I am putting all my tender plants into the green house today. Some of them are tropicals and they wont be able to withstand temps below 40 degrees.
Would hate for them to freeze on me.
Cleaned out the laundry room, My laundry room is about the size of some peoples closet and if I don’t keep it cleaned out it gets so cluttered that it is hard to get in there.
Too cold to do much outside today. I think I have done my limit. If it was sunny wouldn’t be so bad but it is windy, cloudy and cold brrrrrrr. Seems funny that I am so cold now, Joe has a hard time getting used to as he has lived with me for over 20 years of me being hot all the time, now all of a sudden im complaining that I am cold. He just shakes his head at me. Lol
Joes teeth are still hurting this morning , he is taking antibiotics and has an appointment in the afternoon to have them pulled. When he had his wreck in 99 and it broke all the bones in his face, I ask the dentist if it wouldn’t be better in the long run to just pull all of his teeth but of course they said no. Well the dentist he saw yesterday said that when you have that much damage that after awhile the roots just die and you wind up having to pull them any way. Makes me want to go back and slap that original dentist that caused us to spend about 6000.00 on his teeth. He could have had them all pulled in 99 and never have had to suffer from tooth aches again.
Well Wednesday will be quite busy , First Joe has to go see the pain doctor in Branson and then he has the dentist at 2pm and we both have appointments to get flu shots about 4 pm.
Wednesday is Kenna M. surgery. I hope someone is going to report to us on here how she is doing.
Sorry Cindy H. didn’t get to have her surgery yesterday.
TRACI: well hopefully some Monday you will have the time to drive down to see us. The next meeting is on the 26th of November, just in case you get to come down.
I hope you got to go get your infusion today or at least have it scheduled.
I too am glad we don’t live where the wildfires are but we each need to keep those people in our prayers. Is such a shame that it is affecting so many people.
BARB S: Yes we would love for you to attend one of our meeting next summer. Especially with your lovely granddaughter.
Well that is a lot of turnips, I like about one good mess of them a year but that is about the extent of my turnip liking. Last year someone gave us a bucket full and they were the best I have ever eaten. So tender and sweet, naturally.
Was really good to see you are still on here and glad to have you drop in any time, the more the merrier….
SHEILA: I was really disappointed that you didn’t show up Monday night,. Why???
I thought for sure you would come to get some last minute encouragement. But will be looking forward to seeing you next month , you will be one month out and should by then be having some good numbers to report.
I sent you a private pm to tell you the name of the stuff I use. Carmex is good too for healing sores on your lips.
I love the Oasis moisturizing spray for the dry throat and mouth. It is great when you cant eat or drink anything to help you mouth and throat feel better without adding fluid.
I have been to the losers bench to see if your spot has been reserved and I myself put a big sign on your spot. So your seat on the bench awaits you Friday.
COLETTE: good to see your smiling face.
Glad you are having such a good group. Yes Mrs Vegg we would love to hear all about your jackpot lol
Well lady don’t work too hard. Joe is getting his teeth pulled tomorrow. So he will be ok soon.
DARRAH: are you asking us or Colette? Either way you can find out right here. PM Colette if it she and if not contact Glenna.
Welcome to the board. Nice to hear from you.
JANET: oh my goah I loved the pictures. And you know my baby sister I hadn’t noticed how much she really had changed until I saw the picture you took. There is a big difference. You are looking so very pretty too in fact stunning.
So did you all have a good time together today? What all did you do. What time did they leave for home ?
Yes im such a dunce I had the pictures all in an envelop for you and everything didn’t remember them at all until we got back home and there they lay on top of the deep freeze.
I hope you have the scope soon. I hope that something can be done about the throwing up. That isnt good.
LANA: Im like Janet, you don’t need to lose one more pound…you are fine the way you are. Are you having to put rocks in your pockets with this strong winds we are having the last few days?
Yes I am hoping to spend some time with Sugar on that date 11/5 before unless she has something going on already. But even if she does I am thinking I will be there at that meeting and yes we will go out afterward ….
BEV: Iron makes your red blood cells and if you don’t have enough you will get anemic. So yes you need iron, women that are of child bearing years need quite a lot of it.
You can and need to qui the coke before you go to the liquid diet. Start mixing it with some diet coke that is caffeine free, little at a time until you have mostly caffeine free diet coke and then you can get off of it without have a caffeine withdrawal headache. Believe me after surgery you don’t want a withdrawal headache too.
Hope your ear infection is doing lots better. Hang in there hopefully you will hear from your insurance company soon. I think I would start calling them after one week.
TAMMY V: will Dr. Hornbostel take out the gall bladder at the same time as doing the rny? Or take It out and then you have to wait for a couple of weeks and then go back for another surgery. That really doesn’t seem right does it?
Be sure and let us know what he says. I would ask him if he cant do the lap rny at the same time I think.
TINA: lol well although that is a beautiful precious picture, it isn’t you , which you are a cute perky girl too. So glad you came to the meeting last night. Loved meeting you.
CHELLE: yes it has been a long long time since you were online but we understand that school take priority over us. Lol still miss you though.
Glad you do get to keep up with us though.
Good news on the lab test. Keep up the good work, the pounds will come off as long as you follow the rules.
Congratulations on the new grand son.
Well need to get this posted so Have a good Wednesday everyone.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
isnt it weird how u can get so cold after wls? i have never been cold so if that happens to me WOW everybody is gonna be shocked lol Hope ALL goes good for Joe and you today, ur in my prayers.. I have a friend online who lives in Cali and he is getting scared cos fire is out front of his house now so lets keep the prayers up for everybody there too..
Jan....i was waiting on Mona to come by so we could go to meeting and she didnt show up and about that time it started storming here and getting black and my antibiotic started making me
i still had the baby so decided to take him home, was going to bring him to meet you....im so mad at myself for waiting to long on Mona to get here,,, and i am sorry i didnt make it...but i know u have my back
....u get that spray at walmart? cos thats some thing i want... and thank you for putting my sign on my spot here i come
love ya all and hugs

I just wanted to pop in and say I had a wonderful time on my trip! I would like to thank Mel and Terry for letting us crash at your place, THANK YOU !!!! Thank you Tammy for letting me tag along with you I really enjoyed it!!!!! I really enjoyed the support meeting!! Glenna as I told you after the meeting, you did a fantastic job!!! You are going to be a great leader, don't worry about that!!!! It was good to see everyone again!! Jan and Lana you both look great!! Sugar you are a very attractive lady!! Thanks for letting me set by you at the restaurant!! Janet - Mel - Tammy - I had a great time with you guys Tuesday shopping and spending time with you!!! You are all wonderful people and I'm proud to call you friend- Love you guys!!! When we where shopping we went to the Lane Bryant store and I opened an account with them and spent way to much! But they had Spanx in the store and I needed some new ones so that is mainly why I did it. I love Spanx! I also had a bra fitting and bought some great bras, I wear a 38 DDD even with WLS I still got some big uns LOL!! The bras I bought make your girls stand up and salute LOL. I told the sales lady "Boy they sure are up there arn't they" and she said they were right where they were supposed to be! It's been along - long time since I have had perky boobs and then with the weight loss I had to almost put them in my waist band to keep them out of the way!
But now they are perky again ~ that is as long as I wear the bra ~ LOL!!!! Everyone have a great Wednesday!!! Love Brenda
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.