Jan C.
on 10/20/07 2:34 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Man was it ever chilly when I got up Saturday morning. 40 degrees I was freeaing so I turned the heat on for about 15 minutes just to knock the chill out of he house. Sort of hated to do it but I couldn’t stop shaking lol and this was just 40 , what am I going to do this winter? I guess I need to go buy me some more sweat pants and shirts so I wont be so cold at home.

Enjoyed the sunny weather after it warmed up some and got some more yard work done. Did some clean up and started on cleaning out this one old shed on the property we are getting. Just trash that needs to be put out or burned .

We will be pulling up the carpets in the house as soon as we sign the papers on it so we can see what we need to do to the floor. I think we have decided to fix it up some and rent it out. Will be a quest tho to find the right person , someone that is mature and doesn’t party all night and would prefer a non smoker if we get it all fixed up would prefer not to have smoke in there again. I have a lady in mind but it will probably be spring before we have it ready.

Just what we need another project lol We were running out of things to do I think. Since we are still working on the trailer too. But it is really hard to do stuff to it when it is occupied. I am trying to help them get their finances in order so they can start saving money to get their own place , lol don’t think they are really interested too much. This winter may change their minds don’t know how easy it will be to keep the trailer warm. I don’t want them to leave until they are ready but don’t want them to stay forever either. They need to be on their own. And not depending on free rent and stuff.

I love helping people but want them to be making an effort to do for themselves. I know it isnt easy with him not making much but they do waste some too. But that is kids for you they just need to learn to save.


So no one still knows about Amber? Why hasn’t there been any post about her? Someone needs to tell us something. Even if it is we don’t know…


Today we are going to go to War Eagle, as long as we have lived up here we have never gone , well I have decided that I am thru just sitting and waiting for something to happen. If I want to go I am going to go. We will be meeting my oldest daughter over there. Since she lives in Rogers now she is really close to it. How many of you have been there? I know the area is beautiful.




TRACI: so when do you start your iron infusions? Once when I was pregnant with my last baby I got anemic and I was taking huge iron pills daily plus an iron shot 2 xs a week they never could get me past the anemic stage till after she was born. They figured she was taking all she needed and more. But she was ok .

Hope you get to feeling better soon.



BRENDA: yeah was cold over here too. But I did turn on the heater for about 15 mins just long enough to warm the house up some.

We are all looking forward to seeing you and Tammy Monday.


TINA: sounds like you have some big time partying to do lol two of them in two days wow what a party animal. Don’t get lost in the maze out there.

It really sounds like loads of fun.

Where in Clever is this farm my sister, Sugar lives in Clever.

I hope we see you at the meeting on Monday night.








Bobbie Smith
on 10/20/07 3:04 pm - Ashland, MO
Jan I am so sorry that we did not make it down there with DH work schedule and the kids going here and there and all we just skipped the fmaily reunion.....  The girls had a bonfire tonight with the youth department at the church and one of them volunteered to be buried in the sand so when she got out of the shower it looked like a beach in there.... the other got hurt playing red rover lol.... things are going good here DH is working his tail end off and I am exercising mine off lol so together we are a no tail end family..... hope everyone is doing well

