the time with us that you did!!!! It was so great getting to spend some quality time with both my Angels!!! Thanks for the uplifting conversations we had too!  I hope you get to feeling better really soon! My prayers are with you and your family for all the different things going on with you guys!!!! I didn't get to post yesterday to ask...But did Cindy H have a Angel??? If you were her angel and have any info on how things went with her surgery yesterday please drop me a line and let me know how she is doing! I was suppose to hear from her before she had surgery but she never got time to call me.... Well I got to get off and get a few things done before hitting the sack....I hope all is well with you all.... Have a wonderful Thursday... God Bless each of you! Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Traci K.
on 10/24/07 8:53 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone I finally got the iron infusion scheduled:  I'll be going in tomorrow morning at 8am!  YAY!!!!   I'll be there most of the day.  Hopefully this will do the trick and I'll feel much better afterwards.  :D   Today I need to take my three dogs to the groomer and go to the grocery store.  I also need to do laundry and some computer work.  We'll see how my energy holds out as to how much of that I actually get done.  Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 10/24/07 9:53 pm - Marshfield, MO
Traci   so glad ur getting some thing done about this iron ..i will pray this helps u a lot


D S.
on 10/24/07 10:48 pm - Kansas City, MO
Good morning everyone! I'm new to the MO board, after being a pretty active member on the Indiana board.  In fact their quarterly clothing exchange is happening this weekend, and I'm very sad as this is the first big event that I will miss since moving to the KC area a couple months ago.  I'm hoping to make it to the next support group meeting in November.  Do you guys regularly plan any other functions? Anyway, just a bit about me I suppose.  I'm 29, been married almost 4 years now to a wonderful, supportive man.  I had my lap RYN on 3/1/06 at 381 lbs, with very little complications.  However when I was just 5 months out, I learned I was pregnant.   It's very hard to be preggo after WLS, especially so soon.  There just isn't a lot of information out there on the topic.  So I had a healthy baby girl we named Gwyndolyn on April 2 of this year.... and just found out about a month ago that I'm preggo AGAIN.  So weight loss again has been put on hold.  But I'm down to 230 from 381, so I really can't complain.  I'd REALLY Like to get under 200 after the next baby (which is due t the beginning  of June) so I can get all this skin removed!


Traci K.
on 10/24/07 11:10 pm - Sullivan, MO
Darrah - welcome to Missouri and the OH Missouri board!   I've only recently started posted again on this board after being gone for a bit being busy with life - but we did have a few get togethers from this board, for those of us in the St Louis metro area.   In July 2004, ObesityHelp actually hosted an event here in St Louis that I attended.  It was awesome!   To answer your question:  other than support groups, no - we don't have regular functions.   Of course, that could change if we had the interest of the board members and folks willing to organize it.  And girl - congrats on your baby and your new pregnancy!  As one who has given birth to SEVEN children, I know what it's like to be fertile.     The good thing is that your tool is still there waiting for you - so you can use it to its full potential after the baby arrives.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Jan C.
on 10/24/07 11:52 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Darrah welcome to the Mo. board,  the quarterly clothing exchange sounds like something that would be a lot of fun....maybe we can get someone to organize one.  I know Floyd on the Indiania board ( he is also a member on the Over 50 board) talks about that a lot.  We did have a getogether this summer at Branson for a week end. Had loads of fun. Hopefully it will be a annual thing.  Good to have you on board and congradulations on babies. They certainly are a blessing. Enjoy them and as Traci says your tool will be waiting when you are ready to use it. Might have to start back at the start to get it kicked started again but you have already lost a good amount of weight.  glad you came onto the board. We have lots of different meeting all over the state and the one up close to you is run by a good friend of mine that is a sweet heart. you will love her.   Jan



on 10/25/07 12:28 am - Nixa, MO
Darrah, Welcome to the Missouri Board and to the Kansas City area.  I live near Springfield but love Kansas City and visit up that way often.  You'll find lots of friendly people on this board - keep posting and let us get acquainted with you. Hugs and congrats on weight loss, new baby girl and new pregnancy. You GO girl. Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 10/25/07 1:05 am - Wichita , KS
Darrah, Welcome neighbor!  I live right down the road from you in Overland Park!  There is a support group close by about 20 min away every month in Lees Summit if you would like to go on Nov. 26th let me know and maybe we can ride together?  I have another friend from this board who lives in Olathe and we go to the YMCA and do water aerobics so if that is something you might be insterested in let me know.  Congrats on the new baby hope everything goes well for you.  Take care and post often so we can get to know you. Bev~

on 10/25/07 12:29 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, BRRRRR!!!  This freezing is worse this year than last!!!  I weighed more last winter.  Jan is so right about losing insulation.  I have a heater on in my office and everyone who comes in says it's so hot in here and I have on a long sleeved tee shirt and a blazer jacket and feel wonderfully comfortable. Had dinner last night with a friend from Nixa.  Great time and good talk.   Went to Mama Jean's health food store here in Springfield the other day and got a great recipe idea.  They had a "dip" already made up and I bought it but I'm going to try to make it myself at home.  It was a layer of brown rice, a layer of drained black beans seasoned with some chili powder/cumin, a layer of chopped tomatoes and avocados, some grated white cheese, a few slices of black olives and salsa on top.  Tasted alot like that layered dip but healthier.  Loved it. They also have the Fage yogurt and so does the Akins Health Food on Battlefield.  I love the Fage yogurt mixed with Splenda and all-fruit preserves.  I may put a layer of plain yogurt in the recipe above.  I just ate the stuff with a spoon - no chips or crackers.  Seemed like a salad to me.   I'm finding that I'm a taste junkie!!!  I want strong flavor - if it isn't flavorful, I want to spit things out.  I like crunchy and chewy too but gotta have flavor.  Salsa helps almost anything!!! I'm thinking and praying for all of you with arthritis and joint pains.  I know this wintery weather is challenging for me and mine is not nearly as bad as most of you.  I've asked for thin leather gloves from DH for Christmas to help my hands.  I have a pair her got be before but they are getting pretty shabby and I want the really thin, supple ones - $$$$.   Also want a new robe - the one I wear is a 2x or 3x and looks pretty droopy - but it is so cozy and warm!! Guess I'm ready to start Christmas shopping - been trying to think of what to get John.  His gifts have to be portable since we'll be driving to New Orleans.  He's always the most difficult for me to buy for.  I'll get inspired soon!!! Gotta get to work but wanted to tell you all that I love you and pray daily for everyone - blanket prayers are my specialty. Hugs, Lana  

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


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