
on 10/17/07 1:08 pm - Belton, MO
I am having emotional days right now. Do not know why. I think that I need to go back on my PROZAC.  I want to eat all of the time. If I am not eating I want to cry.
on 10/17/07 3:02 pm - Concordia, MO
Don't Give in, remember what the good word says "This is just a season, this to shell pass" I am so proud of you ,to know where you have came from. You look great and from talking to you in the past I know you feel better. Don't give up my sister, You have friends , USE them (us)
In Him, Chip<><

Craig Watts
on 10/17/07 3:47 pm - Green City , MO

Mrsvegg, Hello, I wanted to leave you a note to tell you that you're not the only one who goes through this...I myself have gone through this episode..Also my sister, and Iam sure alot more has too....When I got this way, I didnt want to eat. I was scared and sometimes I would cry for no reason...Chip is right. you have a part of us with you always through Jesus...Just raise your hand to him and give it all to him...It works Mrsvegg. Iam going to pray for you ...I know in my heart that Jesus will keep you comfy and safe...Rebuke Satan and he will flee...Hugs for you and God Bless...Craig Lee Old Satan has to flee because I just done rebuked him for you.. :-)......

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


Traci K.
on 10/17/07 9:01 pm - Sullivan, MO
Amen to what the guys have told you!!!  You have the choice to laugh or cry - I chose to laugh!  Put on some praise music and SING!!!!!!!!!  Dance around your house and sing praise songs!  I'll be praying for you.  PM me if you'd like. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 10/17/07 9:10 pm - Belton, MO
Thanks people, for supporting me, being my friend and showing me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My biggest problem is that I am a single mom of a teen age son..Age 17. Thanks for the prayers and the suggestions. I'm trying......
Traci K.
on 10/17/07 10:14 pm - Sullivan, MO
Oh honey, I was once a single mom of three!!  I do understand - I truly do.  I am a certified Reverend through my church and counsel and mentor women, so please do feel free to PM me if you'd like. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Jan C.
on 10/17/07 10:45 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Mrs Vegg they say that a lot of this emotional stuff is hormones that are being released out of fat cells. dont know but that is a theory that is said.  I know i too had a little problems with it but Tracie is righ on about your have a choice in life to laugh or cry and a choice to be happy or sad. I chose to  be happy and to laugh. Look at what all God has done for you. I know what it is like to be a single mom of 3 and raise them by myself, it isnt easy whether it is one or 3 and being a mother of a teen ager is not a real plesant thing especiall if you are alone. Do something wonderful for yourself at least once a week. take walks and release the natural endorphins in your system, that is as good a prozac. Start treating yourself like you would others , you are worth it.



on 10/17/07 11:06 pm - Concordia, MO
Thelma,    Oh girl, please call me and we can talk.  Dont wait till support group on Monday.  Keep Jesus in your heart.  Maybe you do need to take your meds for a while because of all the changes you are going through.  Remember I told you how beautiful you looked last meeting.  You are beautiful inside and outside.  Colette
on 10/17/07 11:16 pm - Florissant, MO
Hang in there MrsVegg.  I am not as far out as you, but I can relate. I am normally pretty upbeat, but lately I cry sometimes for no reason at all.  ((HUGS)) I am praying for you. Since I have been exercising regualarly it helps. Feel free to contact any of us here. That is why we come here. For support. (((HUGS))) and prayers, Rebecca
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