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 10/20/07 5:46 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan and MO Peeps~ Well, its almost 2:30 and I cant fall asleep again. Last night, after I got done at work (after books etc-it was after 11 pm, then stopped to get gas and Food 4 Less) so-by the time I got home, I was beat-but my back hurt so bad, that I didnt fall asleep until after 4:30 and my phone started ringing at 7 am prompt. All my kids were calling-to see if I was going to meet them for some garage saling with them and their grandmas and then Steph stayed at a friends and she was calling to say good morning and asked me to bring her some fresh clothes when I picked her up from work-and then Mike texting me from the woods were he was hunting. Finally just turned it off at 8 and went back to sleep until 9....I just couldnt stay awake.  Aaron had adjusted my back last night-and I had felt like a rib or two or three (LOL) were out of place because every time I took a breath-it hurt. So, the back AND the front both hurt. He adjusted it 2 more times this morning and then Mike once-and finally, when Mike did it-I felt it actually go back into place.  By this time, I was just bawling from the pain and I took an extra pill to try and make it bearable.  On top of a full flexiril-and I fell asleep at work-LOL... In the big lazy boy type chair in the commons area-with the work phone on my chest-Thank goodness my dad is the manager!!! My ex-MIL, Jan, (the step MIL, I guess-but I really really like her-I dont like the biological ex MIL)  ok-so anyway, she is running us ragged with all of her shopping! Wow-I dont know where she gets the energy, she is twice my age-and the only person I know with MORE energy than her-is Jon!! So, I have been spending all my time with them and running before going to work and so on-and I am just beat! I got most laundry caught up during the week-Thurs I think-so I will have some catch up to do tomorrow-and then I swear, when I am at work-all the men in this house-dont understand what it means to clean up after themselves! I told them tonite that IF I EVER come home to the house like it was tonite ever again, I would never cook for them or clean ever again! I was so angry! It reminded me of a college dorm room or a guys frat house!! YUCK. So, I HAD to clean before I could even sit down, I cant stand it when the house is messy. So, I have some housekeeping, then to town to spend with the family-and I said I would watch the office for a couple of hours while they go to brunch. My dad got a call from Mindy today (she is the other clerk at work) and she told my dad that she wouldnt have the money to come back home until Tues....What the crap? So, Monday is up in the air AGAIN....I may try to go in in the morning or something. Will see. Dad doesnt want me to miss my group, but Mondays are the days that the owner comes and dad is usually running him to Tulsa or going somewhere getting furniture and or supplies etc. So, will see. Mom could do it, but she is has a doctors appt and such. I will keep you posted. It is so windy here right now-that I am listening to the wind blow all the stuff on the porch around and I just heard the trash bins fall over! They have trash in them too-so its not like they are sitting there empty! Mike wont be hunting tomorrow morning if it stays this windy! Well, I had a pretty big WOW moment this morning. Jan, my ex MIL-she bought me some capris at a sale Friday morning, sz 18 and then some size 16. They all fit. The 16 I can get all the way up, but cant zip them without laying on the bed. Too tight, but I got them up-and I did with all of them, so I know its true!! YAY. So-the 18s I have-all but one fit good-even a little loose-so thats good and I was so excited. She bought me a really beautiful dress-just like one I had in my largest size-at the same sale, and its a L, but is a little tight across the chest-which is ok-I can wear a tank under it. So, that was really awesome for me! Well, I guess I am going to get this done and try to get to sleep. I have to go through some stuff tomorrow for Tammy when she gets here-and see what I can find-and then get some things organized. As the past couple of days would have it-it looks like there will be no rest for the wicked for a couple more days.... Please say some prayers that all my results from my ultrasound come back okay. Since I didnt get to talk to them on Friday-I am hoping that I get the results Monday. I am not worried about it, I just dont want to have to hassle with trying to find someone here who can scope me. Just want that part of me to be okay right now. Have too much to do to be down, you know? **Jan-I know exactly what your saying about being cold. I get chilled right to the bone sometimes and it reminds me of being stuck out in the cold up in Minnesota where I grew up!! I cant warm up sometimes for hours~ I know for Christmas, I am asking for one of those wraps or individual electric blanket that I can wrap up in and watch tv or whatever! I also am asking for thermals and slippers!!! LOL~   Good luck with the new place. Sounds like you will be able to stay busy even when its gets colder outside and you cant do as much planting! Hope to see you Monday night. Can you bring the molds for the stepping stones with you? We are going to be making some for Christmas presents-and so I need time-LOL....I would appreciate it.

