Thanks COF Members
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that was able to attend the Circle of Friends support group last night. I loved the interaction of the meeting. Thanks to each of you for your input and insights. That sure helps makes the meetings special. The only bad part is not being able to visit with everyone at once when we get to Village Inn. Reckon we could talk Village Inn into placing our tables in a circle???? LOL To the ones of you that couldn't make it.....know that you were missed and we hope that you will be able to make it next month. Also, thank you all for all the kind words. What a special group you are. See you next month, Glenna
Hey Monique,
You were missed Monday night. So wish you could have been there. Hopefully, your work schedule will allow you to come at least part of the time.......but, if it doesn't be sure and meet us at the Village Inn after the meeting.
We'd love to have Chad join us at the meetings. Send him our way.
At the November meeting we are going to do a Protein Shake taste testing. Everyone voted to bring their favorite protein shake. (already mixed up and ready to drink)
Lana and Sugar volunteered to bring some paper cups for us.
Hope you can come but if you can't, send Chad, and then you can meet us afterwards.
· November 26 - The Library Center, Meeting Room B, 4653 S. Campbell
· December 17 - The Library Center, Auditorium, 4653 S. Campbell
· January 28 - The Library Center, Auditorium, 4653 S. Campbell
· February 25 - The Library Center, Auditorium, 4653 S. Campbell
· March 24 - The Library Center, Auditorium, 4653 S. Campbell
· April 28 - The Library Center, Auditorium, 4653 S. Campbell
· May 26 - The Library Center, Auditorium, 4653 S. Campbell
· June 23 - The Library Center, Auditorium, 4653 S. Campbell