Jan C.
on 10/18/07 1:17 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

My Lord batten down the hatches me maties, the wind is going to blow us away. I think it became March overnight. I guess it is blowing in a change in the weather patterns. Seems like it does this when weather is getting ready to really change.

Joe is still across the street helping the guy over there with building his garage and you should have seen them trying to put the house wrap on the walls of the garage today. Was as good as watching a comedy movie lol

Last nights wild weather was really something and I was glad that I got the post on when I did or it wouldn’t have been on till this morning late. Our electric went out about 10pm and was out most of the night. It was a wild and wooly night for sure.

Hope everyone is ok today and didn’t get any tornadoes where you live.


Was going to clean the greenhouse out today but got started doing other stuff and had to drive to town to post a fed ex letter and found a couple of garage sales along the way , nothing good but stopped any way.

Today the 19th is Ambers Surgery. We will be praying for you Amber and good luck.

Next Friday is Sheilas surgery. I am counting the days with you Sheila…only 7 more. Wow. I remember when you were thinking that the 6 month diet was going to take forever. But here it is. The time will start flying now. I know it has for me , it sure doesn’t seem like it has been over a year since I had surgery. Wow.


You know someone on the board posted all of these bad things that we all went thru before when we were obese and said that soon all of that would be memories that were forgotten. I really hope I don’t forget them ever. I think that is what makes me do this post daily , it is what helps me to be kind to others that are in the situation I was in, I understand and know how they feel as most of you do. It is part of our past yes, but part that if we forget then we might not be able to help anyone else that is the same boat we were a year or two or 3  what ever the case may be. It is what makes us be able to understand those little wow moments and how great it is just to tie our shoes on top, how great it is to be able to walk into the store and shop and not have to use the electric scooter. How wonderful and fantastic it is to be able to keep our own hygiene up to standard, and the million and one other things that make us remember and understand when you say (I had a wow moment today, might not seem like much but to me it it) Yes it is a great moment all of them and we do understand.

Enjoy all of those little wow moments. Each and everyone of them and remember how great it feels to be able to do what ever it is .



CRAIG: I sent you a message on yahoo messenger hope you got it. Are you still staying with your cousin when you come down? If so she should know where the Library Center is on South Campbell . And the meeting starts at 6:30

Im really anxious to see you and to also meet your God brother. Sounds like he is really doing well.

He has you to model after so he should do really well.



TRACI: yes I have impressed upon my self that I should be taking more of certain things. I have taken double of just about everything and my labs were perfect so hopefully they will stay the same. But I did look at my calcium tonight and decided to up them from 2 to 4 a day. Since I says that 2 caplets only give you 40% of daily needs so with 4 of them it will only be 80%

I try to impress on each person I talk to about how taking your supplements is something that you have to commit to for the rest of your life and the chewable kids stuff you start off with isnt enough later on.

Keep up the good work on reminding us all of the need for more than the small amounts you start with.

Baby Lily is absolutely precious. That smile is so contagious.



TINA: thanks for adding about the lady and low iron problems. That can be very serious to be low on anything, so people when you have your labs run be sure and have the vits all checked too.

You bet Tina all of it is very very important, hope we see you on here more often.



JANET:yes it seems that if anything can happen it will happen to you or Melissa. I don’t know which one of you have a bigger target on your back.

So how are Melissa and Terry and the babies today. Are they going to be ok? The kids didn’t get hurt when this wreck happened? Im hoping not.


Can you have your pcp call St. Johns hospital in Springfield to maybe have a scope done. Dr. Edwards will probably do it for you. Or at least it doesn’t hurt to ask ok? He has taken care of Sugar.  since she didn’t want to go back to the hospital in St. Louis.You really need to get something done and soon. You cant keep not eating you will have your system so messed up that you will get seriously ill.


Yes it wont hurt the kids to help carry the laundry basket to the washer. You need to quit doing things that you know are going to make your back hurt more. You aren’t doing yourself any favors like that. Jon is even big enough to at least push them to you. He should be able to lift a basket of dirty clothes he is a pretty good size boy you know. He isnt a baby anymore.


I bet your former in laws were really shocked when they saw you weren’t they? I love the look on peoples faces when they see you, they almost stare with the mouth hanging open don’t they?  Hope they can convince the sperm donor to stay in Las Vegas . But im sure he will show up that type usually does and if so if he hasn’t caught up on every penny he owes you , you do need to report him to the state. Don’t hesitate to do so. He thinks you wont since he is supposedly sick….which who knows if he is or is just using that too.