**Tammy-Ammy and Brenda-Have a safe trip and take it easy. Call me when you get to Mels house and MAYBE I can sneak away for a bit and see you since I dont know what Monday is going to bring yet. Thanks! To everyone else-needing prayer or feeling sick or in the hospital etc-I am praying for all of you. Take care, and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Traci K.
on 10/20/07 10:27 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone What's up with the weather?!!  It's supposed to be hot again today, then cold again tomorrow.  Sooooo Missouri - but can we just pick a season please?!  Jan:  I'm not sure the exact day I'm having my iron infusions just yet.  The doctor's office hasn't called me yet to tell me all that.  I'll call tomorrow to spur them on.  Hopefully either Tuesday or Thursday this week (the days I don't have my grandbaby, and would be available to do it). I'm super tired today.  I even slept much later this morning than I normally ever do.  Good, I guess, as my body needed the rest, but that usually triggers migraines, which is why I don't vary from my usual sleep pattern much.  I sooooo need some iron!  Have a blessed Sunday everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Tammy H.
on 10/20/07 11:16 pm - Holcomb, MO

Good Morning Folks.... Had hoped to sleep in a bit this morning but I guess we don't always get what we want! Thought I would get on and drop a line or two before I start packing and getting around to head out for Mels..I meant to be most of the way packed by now but that didn't happen either..... Had me a lil wow moment Friday....I bought 5 shirts and a pair of slacks for myself at a yardsale....NEVER happened before....Not very many larger size women put their clothes in the yard sales....Seems they are so expensive we have to wear them till we cant wear them anymore lol lol...And 2 of them were actually dress type tops!!! I normally wear colored T-shirts since they are cheaper....So it will be cool to wear something other than T-shirts for a change.... The lady I bought them off of live near me and while we were talking she told me she too was going to have weight loss surgery...I think she is going for the band...I told her about the OH site and she said as soon as they got their new computer set up and running she would be dropping by to check us out...Her name is also Tammy lol lol....Our board is going to be full of Tammys soon lol lol.... Didn't post on Janets wieght loss post but wanted to share my exciting news while I'm posting!!!I am down aprox 137lbs now....ONLY 13 MORE POUNDS TILL I'M DOWN 150LBS........YEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWW!!!!! Im tickled PINK!!!!Lmbo!   I went last Tuesday and got my hair cut and styled...First time in years and years!!! Everyone likes it except Joe...He likes it ok but I got it all cut off and he don't like that part....But the next day before work I got up and fixed it and put on make up and they all about crapped their pants lol lol....I had went plain and hair on top of my head for so long we all forgot I could even look decent lmbo!!!! This week I have gotten several comments at work and from some of my friends...AND IT FEEL FANTASTIC!!!!! I have been feeling alot better since the weight has been coming off but this week I have felt fantastic and my self asteem is way up there!  I still have not heard anything from my Angeletts mother.... I have called aprox 4 times and keep getting voice mail but no return phone calls.....EVERYONE PLEASE PRAY SHE (Amber) IS DOING WELL!! I hope it's just us missing each other or something and not something wrong....She had surgery Friday so hopefully she will get out of the hospital Monday or Tues and call me herself....I was thinking she had it done at St.louis so Susan is going to check today and see if she is in De Paul where she is at and is suppose to let me know and let her know I'm trying to check on her... Speaking of Susan....Please pray for her as well...I hope so much that once they are done with her next week she can get back on her feet and start feeling better again...The doctor said he thinks all her vomiting was from her Gaul bladder...something about the bile being somewhere it didn't need to be...I guess maybe going in her stomach....But hopefully Wed Dr.Scott will get the surgery done and she will feel better soon! I haven't been on alot lately with working and all so I would like to say CONGRATS to all our new loosers!!! I am so happy for you all and hope that you all have as wonderful adventure with your weight loss as I have!!! I wish the same for all those who are soon to be loosers as well.... And to all our newbies on the board...WELCOME!!! Hope to see more of you and hope your jouney is wonderful and unforgetable!!! Janet, Mel & Nuttie.....Woooo Hooooo....I will see yall later today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Picking Brenda up near her church at noon and we will be on our way...We hope to hit Mels around 5 this afternoon....We are both looking so forward to seeing everyone at the COF meeting tomorrow night!!   Well got to get off and get around...Still haven't even packed a bag yet lol lol.... God Bless each of you... Have a wonderful Sunday... Luv & Hugs.......Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 10/21/07 3:08 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH peeps!  This weather is weird, it sure is windy here but not real cool... The past few days have been rather tiring and stressful.  I spent Thurs. and Fri. cleaning the house trying to get ready for my fur babies birthday party.  I had a few confirmations of people who were going to come and even a confirmation the day of and no one showed up but one of my friends and then she spent like 45 min. on a phone call.  I was so upset with my family for not showing up.  They expect me to come to the things they plan and boy if I am not there I get the third degree so I always show up at their events.  I am sick of the way my family treats me and I'm going to put a stop to it.  Next time they call me wanting something from me I'm not going to do it.  My fur kids did enjoy their party and that's the most important thing. I had to go to the Dr. Fri. cause of my ear and I have an ear infection so she gave me some antibiodics and I think it's messing with my tummy? I feel like going back to bed I am so exhausted.  I didn't get to sleep until after 2am then my fur babies woke me up early wanting out so I got up with them and thought I would go back to bed after I let them out well that didn't happen cause they wanted to play!  Now I have eaten my breakfast and getting really sleepy.... I am so frustrated with my housemates!  I spent 2 days cleaning this house from top to bottom and then what do they do?  Leave trash on the kitchen counter, papers all over the dinning room table, got mud on the bathroom floor and didn't clean it up.  You would think I lived with a bunch of two year olds unable to clean up after themselves!  That just makes me so angry they are adults more than able to pick up after themselves.  I'm not doing it anymore I'm tired of cleaning up after other people if they want to live in a messy house then so be it.  I realize I don't own this house so there's very little I can say about it.  I just wish I could afford to move out and into my own place.  Living here is really causing me a lot of emotional stress.  I have to figure out a way so that I can move out of here I want to live alone! Well, guess I better take my fur kids outside again they are sitting here begging me to take them out.  Take care everyone and have a blessed Sunday. If your interested I posted some of my fur kids birthday pics on my profile.   Bev~

