Today sure has been cloudy and gloomy hasn’t it? Mosquitoes are having a field day with this muggy weather. I guess they are trying to get the last say before cold weather sits in. lol
I planted some mums and pansies in the front flower beds today the ones up by the driveway. They are in the same bed as the pampas grass and bunny tails are in. Now if the pansies will grow and bloom pretty .
Janet you ask if you should plant the pot of mums your daughter gave you , yes I would be sure and water it well and trim off all the dead blooms you may get more blooms before it gets real cold that way.
The ones I planted up front are the copper color really pretty. Just starting to bloom really well.
Tomorrow is the day I am cleaning out the green house and getting it ready for plants that will ruin when the first frost happens. It is always nice again for weeks after the first frost and I hate that if things aren’t protected they die that first one then you have lovely weather with nothing blooming.
Had a quite night at work last night nothing exciting happened there. Saw several deer on the way home and slept late this morning
One thing that did happen last night at work , I got really sick feeling, I got extremely cold but was sweating and clammy, took my blood sugar and it was 52 I was really dizzy also. One of the other nurses saw me and made me sit down and she took my blood sugar and was going to make me drink some o.j. with sugar in it and I told her I couldn’t do that I woud dump and get really sick. So I sat and ate cheese and some crackers and drank some plain apple juice. Don’t know what caused that, it was weird.
Well we have been under tornado warnings almost all day don’t know if we are ever going to even get any rain though. Although my newly planted and transplanted things need some rain.
I watched all the shows today that I have recorded in the last week lol sure can watch more of them when you can zip past all the commercials. Did you know that a 30 minute show is only about 14 minutes long? Isnt that something?
Well I am really looking forward to the meeting on the 22nd. Hope to see all of you there.
JANET: wow thank you for the good job you are doing for me when I have to work. I didn’t get up this morning until about 9:30 I was told this evening that it did rain quite a bit early this morning but I never saw it. Out of all this storming and weather that was everywhere we got nothing.
Have your dogs calmed down any? I hope so it is really hard to have to un-neutered male dogs together, they both want to be the leader of the pack.
Do you have to work Monday ? gosh I hope not so you can come to the meeting? Tammy and Brenda will be here and I know you will want to hang with them.
Oh my gosh on Melissa. Poor girl but I hope she will let them take care of her completely this time and get well. We will keep her in our prayers. I know she is worried now about having the babies to care for but im sure that Terry can take care of them while she is recouping..
That is amazing that Steph called her dad like that. That is what she should have done but she is young and wants the love of both her parents. I know Mike has been a lot better parent than her sperm donner but she is young ..
Glad that maybe she is coming around. Growing up some so to speak.
Believe me when I say I think everyone enjoys your long post and all about what you do and your family too. We love it so don’t try to shorten them ok?
TRACI: Is being anemic what was causing you to be so tired? I must have missed that post. Anyway YES everyone you will have to take those supplements everyday for the rest of your life. No days off.
Doesn’t sound like you are a silly doting grandmother at all you know???? Lol
Kiss Lily for us all .
SHEILA: 8 more days girl till you get to come and perch yourself on the losers bench. Wow did you ever think it would get here? Now it is almost here.
I WILL SEE YOU ON MONDAY NIGHT RIGHT????? Sure do hope so what would cause you not to get there?
BOBBY JO: wow you and lots of others are my heros. I really admire anyone that is able to homeschool. I think if my kids were small again that I would do the same , with all the crap that goes on in the schools I don’t think I would want them in the public schools.
Glad you are feeling better and that your infection is all but gone.
TAMMY V: Oh wow , you get to go see grandbabies? That is great. I know you are so excited.
Sorry about having to have a c-pap machine. I hear they take some getting use to . but you may sleep so good with it on that you don’t have to use several places to sleep at.
BEV: SO happy that you like Dr. Hornbostel. And Dena. They both are really great too. Did you meet Margie, she is one of his nurses too. That is Dr. Hs., wife.
Yeah isnt it a shame that the supplement to s.s. has that and they wont do anything.
Well November 18th isnt too long off so hang in there. Will pray that you hear from them soon, even if it is no. then S.S. will pay for it so don’t worry about it ok?
Hang in there everyone , know that you are loved and cared for
Hello Mrs Cook....Hello everyone....Iam back in California, Missouri today..getting ready the big trip on down to Springfield on Monday...I don't know nothing about the town at all so we don't know where to go ....I have to call to confirm my apt with Dr. Hawes office and we don't know where to go for the meeting to see you all that night?....If you would be so kind as to leave me a message and explain I sure would appreciate it....My God brother Michael is almost a month out he is doing ok . he has lost alot of weight and they took him off his insulin and pills already....Please continue to pray for him please....My sister Leta is having her tummy tuck and her hysterictomy soon . she was got her approval from Medicaid today..Praise God...she really needs the tummy tuck in order for her hysterictomy surgery to heal properly because the insisions would be under her skin...so she will have two Dr's doing the surgery together...Please also keep her in your prayers...Please keep me in your prayers, that i can stay stronge ...I will keep you all in my prayers....God Bless you guys and keep you safe....Craig Lee
Craig Lee Watts
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"
426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________
267lbs PRAISE GOD.....
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good Morning! It has been raining and gloomy here also since yesterday afternoon. The temp is not to bad but the humidity is terrible! I finally got to start back with my exercise Monday evening, I ride a bike, then yesterday I didn't get to go because of the rain. Today is not looking to good either for outside bike riding. Not much else going on with me. Still trying to do my fall cleaning. With my back as bad as it is, the fibromyalgia and now my toes still being sore! It's really slow going!!! I work for awhile and then have to stop for awhile longer! Bad backs and fibromyalgia sucks big time!!! I get so tired of hurting and this gloomy rainy weather is not helping!!!!!!!!! I don't think there is a place on my body that doesn't hurt right now!!!!!!!!!! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting Monday. TTYL Brenda
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.