Im glad that Steph has gotten over that and wanting to have him around. I guess she finally saw what he really was.

Thanks for the prayers  and you bet I love to give out hugs will see you Monday night.


BRENDA: im anxious to see you and Tammy Monday night as well as Craig. This is way too cool that you all will be there.

How are your toes doing today. Im really sorry that the fibro didn’t get any better after all the weight you have lost.

Do you take amitriptyline at night for the fibro? That is what they use a lot of it for. It helps you to sleep and when you get a full nights sleep the fibro isnt nearly as bad.

I hate it that you are hurting that badly.

I will continue to pray for you and for Dennis also.



BEV: so now you have seen Dr. Hornbostel for the first time isnt he cool? Did he answer all of your questions?

Did you get any answers from Humana or Medicare or Dena today? I hope they approve you soon and you can get this all done. Your life will change so much. From what you know now.

No telling what you will be doing a year from now .

Yes do start taking your vits and protein now the more you get your body ready the easier time you will have of it. I really believe that is why I didn’t have much hair loss is because I had my protein levels and vit levels all built way up before surgery. Just know that what you need now and right after surgery is not what all you will need about a month after surgery , You will need more  of everything later as you will mal-absorb things.

I hope your furbabies have fun at their birthday party lol. Don’t eat too much cake.

Hope your ear is doing better today. See your doctor about it ok?








on 10/18/07 1:24 pm - Battlefield, MO
Jan, I am almost always here....just lurking in the background.  I am going to try and bring my friend to a meeting.  I would be a great resource for everyone.  I am going to try and remember the COF meeting on Monday.  I forgot the last one and August was right after my surgery. Jan, I love your daily posts.  Thank you for your dedication to us all! Tina
on 10/18/07 11:12 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board,  ohhh cold this morning.     Put me in your prayers  go thur. to  dermatology to have alittle thing on my lip removed, possible a sqamous cell cancer, its not very big but want to get it off now..caused from sun so everyone use your sun screen when you are gonna be in the sun...   Tracy you are in my prayers, get well soon......love ya all....vesta


Brenda Minks
on 10/18/07 2:43 pm - Silva, MO

I don't know which one to post to, you  or Janet. LOL

I think I will post to both!! Jan - Thank you for your prayers!

My toes are still swelling if I don't keep them  elevated, but alas they did take out a piece of bone! A person doesn't get over a broken  bone in 4 weeks! I thought my Fibromyalgia would get better after the weight loss and maybe it did a little but not a lot. And then with the DDD in my  spine and the bone spurs. I had to have  surgery on my right thumb in 2005 to  remove a bone spur and they had to remove part of the joint and they did a tendon transfer. They did a tendon transfer on my toes also. I have bone spurs on my spine. They tell me  I have a pretty good size one on my  lumbar spine. If I want to have a pretty decent pain day I have  to do nothing that even resembles work. Sweeping and doing dishes causes me back pain real fast! I have never been given Amitriptyline I am  going to talk to my PCP about it because I have a very hard time with going to sleep and staying asleep, so therefore I also have CFS. Isn't Amitriptyline used for  a sleeping pill? And also used for depression? I take Flexiril  and I take Celexa for depression. Can Amitriptyline be given with these two drugs  safely? Janet - Thank you for your prayers! I am so glad you will get to go the  support meeting!!! And hoping to spend some extra time with you and Melissa. I am going to pray for you even harder!! And I do hope you can find out why you can't  keep anything down. Murphy's law really does apply to you! I think we will have to put you in that bubble  with Melissa!! To the ones having surgery today God bless you! I pray none of you were affected by the storms  today. We never did get any rain, all of it was north and  south of us. Well I have to go elevate my toes!! God Bless Everyone. Brenda

