Jan C.
on 10/21/07 2:02 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

You all know that a little over a year ago , August 06 I had wls. At that time I could not stand but for maybe 2 to 3 minutes and could only walk for maybe at the most 5 minutes before giving out.Sunday  I had a wow moment of a really big magnitude.

We went to War Eagle craft show in War Eagle Arkansas , We got there at 11:30 and met my oldest daughter, Teresa, I walked both she and Joe to death. I walked and looked at so many things for 4 solid hours. Can you believe that? 4 Hours!!!! We finally sat down because Teresa said she had to sit down for awhile. I was tired but not in pain. Wow. Doesn’t it make the surgery so well worth it. I would have it done yearly just to be able to do like I did today.

Feels wonderful. Another goal marked off of my list. I love things like this and haven’t been to any of them in years and years.


Today ,Monday is the COF meeting im excited for it. Even tho Craig wont get to come as he was planning on for awhile we will have Tammy and Brenda traveling to see us again.


I hope that several of you that read this post that live in the area will try to get to a meeting. We would love to meet you and it has been proven that if you attend a support meeting on a regular basis that you have more chance of success than if you try to do it alone.


Julia Carver is having hip replacement surgery today. Please everyone say some prayers for her. She has traveled a very long and tedious road to get to where she is now.

Remember Cindy H. on Tuesday and my angelette Sheila on Friday.

Amber we are glad to see you made it home from your surgery.


The weather was really nice today. Got a little warm if you stayed in the sun too long but a good breeze made it feel ok.

We are suppose to get a lot cooler weather starting tomorrow. Wow down in the hight 30s ? that is cool I will spend most of tomorrow gathering up plants that are in pots and putting them in the green house. Will probably have to move them back out into the yard during the day but don’t want them to die yet. Hope it doesn’t frost and kill off th elephant ears yet.



BOBBY JO: sorry you didn’t get to come to Branson for the week end. But I guess I was kept pretty busy this week end any way.

Well you all might need to not work your tails off to much it really does hurt when you sit on a bottom that is too skinny.




JANET: so good to see your post . I wish you could get someone to put you a new picture up as an avatar. You are so much cuter than that picture. Lol

I hope you are not overdoing it by working for your dad in the motel. Please take care of you.

Please please please come to the meeting tonight. I miss you too much for you not to come.

Maybe you need to assign certain things to certain young men and hubby. Yes even Jon can help. Lol

You don’t need to work till midnight and then have to come home and work more.

Wow on the size of your new capris. That is marvelous. Isnt this surgery a real miracle?


They have some of the greatest long handles at the hanes store in the red roof mall. They are silk so soft and  thin but warm. I intend to go get me some too. And yes the electric smaller blanket is one of my things on my wish list I already have the warm p.js and socks so will need the longjohns and blanket lol


Yes I will bring the molds I have brought them each meeting and you haven’t been there so if you aren’t  here this time should I give thme to Melissa? But I do hope you will be here. PLEASE!!!



TRACI: Im glad that you will be calling the doctors office tomorrow to schedule those iron shots. It is really important that you not let them shove you way into next week.

I am so anxious to see if how quickly you will start feeling better.



TAMMY : I don’t know when you all are leaving there , Sunday night or Monday morning? What ever take it slow and easy and I hope that the rain stays away from you.

That is wonderful about the slacks and shirts at the garage sale great wow moments.

Wow 137 pounds lost ? great. Wow.

Oh im excited to see your new hairstyle , I know it must look really cute.




BEV: that is really sad that your family did you that way. Im sorry for them that they will have to answer to that behaviour

Like I told you , you can claim us as your family and hopefully we all will be the family you need and want.

Your fur babies party looks like it was really cute and of courts your babies are beautiful.



