Jan C.
on 10/22/07 3:07 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Brrrrrrrr its cold . I wore a velvet jacket with my jeans last night and like to froze to death. Joe had a bad tooth ache and didn’t feel like going to Village Inn after the meeting last night but I sure wish I could have gone. I love the meeting after the meeting lol


Glenna you did a great job and Im sure we were all energized after the meeting as always.

It was a great time and some of you girls are getting down right gorgeous, Yeah you know who you are lol


Tammy and Brenda it was wonderful to see  you again. Tammy I love your new hair do , you look so cute. Brenda I don’t know how you are standing shoes on after such a short time with work like that done on your feet. I think I would still be barefoot.


Tina so great to meet you . glad you came and hope to get to know you better and better.

Wish you would put a picture on as your avatar , show everyone your pretty face.


CRAIG: So sorry you missed the meeting. Would have loved to see you again . Plus I know everyone else would have loved to meet you. Can you believe how far we have come in such a short amount of time? Remember when we met on the Missouri Board? We both were sort of down and depressed that we didn’t think the surgery was going to happen for us. WOW And Baby look at you now . lol



TRACI: if ever you wish to come to one of our meetings we would love to have you that is for sure. Money , or rather the cost of gas really stops some of us from doing a lot of things doesn’t it.

So when will they be doing your iron infusions? Hope you got an answer from them today.



SHANNON : Yeah even tho I get cold easier than I use to I still like sleeping in a cool room. I just put more cover on and sleep in flannel p.js. now lol.

Yes I think all of us go thru a stage that we are thinking that if we eat this or that , that we might gain weight from it. We don’t stop to realize that the amount of what we can eat isnt much. We just need to learn to eat like a normal thin person.  It is a matter of knowing what we don’t need and what we can have. Remember protein first .




JANET: so great to see you sweetie. I didn’t get to talk to you nearly as much as I would have liked to last night but you know im as close as a phone call or the board or email.


I am glad that you are going to get the scope done in Joplin . When are  you getting it done. I didn’t hear you say what did the ultrasound show? Anything?

Do you think any of It is stress? After all you don’t have any in your life.


That was a really nice gift that your ex in laws gave you. There are places that you and Mike can go that aren’t too expensive after you are there too. Since the plane fare there is most of the time a big part of the price of a trip.


I missed Nutti being there last night , Surely was hoping she would be there.




BOBBY JO: Sorry you missed your nice trip to Sedalia . lol

I know that has to be time consuming to teach your kids at home. I think that if i would have had children now days that I would have tried to home school. Don’t know if I would have been smart enough to do that but would have tried.



LANA: SO good to see  you miss tiny butt!! You are so tiny that I don’t understand how you can get much littler. You said you had a blouse that was too tight on you and thought I could wear it???? You are littler than I am . Sure wish I could have gone with you all afterwards to eat even tho I wasn’t hungry. But I will see you on the 5th. If Sugar doesn’t have something planed for that day I may go up early and spend all day with her  and then we could go to the meeting together. I hope Jean post about it again so I will know the address . I forgot to save it lol





MELISSA: You are really looking good . Caring for a family looks like it is good for you. I wanted to talk to you about your new babies and all but alas I didn’t get to.

Hope you all made it back home ok and I know you 4 girls didn’t have any fun at all did you? Lol  Made me jealous that I couldn’t go run around with you all .I hope the 4 of you had loads of fun.







Traci K.
on 10/22/07 8:46 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Hey Jan - it wasn't really money or gas stopping me from coming, it was time.  I have my grandbaby on Mondays and my kids don't have school - so I didn't have the 3 hours free to drive there before the meeting (nor the energy, at this point).  Otherwise, I would have.  I did speak with the doctor's office today, they should here from the hospital today to make sure they have the particular type of iron in-house that my doc is wanting them to use on me, then they can get me scheduled.  I told his nurse to schedule me for this Thursday morning at 8am.  I can just swing by after I drop kiddos off at school.  So unless I hear otherwise, that's what I'm planning for:  an infusion this Thursday at 8am.     Until then, I'm resting and doing very little, as I've been having some chest pains and not feeling well overall - and I don't want a repeat of last week's ER visit.  I'm lovin' this cool fall weather!!!  I'm so thankful we don't live where we have those awful fires like they are having in California!!  I'm praying for those folks.  The leaves are finally starting to change here, although a little later than usual (due to our lack of rain) and not quite as vibrant yet.  Hopefully by the weekend they will be. Have a great day everyone.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Barbara S.
on 10/22/07 9:15 pm - Freeman, MO
Hello Everyone! I so wish I lived closer to your meetings, they sound like they are so much fun! I am so happy for all of you that you have each other to visit with and learn from each other and I am so thankful you all are here on the board for all of us. I have got to make plans for next summer to come to a meeting. Maybe when I take my granddaughters for our weekend get away. It's really cold here. It was 32 degrees this morning. Nothing exciting going on here. I put up five gallons of turnip yesterday. My husband loves them. I don't mind them in soup if they are cutup small enough. Just want to let everyone know you are all in my prayers!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Sheila H.
on 10/22/07 9:25 pm - Marshfield, MO

brrrrrr it is cold this am...