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




on 10/18/07 4:10 pm

 Hellooo Mo board! mot much going on around here....not enjoying the wind but all it is affecting is the plastic we already have up for the haunt....I sure hope this stuff dies down before Halloween.... Last yr the wind was sooo bad it kept ripping off the roof as soon as they moved to another side...ALLL day the 30th they fought with it. about 2 hours before the haunt the wind died and stayed gone til after we were done....we have had rain do that also..... I am having a  bout of insomnia....I have had 4 hours sleep in the last 32.... its been awhile since I have had it this bad. I would feel better if I was getting anything done.  I have finally finished my friends wizards house and sent it home....still working on my flowers for a show another friend is doing in SC. what she dosent sell she will send to another mutual friend who is doing the Tom Bishop show in Chicago.  it would be nice to make some money.....we are freaking out money wise......we put it all out there for the surgery and staying in a motel for 5 days....and than we had to pull a new vehicle out of our A$$!   I am ready to go back to work.....but I am on disability and although my check is pitiful I need the medicare ...I go Nov.3rd for followup......if I get a job I will have to pay for the visits and as it is Im barely going to be able to pay for the gas.  not looking for sympathy but jeeeeeeeeesh! only young people is suppose to spread themselves out like this.....we are suppose to have a nest egg by now for retirement?          HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA     oh and Deans car is acting up and he isnt sure what is wrong with it.  lucky for us the old van is still able and willing to make those trips back and forth to work. UUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGG  its a good thing Im loosing weight and can walk coz I may be doing just that!! actually I was thinking about getting a bicycle. a 3 wheeler.  my equalibrium is BAD so I need the extra stability. Dean said he would fix it so I could pull Miss Pixie if I wanted too. now I just gotta find one. looking forward to the meeting on Mon. Im hoping to get to go.....all depends on if I have a ride or copilot!

Have a wonderful Day yall! nutti






Traci K.
on 10/18/07 8:30 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning all Well, I spent yesterday in the ER.    I got to feeling extremely bad with the same symptoms I have been having - only amplified yesterday and I had a couple chest pains (lasting only moments) on Wednesday - which I mentioned when I called my doctor yesterday; but that was enough for them to send me to the ER.  Of course, I knew it wasn't my heart, but they wanted to check it anyway.  I have a doctor's appointment this AM, so we can discuss getting that iron infusion going and whatever else we need to do to get me feeling better.   Pray for me if you would.  I'm just at my normal level of fatigue this morning - so that's good news (I guess! ), at least I feel better than yesterday! Have a blessed day everyone.
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 10/18/07 9:57 pm - Battlefield, MO
Good luck today Tracy.  I will be thinking of you.
Glenna V.
on 10/18/07 11:13 pm - MO
Good TGIF, Just a few lines before I get my day started.  I've got such a list of things to do today, that I know I'll never get it all done. Yes, Jan the wind was terrible.  It blew up one of our shingles.  So that means a trip up on the roof for Jess.  This has happened a few times and he's getting pretty tired of climbing on the roof.  Our roof is pretty steep.   Our shingles look good, but every time we have the big winds like that we will have one fly up and Jess has to fix it.  We may have to end up putting on a new roof.  Yikes!! $$$ Janet:  I am so happy that you are planning on being at COF Monday night.  That is wonderful that you are going to be able to get off work to come.   Craig:  So glad you are going to be able to come too.  I know there will be a lot of people looking forward to meeting you in person. We meet at The Library Center.  The address there is 4653 South Campbell Avenue, Springfield, MO 65810  It is on the west side of Campbell Avenue.  It doesn't sit right on Campbell.....it is kind of like on an outer road.  It is just south of James River Freeway. My directions are probably not the best.  It might be more helpful to you, if you look it up on Map Quest or one of the on line maps. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m.  This month we are meeting in the Story Hour Room.  See you there!! Traci:  So sorry to hear that you have been feeling so bad.  I hope you are feeling better soon.   When I had my blood work done, everything came back fine except the Iron.  I had been taking Centrum Chewable Multi.....I switched to a different chewable Iron.  I thought maybe that would help.  Has your doctor suggested a certain type of Iron you should take? Well, better get to that "to do" list. Everybody have a good day. Glenna
Shannon C.
on 10/19/07 5:45 am - Kirksville, MO
Hi Everyone, Just tired here, had the flu and the nasal crud last week and its lingering effects.  Went to my pcp yesterday here in town(started seeing him when Dr. Suttmoeller went to Columbia) and he wanted to do a bunch more labs and I got him to hold off untill after i see Dr Suttmoeller next Tuesday.  We will see how I feel then if I need more lab or not all I could see was another $1500 of labs...  I am a walking pharmacy and really miss my ibuprofen.  I got started on ULTRAM for my back pain and really don't want to have another steroid injection at this time. Thats what 30 some years of nursing can do to you. Transmission went out of my car yesterday and had trouble getting it back in the driveway so I am now going to have to find one for a 91 chevy lumina.   Oh well, the Lord doesn't give you more than you can handle but am feeling a little put out!  Gratefull that I am living with my Dad and he lets me drive either his car or the truck if I need to. Need to get a sound card for my pc as its the pits not having any sound. Group hug for all. Love, shannon



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