TAMMY V: that is so sad that that hospital did you that way. There is no call for it in my opinion. Hopefully you will get your gall bladder out …You might talk to Dr. Hornbostel and see if he will do both at the same time. I don’t think so but if there is 2 weeks between the surgeries they may not be a problem. Im not sure anyway I would call Dena and ask her what they suggest.

You really didn need all of this now that you re on the countdown to surgery did you?

Take care and let us know how is it going with you. Ok? Consider yourself hugged








Craig Watts
on 10/21/07 3:50 pm - Green City , MO
Hello Everyone. I hope you all have a great time tonight at the COF meeting. I will pray that everyone will have a safe trip there and back home.  MY WOW MEMONT: I met a couple last night in Eldon, Missouri that are friends to my God Family. They were talking to me and we got to talking and they asked me about my WLS...I told them I had it last year. The woman asked me what my age was. I asked her what she thought it was just to see for myself how old people actually thought I was...She said "32"...I was like floored that was the second time I've been told that...I agree Jan its all been worth it all..To get your health back and to look young again :-)............God Bless Craig Lee

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


Traci K.
on 10/21/07 8:18 pm - Sullivan, MO
That is a huge WOW moment Jan and for you too Craig Lee!   I'll be praying for the upcoming surgeries this week.  Sure wish I could travel to meet you all at the COF meeting this evening, but just can't do it, not this month anyway.  My three youngest children attend private Christian school, and they only go Tue - Fri each week (which is kinda nice to have 3 day weekends every week), so they are home today and my grandbaby is here every Monday as well - so Mondays are a bit busy for me.  I also need to call my doctor's office today about those infusions.  Gotta stay on them about that.  Sooooo,  just maybe, tomorrow I might be getting an infusion!!  Pray that's the case.  I am feeling a wee bit better as I gave myself a B12 shot Saturday afternoon.  :-) Have a great day everyone!!!!  :-)
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Shannon C.
on 10/21/07 9:49 pm - Kirksville, MO

Happy Monday Everyone! Got overstaffed today so am going to chage my bedroom around.  Have already been to wallyworld and walked 30 minutes as it is dreary out and supposed to rain off & on.   Dad wanted to cut wood today but the road is to muddy to get up to our 77 acres of timber.  We may end up having to buy wood this year.   We use the wood stove in the great room to heat most of the house.  When I moved in with my father he was worried that I might get to cold in my room so he put in a ventless gas heater in the living room to  heat that end of the house.  I only kick it on when the temp gets down in the teens & lower.  I sleep better in a cool room but do not like gatting dressed in a cool room - LOL Was a little concerned about eating something one week and the next week I could not tolerate it.  A couple of gals at work told me that it happens and not to worry about it.  I made a low fat lasagna and  could not tolerate more that 2 bites.  I also have been a little hesitant to try new foods - has this happened to anyone else?

