Approved also, but feel sad

Helen J.
on 10/18/07 4:12 am - St. Louis, MO

I called the insurance company yesterday, and I’m approved for RNY. Great news, but I don’t feel anything inside me, kind of sad, I think.



Surgery I want for sure! I guess it’s what I know that is scaring me. Dr. Scott can’t do my surgery as requested, I’m getting someone else, I don’t know who. .My friend had rny in May and is back at Barnes Hospital again. She has been in the hospital more then home due to complications; she still can’t eat and is being feed by a tube, she’s 41 yrs. old and by herself. Surgery was everything to her, now it might kill her.  Then I read about the guy Bob Mc Queen, from MO. He has had a lot of trouble since his surgery in Aug, and is still not home either. I don't have a date, I will be scheduled for more tests now, but glad I had my psychological evaluation done in June and passed, I don’t think I’ll pass now the way I feel about all of this.  Helen

on 10/18/07 4:31 am - Wichita , KS
Helen,  I just had my first consult with Dr. Hornbostel in Sedalia yesterday so now I wait for the insurance approval.  I know it's scary I thought about some of the same issues but you also have to think about what would happen if you don't have the surgery and continue to battle obesity.  Your health will continue to deteriate and complications will arise so think about this.  If you don't have the surgery you will always wonder if you would have benifited from it.  You have the oppurtunity now to better your life and I say go for it!  I think of it this way if it's my time to die then I will die no matter if it's surgery related or if I walk out my dooor and get hit by a car.  I have to believe that God has brought me this far and he is going to see me through until the end.   Good luck on whatever journey you choose and know you have friends here if you need to ask a question or in need of a cyber hug!  Take care and keep us posted. Bev~

on 10/18/07 4:32 am - Nixa, MO
Any surgery is a scarey thing.  I don't think WLS is more complicated except sometimes we are not in the best of health before because of weight-related problems and bad dietary habits.  While you are waiting do everything you can to improve your health.   If you smoke - STOP.  If you drink soda - STOP.  Practice taking small bites and chewing a zillion times before swallowing.  Start using a baby spoon to eat.  Drink lots of water/Crystal Light in small sips instead of gulps and without a straw.  Wean yourself off caffiene.  Stop drinking with meals.  But the smoking part is sooooo important because of the anesthesia. so work on it first.  Many of us have not taken care of ourselves at all for years - think maybe we felt unworthy or something - but until you are several months post-op IT"S ALL ABOUT YOU and you should not feel guilty about it.  Look at it this way, you've probably put everyone in your life ahead of yourself for ages and so for just a few months they are going to have to allow you to put yourself and your needs first.  It's possible - and you need to focus on re-training yourself to be a thin person.  The rewards are so astonishing as you can tell from the remarks of those of us who are post-op.  Feeling healthy and active is better than anything in the world - getting off lots of medications (even though we have to take lots of vitamins) is just amazing.  You can do this and be a success.  Being afraid is not a bad thing, it proves you are informed and intelligent.  Being paralyzed by fear is a bad thing.  Go for it and you will not be sorry. Hugs, Lana 

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


Kerri G.
on 10/18/07 4:52 am, edited 10/18/07 4:53 am - Overland Park, KS

Are you going thru DePaul in St Louis?  That's where I am going.  Are you going to get Dr de la Torre? If you look at the statistics, people who have problems usually had medical issues to begin with.  & I think I'd rather go for it than stay the way I am.  I can literally see myself in one of those electic carts like they have at walmart because I can't walk anymore.  I don't want that.  I want to dance again! You have to decide if this is what you want.  If you are going to DePaul, maybe we could talk or PM.  My all day pre-op class appt is 12/12, then I will get my surgery date.   I'm going for it even tho my DH is not really very supportive & thinks I'm going to leave him a widow. & my son thinks it's stupid.  This is for ME. Finally..  Something for ME. Well, all I can say is there are alot of scary stories out there, but there seem to be more good ones.  Focus on the positive & not the negative.  Ignore all the people who try to bring you down or scare you out of this.  Your friend is 1 person who is having problems.  Bob, had problems & is recovering from what I understand.      Look at all the people here on this website who had it & have prospered (sp) Kerri

on 10/18/07 7:24 am - St. Louis, MO

I agree with Kerri!  do this for you! Start taking care of yourself now and prepare.

You will be fine. Dr. De La Torre is a good doctor if you can't get Dr. Scott.  These two actually usually work together!


on 10/18/07 7:21 am - Belton, MO
Your emotions will take a roller coaster ride for the next year. Trust me! Regardless of the issues of should I or shouldn't I, the difference that it has made in my life are incredible. I once weighed over 400 pounds. I have lost, at least 120, as of now and am only on a few medications. I was on 15. I am no longer diabetic for the first time in at least 15 years, and I can walk without the help of a cane. I have problems just like anyone else, I just wished I had gotten my rear in gear earlier so that I would have started the roller coaster ride sooner. At least you are in line at the roller coaster booth, your ticket has been issued and you are "with God's help" on the way to the rest of your new life. You are in my prayers. Thelma
on 10/18/07 9:51 am - Ozark, MO
Helen,     I too understand your being afraid of what might be. I'm very analytical and I analyze everything, and I used to be on the side of the negative more than anything.What changed it for me was I was a CNA a year ago, and I watched a great lady die of diabetes.That was one of the most depressing and painful things I'd seen in along time and from that moment on I swore I wouldn't die of  diabetes or any of the other weight related issues. Heart attack,joints going,etc. Do like the friends here say "think positive."                                  Connie
Helen J.
on 10/18/07 12:16 pm - St. Louis, MO

Thanks everyone for giving me the pep talk, I needed that!!!  It’s  true no one on this  side understands how much it is an effort for me to put my socks and shoes on. To walk a few steps and gasp for air. Booth in a restaurant is tight, hard to move to get in and out  of. My big breast sits on the tabletop and becomes a food catcher.  Doing housework is almost impossible to do, I’m out of breath and have to set down and rest too many times.

I bought this house because it has no steps to climb. Clothes are tight, never buy blouses that have buttons, they wouldn’t stay closed. Pants have elastic waistline. Sitting in a  chair hugs my hips and butt, a lawn chair comes up as I stand up. Embarrassed meeting new people, embarrassed when seeing old friends.  Airplane seats are tight, I’m at the end of material of the belt now, will need an extender if I fly again.  I am not a lazy person who eats all the time! But my weight tells people” I am a lazy person who eats a huge plate of food, and that’s all I think about – is food’.  etc, etc, etc, etc

Thank you again, for giving me a wake up call on myself, I needed that to remind me of what my life is now. Do I want any more of that life?,hell no!


WOW, I was approved for surgery, I am in a very happy state now. One day those  awful memories will fade away as if it never happened.  Thanks again, Hugs to you all!  Helen



on 10/18/07 12:26 pm - Concordia, MO
Now thats what I want to here..............U CAN DO THIS. Just remember Phl 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
In Him, Chip<><

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