on 10/21/07 7:56 am - Kirksville, MO
Hey All,      I have had a terrible time. I have been in the hospital since wednesday night. I started having very bad pains on the right side of my stomach. They got so bad that my husband took me to Northeast regional hosp in Kirksville. They did some test and said my white blood count was very high and that the ct scan showed that my appendics was all swollen up and needed to be taken out. Well then they tell me that the only two surgeons in town who could do the surgery were both out of town at the same time. So then they took me by abulance to Columbia to University hosp.at about 2:00a. When I get there the doctors there decided that it wasn't my appendics. So the start doing other tests. So on Thurs. they did an ultrasound of my Gullbladder, It showed no stones. All along I'm still in major pain. So on Friday they did another test on my gullbladder to record it's function. Well it came back that it wasn't working at all. By this time I had not had anything to eat or drink since 3:30p on Wed., incase I had to have surgery. So then they tell me that they couldn't do anything until Monday but since I was still in so much pain they would keep me in the hosp. and remove it on monday.Then Saturday they started talking about sending me home and I told them that I live 1and a half hours away and I was not comfortable going home that I would rather stay there and get it done on Monday . So they agreed. So now today they came in this morning and said that they were sending me home and I could come back in to the clinic sometime later this week and set up surgery then. I was so mad after I spent all this time in the hosp. and they sent me home without doing it.So I am calling my PCP in the morning and see what she thinks I should do, stay with them or go to someone else. On top of everything else I am suspose to go to Sedalia on Wed. for my throat scope and if I do have this surgery soon how is that gonna affect my surgery on Nov. 12th. I'm so upset and confused.And I also didn't get to go see my Grand kids this weekend with being in the hosp. And now I don't know when I can go with all this going on. I need a hug!!        Well thanks for listening,Take Care, Tammy V.

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


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