Thanks goes to YOU once again for being our "fearless and inspirational" leader! Was a good meeting and I'm putting the next one on my calendar, I need the personal reminder.
Thanks for the reminder about the Vits also! Cassandra ETA: Denise and Karen, it was quite a pleasure to meet you both! Hope the meeting was enjoyable for you and I look forward to seeing you at more meetings to come. Karen: I just checked out your profile (I had to make sure that I was remebering your name correctly, my memory is horrible *L*) and I just want to say...WHAT A DIFFERENCE 2 MOS. MAKE. Your transformation to this point is absolutely amazing! CONGRATS TO YOU AND KUTGW!
Thelma: I want to send MORE congrats to you. All of your achievements, I'm just in "AWE" of! Your story and journey just amaze me! Susan: Always a joy to chat with you. Just want to tell you that if you find yourself struggling please reach out to someone (I'm just a PM away). I realized just last night that this is what we all need to do. We all have the same struggles, no matter which way we were rearrange. We need support to get us through this rollercoaster ride *L*. I'm going to definitely work on this aspect myself. I have a hard time "asking for help" or even talking about my struggles. Yep, I'm still a work in progress to and no matter how alone you feel, you are NOT alone! Tony: I'm so happy to see that you are taking control back over your health and journey. But please keep up with those vits. Once your health declines from deficiencies (sp?), I don't think it will be a quck process to get back to normal. So it is definitely best to stay on top of it before it goes down hill!