You all have a great day and stay safe! Shannon



on 10/21/07 11:36 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Yesterday was so nice here-but it was probably one of my busiest crazee days so far. I also hurt so bad yesterday that I did come home early, but spent a lot of time with heat, ice, and getting back rubs and so on! I told my parents I would run office for them while they went to brunch with Dave and Jan. 2 hours-no big deal. Then, Jan INSISTED on wanting to take me to the mall and buy a complete outfit for me. From shoes to bras. I told her no-but she said she would just go and buy the stuff and give it to me-and she would make sure that it was hideous stuff that I would want to take back and exchange and then I would have to mess with all of that! Bullheaded she is!  So-Megan, Steph and I went to AT&T first, to get our new phones, and then we met Jan and my mom at the mall-we went to Victoria Secrets and I was amazed! I got my bra and undies there! YAY~anyway-Jan and my mom both noticed that I wasnt doing very well and I asked if I could please end the shopping trip and get home-and we did.  The girls and I came home and Jan, Dave and my mom came over for dinner and so Jan could get on the internet and look up Maine Coon cats at a cat rescue place. She will be getting one today or tomorrow. While they were doing that-2 of Daves kids-who have never been out to my house, both came out-WITH their families-spouses AND children. I didnt have enough food for everyone-and I felt like they shouldnt have come out unannounced. Just didnt feel like entertaining all those people! So-that was an additional 4 adults and 6 kids! GEEZ....I did tell them that I did not have enough food for everyone-and I apologized, but I know it still came off rude, just because I wasnt feeling good and all that! Jan was upset that they felt they had the right to come out, without calling OR asking if it would be ok. Then, she found out that David told them where he would be and he didnt think we would have a problem with coming out here. So-Jan and Dave were snapping at each other, which stressed all of us out! They only stayed about and hour, maybe hour and a half.  Jan wants to go finish our shopping today, but I told her no. I am going to save all my energy etc so that IF I can go to group, that I will not be hurting as bad-plus its storming here, which definitely doesnt help with the arthritis and DJD. Told her that we would do that tomorrow. Her and David gave me a gift last night-they gave me round trip airfare for 2, anywhere in the USA, good until Aug 2008. They are taking care of all taxes and transfer costs etc. I told them I couldnt accept a gift like that-and she said they werent going to be able to use it, and that they wanted me to have it, they said to think of it as a reward for being inspiring to so many people. She said that I inspired her so much and that I have really changed her life.....I never even knew it! Will have to see if we will be able to use it though! May have to fly somewhere and come right back home-LOL!!! That really made me pretty emotional last night, thats for sure! After they left-Megan got online to add multi media package to our phone plan....well-when she did that-somehow it took off texting on Mikes and mines phones! I had been trying to text Mel and Tammy to see if they were still up-since it was 9:30 and I didnt want to wake anyone if I called too late. I wasnt sure with Brendas toes and feet if they turned in early or not. I never heard back from them and so I thought maybe I offended them or said something in a gripey tone earlier or something-just wasnt sure-and didnt understand why no one was getting back to me-thank goodness Aaron had been texting Megan from work and when she never answered him-he called because he was worried-and thats when we started to realize that there was a problem somewhere.  She ended up getting online 3 times before the mess was straightened out-and nearly 2 hours! I just hope that AT&T wont charge us for removing texting and then adding it back on to the plan???? Megan is going to call customer service today to make sure they wont charge is additionally.  I did finally get to text Mel-and they had been sitting there waiting for me to call or whatever. I felt so stupid!! I have a Dr. Appt this morning-which I cant wait to go to, since its raining and the drivers window in the Suburban is stuck down like 5 inches!! GEEZ~~Then, am going to find out about scheduling at the office today-and hopefully will get to meet the girls at Nuttis this afternoon.  Not sure about group tonite. Want to go, but will have to see.  Still havent gone through the boxes for Tammy yet-and so I better try and get that done as well!~ I have a few things set out, but not as much as I have in boxes over in Mels garage! Not sure thats gonna happen before they go home!

I better get this done and get dressed to go. Megan spent the night last night and she is going with me to the docs today so that she can watch Jon while I am there and then she has a couple of errands to run and I told her that I would take her so that Aaron wouldnt have to get up since he works nights. **Jan-CONGRATS on the WOW!!~ Isnt that just awesome? I am so happy for you!!! Yes, the surgery is amazing and I love to hear stories like that and I am so happy that you got to cross that off your list. Poor Joe and Teresa~ I know they were happy for you too!  Did you buy anything? I will definitely be praying for all of our upcoming surgeries this week! For safe surgeries and very speedy recoveries! Since it is suppose to start getting cooler now-Mike and I are going to be saving to get our propane tank filled the first week in November. We dont have near enough wood to just run the fireplace-so may have to pay someone else for that this year too~ Usually we do our own wood-but between health problems and such-havent been able to do that like previous years. Im not overdoing it-I dont really do much of anything in the office but answer the phones and check people in and out. Its not hard work, thats for sure-I definitely work harder at home! Its only going to last another week anyway! So-I can use the extra cash for one more week!~ I will be getting some new pics put on here in the near future. Just have to get some free time and get it figured out. Give me a week or so and we will have it all fixed up! Oh yes, hubby AND boys know that IF I ever come home to the house looking like that again-there will be serious hell to pay here! I am NOT the maid and I am getting really tired of this crap where IF I am not home-they wont even put a dish in the dishwasher and the kids dont do their chores-unacceptable and they knew I was mad-so I dont think it will happen again. They had put a movie in and wanted me to sit and watch it with them and I didnt until the house was picked up-and told them thats pretty sad when I have to come home and work harder than I do AT work, because they spent the day being lazy ass's! Yes, if I dont make it tonite-please give the molds to Mel or Nutti or whomever does make it from this area. Thanks-I appreciate it.  I really hope to see you, but still dont know. I love all of you though-and I WILL be there in spirit IF I dont make it in body! Well Peeps, I am off here. I hope all of you has a blessed Monday. I love and pray for all of you. Take care-Janet

