Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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I choose to do 2 weeks.
the 1st week is OVER!!!! It is very HARD the first 2 days. 1 week left!!!!!
Cant wait.
After 1 week one this diet I am down 11 lbs. So that is great.
I have 8 days left until surgery.
It is recommended by your surgeon and dietitian to follow a low sugar, liquid diet for 10 days before your
surgery. The purpose of this liquid diet is to deplete your liver glycogen (sugar) stores, which in turn will
reduce the size of your liver and help make the operation safer and possible. Here are examples of
liquids you can have during this time period. Remember to try to get in at least 60 grams of sugar-free
protein per day while on this diet. The nutritional guidelines are as follows:
A. These liquids contain moderate amounts of sugar.
1. Juice, Gatorade®, or Powerade® – limit it to 2 cups or less each day. (Try to choose juiceslower in sugar such as apple, orange or grapefruit)2.
Regular jello, popsicles, or no-sugar-added fudgsicles - 3 or less servings each day3. 1 cup of milk (skim, 1%, or 2%) or 8 oz. Light Yogurt (Dannon Light, Yoplait Light orColombo Light
) or ス cup cottage cheese - 3 or less each day.4. Atkins Shakes, Carb Solutions Shakes or any protein shake with low sugar. 1-2 aday (These can be found at Osco, Walgreens, CVS and GNC.
DO NOT BUY: Slim Fast,Ensure, Boost, etc.) aim for at least 60 gm of protein/day
B. The liquids below can be taken in any amount since they do not contain sugar.
1. Sugar-free beverages such as Crystal Light, Wyler’s Light, Sugar-free Kool Aid or SugarfreeTang, diet Snapple, diet sodas, Fruit2O®, Propel®, coffee or tea with sugar substitute,
or water.
2. Broth soups (all varieties)
3. Sugar-free popsicles and sugar-free jello, or any liquid that is sugar free
Attention Diabetics! For those with diabetes we recommend consuming 15 grams of carbohydratesevery 2 hours or so. Monitor your blood sugars more frequently and adjust your agents or Insulin
accordingly. Be sure to contact us if necessary to help manage your diabetes during this period. If your
blood sugar is more than 150, spread out the sugar-sweetened liquids over a 3 hour period.
Any liquids with 15 grams or less of carbohydrates are allowed - examples:
• セ cup carbonated beverage, soda
• ス cup orange, apple, or grapefruit juice
• 1 popsicle
• 1 cup milk
• 6 ounces light yogurt (Dannon Light, Yoplait Light or Colombo Light)
• ス cup cottage cheese
• 1/3 cup regular jello
• ス cup Kool Aid
• 1 tbsp. honey or sugar (can be used to sweeten a beverage)
Liquids low in sugar are the key to this liver shrinking diet
s by surgeon regarding the lidquid diet.