sorry i didnt get to come to meeting...1st 1 i have had to miss since i started back in march or april,,,hope u all had fun and Glenna im sure u did a great job!  Jan send me the name off lip stuff....my lips have been so dry i have a blister on em already.. so need to get it moistened up be4 i go with out liquids thurs at midnight till sat...


on 10/22/07 9:55 pm - Concordia, MO
just time for a quick hello.  Off to work again.  It was a long day yesterday and today I hope to make it to the hospital to see a friend right after work and then choir practice tonight.  Hope Joe is feeling better with his toothache.  Nothing like an ear ache or tooth ache.  Hope you all had a good meeting last nite.  We did.  I always get so much out of it too.     Thelma(MrsVegg) hit the jackpot last nite.  She can tell you all about it.  I dont know how many bags of clothes Karen brought for her but I bet she has a style shop all Day.  Thank you Karen for doing that.  And Thelma be sure to tell us all about it.  Well, gotta go.  Does not look good if the boss is late.  LOL
D S.
on 10/22/07 10:08 pm - Kansas City, MO
When and where is the next meeting?  I'd love to come if I can plan far enough ahead.


on 10/23/07 2:19 pm - Concordia, MO
Darrah,    The next KCMetro support meeting is on Nov. 26th at 7:00pm.  I will post the directions to Lees summit - how to get there.  Would love to have you come.  Colette
on 10/22/07 11:36 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Good Tues morning to you!!  Last night was fantastic. I loved group AND going to the restaurant afterwards~ It was a lot of fun-I just wish we could sit by everybody, so we can talk to everyone at once-LOL!!!!

I am emailing out pics to those of you that attended the group IF I have your email address. They turned out awesome. If I dont have your email address and you would like copies of the pictures we took as a group-just send me a quick PM or email and I will get it sent out to you-k???? I thought I was gonna have to get up early and take Steph to her appt, but Mike dropped her off for me since he had to start his day in Joplin today. My mom is going to pick her up and bring her out here (cause she is only 4 blocks from where my mom lives) and then we are going to take her to school and then go to Joplin for some shopping time with Brenda and Tammy. She is going to watch Jon for a bit so that I dont have to TRY and shop at the womans clothing shops with a hyper active 4 yr old boy-LOL.....I cant wait, we are gonna have so much fun! Wow, I only got a tad bit sick from the 4 bites of sandwich I got last night. Thank goodness I was in the parking lot and not already in Mels car, in the back seat with Tammy!! LOL, I dont think Tammy would have liked that! Got on the scale this morning and lost 2 more #s-you guys are good for my weight!! LOL...So, now I am down 212#.....YAY!!  My back was out by the time we got home! I couldnt get comfortable in any position last night, and have already done pain meds this morning, with my cup of java! I hate it when I have mornings like this-but I feel so good emotionally-and looking forward to today-that I am just gonna work through it and not give in to it.  IF I have to leave early, I will-but dont want to, thats  for sure! So, I am going to get this done and get the pics emailed, and then Steph and mom should be here. Already have had my shower and our clothes are on the bed-so we are ready to go! **Jan-I know what I forgot to have you bring-I forgot to remind you about the pics you made me from the reunion!! Dang it!! Im gonna put it on my calender to remind you to bring them to the next COF group next month-and will email you a day before or day of-LOL.... Im so sorry that Joe was hurting. I hate that-back aches and tooth aches are the worst!! I will keep him in my prayers and pray that Weds goes well and he will feel so much better! We missed you both at the restaurant. I got to sit across from Sugar-she sure looks beautiful!!!  She said she never takes a good picture-but I got a wonderful one of her. I will email it to you. The scope will be later this week or early next week-they should be calling me today to give me the time and all. I made sure and stressed to them that I wanted to know HOW MANY bariatric RNY patients this doc has scoped. He will NOT be scoping me unless he is experienced with us, thats for sure. I dont care-I am not taking any chances with these idiots docs around here-if they mess that up, there is no one here to fix me. I sure dont want to die that way!!!  No-the health issues arent from stress, I wish-I could take a chill pill and get better!! On the airfare, I dont know. Think that Mike and I will go and visit his favorite uncle in Arizona that is very sick before he passes away. Its not a dream vacation, but we will never regret going to see him, we will have a place to stay and Mike can see him and the rest of his family that lives in Lake Havasau City where the London Bridge is-its very beautiful there! I missed Nutti too. Didnt know she wasnt coming until the last minute. Felt bad.  Will have to see her soon since I have a ton of those protein bullet containers to give her from Lana! Tell Joe to take it easy and make sure you let us know how that goes. Love you-you looked great. I guess I missed when you hit that 100# mark!!!  Congrats!!!! Im so happy for you. Wish that you and Sugar would have been sitting at the tables with us, it was hard to see you back there!!! **Glenna-GOOD JOB!! You did wonderful!  Love you so much and thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping the group going-you mean as much to us as we do you-thats for sure!! WE appreciate all your efforts and if ever I can help you with anything-please let me know-ok? Im looking forward to next month already!!! **Lana-Thanks for the jeans-I cant wait to be that small!!! LOL it may  be quite awhile-but I have them in my wish pile!! The pic of you and I together-is one of my favorite pictures EVER!!! I love it-and I want to put it on my profile-I cant wait for you to see it!! Love you so much and I am so glad that I got to sit by you and spend a little time with you!!!  Your such a beautiful and wonderful lady and I am glad to call you friend!! Im so proud of  you  for being at goal!!!!  Congrats!! Dont lose any more weight-or you will blow away when it gets windy!!! **Sugar-you look wonderful!!! It was so good to talk to you and Rick. I had a good time!! **Tammy, Brenda and Mel-Thanks for the evening! It was so nice to spend time with you guys!! Love you guys so much and cant wait to spend more time with you today!! **Nutti-Missed ya! Lana gave me some of those bullet containers for you to send off your flowers in!! So, we will get those to you for your flowers.  Hope your feeling better. I hope all of you have a wonderful day. To everyone else at the meeting/group that I didnt name individually-pre and post op-it was really good to see you. I thought Glenna did a great job and except for someone aiming a snide comment towards me and rolling their eyes constantly-I thought it was a wonderful group last night! And that sure isnt going to keep ME from coming back, thats for sure!!!  I love my group WAY TOO MUCH!!  As always, your in my thoughts and prayers.....Janet

