Another windy day for us, nice and pretty and sunshine but never got to 70 all day.Was a great day. Went for a walk with the granddaughter and great grandbabies. Found an old swing and got on it with the great grandson. When we got almost home I noticed I didn’t have my phone with me so had to retrace my steps. Wouldn’t you know it it was by that old swing, so I got twice the walk in that I started out to get. Lol Oh well didn’t hurt me any.
Hey if anyone has a motor for a 1995 ford escort station wagon 5 speed let me know. I know where I can buy a really nice one that needs a motor in it. For almost nothing. If I can find a motor for cheap enough I could have a really good car out of it. The body is really nice.
Well we will know next week end wheather the house and lot will be ours soon or will have to wait awhile longer. The man that owned it died and his son said he will know next week if it has to go to into probate. Probably not since it isnt very much and there isnt anything owed on it.
Happy Birthday Tami Pich hope you have a great day today.
Hope Amber is doing well after her surgery.
Next week we have 3 surgeries , on Monday is Julia Carvers hip surgery , Tuesday is Cindy H. wls and on Friday is Sheilas wls. Wow we are going to be kept busy praying for all these girls.
Last night was the fancy reception for my Brother and sister in laws wedding at the Basin Hotel in Eureka Springs. Did I tell you that the outfit I got for it was a size 8….can you believe that? Wow. I was going to wear this size 10 outfit that I had and put it on and it was way too big., I found a beautiful black and gold dress in the thrift shop for only 4.00 I couldn’t believe it when I saw the size I said it will never fit but it fit prefect.
Joe and I danced all night well for 2 hours that is how long it lasted. I didn’t know if I would remember how or not since it has been so long .I guess it is sort of like riding a bike you don’t remember but your feet do lol
TINA: sure hope you get to come to the meeting on Monday night would love to meet you and your friend too. Im really glad you get enjoyment out of my post, I love doing them that is for sure.
VESTA: Oh girl im so sorry that you have something like that. I know it must be a worry to you. Will that be next Thursday that you will have it removed? Hope you will be at the support meeting this coming Monday. I have missed you a lot. Will be praying.
BRENDA: lol you silly girl , you posted exactly the same thing didn’t you on both of them lol Now that is what you call a diplomat right.
So sorry about your toes still hurting. Im hoping they will be better soon.
Amitriptyline is given a lot for Fibro. And yes I think it can be taken safely with the pills you said, Joe takes it with flexaril and Paxil so don’t of any reason that it couldn’t be.
NUTTI: Sounds like you are staying busy with your miniatures. Oh I know you are on disability but check with s.s. about their return to work program. They don’t kick you off of Medicare right away. You can work and try it to see if you can do it. Anyway check with them . I forget what the name of the program is but Joe gets paperwork about it every once in a while.
TRACI: I sure hope you are getting to feeling better , get those I Vs started girl. And get well. You got it on the prayers , we are all praying.
GLENNA: Oh wow I feel sorry for you guys about the shingles doing that, that is why we went with the metal roof so we don’t have to worry about the wind now.
Im ready for the meeting already, but I guess I will wait till Monday lol
Sorry about your car You think it will help if we pray for it?
JANET: sorry we got mixed up on the dates sweetie, but thank you from the botton of my heart. I hope you don’t get too tired working and are able to make you a little bit of money .
Am so glad that you are going to get to come to the meeting. Will you be coming with Brenda and Tammy ? Don’t forget Nutti. Will Melissa get to come? How is she doing today?
Got to get to bed it is now 1:30am. Yikes I haven’t been up that late in a long time.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
BURRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! It's cold!! It is 38 degrees here this morning. I want to turn on the heater but DH says we don't need it on yet. So I've got on sweats and a blanket around me.
Yes Jan I was being fair and diplomatic lol!! Big wow on the size 8!!!! I'm glad you found your phone. See you Monday.
Craig I'm so sorry I won't get to see you again but I understand that you need to watch your budget and get other surgeries taken care of first.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone Monday night. Tammy I need to call you and find out what time we are leaving. I've got to get busy today and pack a bag and get ready for my trip. I may not be back on here tomorrow with church in the morning and then leaving for Springfield. So everyone have a wonderful day! And I will see most of you on Monday. Brenda
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.