~Whats Happening Wednesday (for Jan)~

on 10/16/07 2:45 pm - Diamond, MO

Hello MO Peeps~ Wow, the weather was just perfect here today. The sun was out and it was nice-but there was a breeze that was just right. Had wished more than once that I was out fishing or on a picnic or something. LOL..but I was inside most of the day working. When I got home, however-and after I dropped Steph off at work, we took the dogs out and played with them and the boys for a little over an hour while I was cooking dinner. That felt good. It was awesome. I wish every day could be as nice as today was. I hope all of you had a wonderful day and enjoyed the beautiful weather. They were saying on the news tonite that we may be in for some severe storms here tomorrow. YUCK... I hope it blows right past us-or goes around us!! Jon and I went into town so I could work for my parents for a few hours. My dad had to leave at 4 am to take his boss to Tulsa and then stop and load some furniture. Megan came over after her college classes to spend some time with Jonathan, and then me. She gave Jon a bubble bath at Grandmas since we only have 2 showers. He was pruney by the time he got out!! He sure did have a blast~ I got a call tonite from my mom-and my ex's dad and stepmom are going to be here on Thurs and are staying a week. They want to see me and the girls. They need to talk to us-and they want to talk to the girls seperately. Not sure what thats all about. Even since Eric and I divorced, we have stayed close to them. They have always stayed with me or my parents when they come down, but since my parents went from a 2 br place to a 1, they dont have the room for them and they asked if they could stay here since my house is bigger. I asked my mom if they couldnt just give them a room at the motel. I dont mind if they stay here, but between my work schedule and such-I just dont think I will have the time to be here with them.  She was going to talk to my dad about it and let me know.  I have a feeling that they are going to talk to the girls about their biological dad. They are NOT happy with the games he plays on the girls and how he lays things on them and makes them feel the way they do-and his dad-David-is a pastor and he doesnt pull any punches. He will tell the girls exactly what the Bible says and he will also tell them they dont have to let him do this to them, dad or not-and for that, I am happy, because they love and respect David so much and I know that they will come out of the conversation and time together feeling a lot better. Tomorrow I have an appt in the morning, and then I have to run some errands and then try to get home and get some laundry done and misc stuff that I havent had time for the past week. I was looking forward to a day of no running.....No such luck, maybe next week some time-LOL...I was thinking Thurs, but another appt for Steph and then I work for the next 4 days-so I am not sure when I will have a day to just catch up! My parents are trying to get someone in there that they can exchange room rent for working.  Until then, I will work, because I can really use the extra money-with Christmas around the corner and tags due on the GMC this month etc-its been tight again.  I know I need to save, because Steph and I have a girls day out shopping the day after Thanksgiving and we are gonna shop, shop and shop some more. I should make sure I have a couple of dollars to do that, shouldnt I? Well, Mel went to the new surgeon (a very good one, I might add-I have personally been to him years ago.) anyway-she has ANOTHER hernia-on top of the one she had previously-so now she is dealing with a double hernia-and its huge. Right below her tummy-and he thinks thats what a lot of her problems are right now. He is going to be calling her after he gets the results from the testing she had done at the hospital. Please-Please-Please, everyone-take a moment and say a prayer for her. I know I will help her out with the babies or whatever she needs while she is getting this fixed-but just pray that all goes well and its SIMPLE and easy surgery-NO MORE COMPLICATIONS!!!! Thank you, I appreciate it-and so does she.  Shes just been so busy with the kids-and they arent feeling well right now-and the POS parents-are keeping them busy and in turmoil alot. **Jan, glad you liked the pics. I dont like my face on any of them, but I sent the best looking one-LOL.... You asked about Steph-she is doing A LOT better. I am so thankful and blessed to have so many people that care and pray for myself and my family. There is power in prayer!!  She even called her dad on Sunday and told him NOT to move back down here. Told him that NOTHING has changed and that since he promised that he would never move away from them back in Feb, but did 4 months later-that she didnt see a need for him to ever come back this way-and she even told him that IF he decided NOT to listen to her and come anyway-that he shouldnt expect her to have time for him, because she wont be able to see him. I was so proud of her. I didnt even know she was going to call him and I surely didnt know that she was going to tell him she didnt want him here.  I about screamed for joy when I heard her talking to him and I realized WHO she was talking to!!!  I was on a cloud.  He had pulled some crap last week-just like I thought he would (thurs night) and he tried involving her in all of the stuff that I didnt think she needed to know about-and he emailed her all the emails from Megan and I-trying to play the "look-they are being mean to me, and I am dying and all I want to do is come back" card on her-even after I told him how fragile she is right now-but anyway-she flat out told him on the phone, that maybe he should NOT have gotten so far behind in his child support and that she knew he lied to her-and that she wasnt going to be put in the middle of it. She told him that HE will have to deal with the issues that Megan and I have with him-NOT her!!!  She said that IF he emails her anymore crap OR talks to her about it on the phone ever again-she will not talk to him or accept his emails....YOU GO GIRL!! Thats all I gotta say for her.  I am so proud of her.  So, maybe the worst is over with now. I sure hope so!!! I have a plant/flower question for you. I got some mums from my daughter-do I need to plant those in the ground-or are they okay to keep in the pot?  They look ok-but not as full as they look like they could be.  Just wondering what the norm is-since I am reading a lot where people are planting them.... **Traci-I hope that your migraine meds kicked in and you started to feel better-did you get your stuff done today that you had to do? I hope so. I pray your day got better. Thanks for always being so positive here. We appreciate you. **Sheila-9 days and counting....YAY...I know the liquid diet stinks-but girl-keep your eyes on the prize-it WILL all be worth it! Congrats for being so strong.  Are you going to be at the COF group on Monday? I hope so-everyone will love seeing you.  We love you too-and are glad you are a part of our MO Board family. **Bev-YAY...Today is the day you have waited for-forever!! Please know we will be thinking about you and praying for a good visit-make sure you get on here and let us know how it went. Be safe in your travels. Im very sorry to hear about your beloved pet passing. My heart really goes out to you. We all know you love your pets so much and I know your going through a tough time. We are thinking about you and your in our prayers. Take care. **Susan-I hope that your tummy started to feel better. That stinks-I know.  Will you be flying to Tulsa and then riding back home on the truck with Rory?  How does he like it so far? Is he doing ok?  When are you gonna get that computer fixed? You take care and whenever you want to get on and vent-go for it-thats what we are here for!  We will be praying you have safe travels and that your tummy feels better!! **Brenda-Cant wait to see you.  Dont overdue it!! Everything will STILL be there later-LOL...you know it will!!! Im glad you got to spend time with your grand-daughter. I bet that was nice!  Wallys wife-well, lets just say that she isnt with Wally for love. Its more or less for money and to have a good stepdad for her son and since Wally cant have kids-he stays for the son.  She told Megan and I 3 yrs ago that she wasnt going to stay with him-she was with him long enough to get her degree and then she was leaving. So-she could care less if he lives or not. She is just using him to get what she wants and she truly does treat him like dirt-even in front of people. Her and I have had words for the way she talks to him IN MY HOUSE!!  I cant stand her. At least-she isnt totally against the surgery anymore-and that could also be because his dad WILL NOT let him have the inheritance to purchase her a new car-it HAS to go for his surgery and since his mom is dying and its her wish-they will do it-or have to wait until they are both gone to get the money and do what they want with it.  I will see you in a couple of days. Please dont overdue it-take care-love you. **Bobbie-I am so glad to hear that the infection is gone....Feeling like dancing, arent ya?  Do you feel better now? i bet you do....Just make sure and take it easy and take care. Well, I guess this post is more than long enough. I guess I am making up for lost time here. LOL...Have been keeping them a lot shorter than normal-so I got out of control tonite-just had a lot to say, I guess. I hope that all of you has a great Wednesday, that you are safe, happy and healthy. If you need prayers-I will be praying for you.  Take care. Love, Janet