on 10/23/07 12:28 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, Happy Tuesday to you all.  We had a great Circle of Friends meeting last night - way to go Glenna!! It was so good to see everyone.  Wish I could have had more time to visit with each of you but know that I love you and support you totally.  Sharing what we wonder about and what we've experienced and our hopes and fears is awesome.  It lifts us up and makes us stronger.  It is vital to my life!! Tammy and Brenda - coming so far to be with us is a testimony to how important support is to us. We love you guys and wish you could be here every month.  Please do keep us in your hearts - we keep you in ours.  Tammy, I was so touched by your sharing about the pre-op diet.  You have come such a long way and look so great - love the hair!!! I was intrigued by the information from the Band patients.  You women add a much-needed perspective to our meetings.  We need to learn from each other and you are so open and caring to everyone.  Thanks. Glenna and Jess - the encouragement and leadership you provide (and coffee, Jess) are just wonderful.  You make us feel cared for and loved - thanks again. Jan, wish I could have spent more time with you.  We need to just visit sometime not at a meeting so we can really catch up on each other.  If you're coming on 11/5 maybe we can go out afterward - there's a McAllisters or Panera right there by the Library Station on Kansas Exprwy. I hope Joe's tooth is better today.  Hate a toothache. I have to get off here and get some work done.  Love you all. Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 10/23/07 1:21 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH peeps!  It sure was a *****illy out this morning! I am sorry I missed last nights meeting it sounds like both groups had a wonderful time?  I put next months on the calander and will try my best to be there cause I really miss it. Jan, thanks for looking at my profile and seeing my little fur babies and yes I do have to agree with you they are beautiful wouldn't trade them for anything. I emailed Dena this morning to see if she had submitted my paperwork to my insurance and to also see if she had a contact person at Humana that I could call and keep on them.  If they don't approve me in a timely manor then come Nov. 15th I am dropping them and just going with straight Medicare.  I think they will be so sick of me calling that they will approve me just to get rid of me....LOL   Belly Laugh I read over my binder again yesterday and I have a vitamin question.  It said to start taking a childrens multi with iron, I have been taking a childrens multi but it doesn't say it has iron so should I change to one that does or take a seperate iron vit.?  However I was thinking about going to Walgreens and getting the Optisource Biratric vit. that they talked about but can't get those until next week.  What does iron do exactually?  Also what does B-1 do for you? I signed the paper in my binder that states that I agree to follow the rules and take my vitamins, and do my follow-up appts., follow the diet, and exercise.  I also had to state which 5 of my favorite foods would be difficult for me to give up after my surgery.  The number one was Coke I'm still having problems with that one all the others I think I can handle but I am so addicted to my coke.  I don't drink a lot of coke like some people I know but I know that after surgery I can't have it at all.  I think once it gets closer to the pre-op liquid diet then I will work harder on my coke addiction.  I don't drink straight coke I mix it with 1/2 diet coke. I didn't go to water aerobics yesterday either thought it would be better to stay out of the cold wind and water until I am finished taking my antibiodics for my ear infection. Well, I guess I better do some work now, take care everyone and have a wonderful Tuesday!!!!! Skeleton  Bev~  

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