Bobbie Smith
on 10/21/07 11:47 pm - Ashland, MO
I am so glad the weekend is over lol now I can slow down on my running the kids have so many things to do on the weekdays with homeschool and all then the weekend gets here and there is all these other activities I like mondays lol....DH Leaves again tomorrow for most of the week I cant go this time since all the kids will be here on THursday and he wont be back till Friday so someone has to be here for them and thats me other wise I would of gotten to take a 3 day trip to Sedelia...Trying to decide if we are going to go to my moms in Texas for Thanksgiving and then spend Christmas with DH family seems to work out best that way... but havent totally decided yet....my mom is begging us to come down there so I imagine we will go there....not alot happening really the weather has been windy windy windy and warm.... I am ready for a little bit of a cool off but not to bad its to the point now that I freeze inside buildings all the time lol.....went to church yesterday and some of the people that havent seen me snce before surgery was like OH MY you look so good ( I always think to myself OMG did I look that bad before) and then they want to know how much I have lost and all and I enjoy telling them about it to a point then they start getting more personal and one little old lady said Oh dear you look like your losing your boobs... I finally looked at her and said honey after haveing 48dd I can afford to lose them and she blushed lol  so it was funny anyway you all have a great day

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 10/22/07 12:01 am - MO
Thank you for the reminder about Julia Carver!

on 10/22/07 12:54 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, Jan, I went to War Eagle on Saturday and we were there about four hours too.  It was fun and I loved it.  I bought a basket for Stacy for Christmas and a couple of other small items.  Got worn down after awhile though.  Everything starts to look the same to me after about 3-4 hours. Can't wait to see everyone tonight at Circle of Friends.  I'm also glad we're going to have a meeting to attend in two weeks too.  I need more than once a month. I'll be praying for Julia and all the newbies and those with upcoming surgeries.  It can be a little scarey but the surgery is so worth any fears.  I am a new person - no major health problems except rheumatoid arthritis and it is so much better since I have less weight on my knees and feet.   Hugs and big loveys to everyone. Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 10/22/07 3:03 am - Joplin, MO
Good Morning MO Peep's           Dont anyone go fainting Yes, it is really me. Didnt realize how 2 kids and 2 adults to take care of would keep me hopping. lol But I love it and I wouldnt change it for the world.          Anyways the ladies got here yesterday afternoon. I fixed dinner and we talked into the wee hours of the morning. Have been having a blast with them. And I am so thrilled that they are here.      Just got back from my Orth doc (or as Janet calls him Dr. McDreamy) lol. He is referring me over to a back surgeon. I swear if I share 1 more thing with Janet. They are going to have to put me in the physic ward for awhile. lol    Anyways it is cold and rainy here. Thought I would pop on here and say howdy. And I am definatley looking foward to the meeting tonight. I hope to see alot of people at the meeting tonight. Have a safe and dry day (if possible) Love ya'll Mel
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
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