Traci K.
on 10/16/07 9:03 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone!  Janet:  Yes, the weather was perfect yesterday!!  I'm still freezing from being so anemic, so I'm walking around my house with a jacket on - but we'll get me fixed up soon enough.  (TAKE YOUR SUPPLEMENTS FOLKS!)      Today I'm watching my granddaughter Lilly (2.5 months).    She's just adorably CUTE!!    I have a lot I need to do, it depends on Lilly as to how much I get done.   Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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Sheila H.
on 10/16/07 9:45 pm - Marshfield, MO

Janet,  Thank you and YES liquid diet sucks.it wouldnt be so bad if it was just liquids and NOT only slimfast or boost...YES 9 more days HAHAHA cant believe im gonna be joining you all on the losers bench finally, but its a great feeling..

My prayers go all out to u and ur family and every 1 else who needs prayer... Good luck Layla hope it went good for you. Hope to see you all Monady night if all goes well love and hugs


Bobbie Smith
on 10/16/07 11:05 pm - Ashland, MO
Yes Yes Yes the weather was beautiful yesterday and this morning I awake to thunder and lightning just when we had planned on walking to the park today for a field trip ( I homeschool) and do some nature activities and talk but there is always tomorrow....I feel so much better now that the infection is gone  feel like dancing? lol yeah will you teach me your baby step dance Janet??? hehehe....DH left again today for work will be gone 3 days this time compared to 5 days last week.....sitting here thinking last night and I decided that I am getting old LOL my oldest daughter is a senor and it really did not hit me until last night that she graduates this year... crazy we have a son ( Don's from first marriage) that is in college but I did not birth him so it did not hit me like this one is LOL....oh well I will be one sexy momma at that graduation!!!! I hope that everyone has a great day and I will be ina nd out of here today just gotta get my work done started two new college classes on Monday and have some test to get out to my kiddos for school busy day with paperwork!!!

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 10/17/07 6:28 am - Kirksville, MO
Hello Everyone,           Weather here is crappy! Cold and rainy. But thats ok not goin anywhere any way.            I went to my sleep study Monday to get fitted for the CPAP machine. It went ok but I do not like wearing that mask on my face. Felt like I was gonna sufficate at times. Hopefully I won't have to wear it for long after surgery. I have to wait for the to call me to go get my machine. So now if everything is ok on the 24th with the troat scope then I should be totally cleared for surgery. I don't think there is any thing that they didn't check out. LOL            I am pretty excited today. I think I get to go see my boys this weekend!!!!!!!! My son is paying our way. My sister and her kids don't have school on Friday, so my mom and I and my sister and her three youngest and my niese that my mom raises are all gonna go. We will leave Friday morning and come home Sunday afternoon. Short trip but at least I will see them and where they live and stuff. I'll take any time that I can get with them.            They just called me and they will be coming out in the morning to get my CPAP machine all set up. I guess I should wear it but hopefully it won't be for long. I just have so much trouble sleeping that some nights I go from bed to chair to couch or where ever I get comfortable. I don't know how I will be able to do that with this machine. I guess we will see.             Well I hope all are doin well. I will be saying prayers for all that need them. Take Care All, Love Tammy V.               

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


on 10/17/07 11:36 am - Wichita , KS

Good evening OH family! What a day this weather was crazy. I went to my first appt. with Dr. H it was a little difficult getting there since it was raining and storming all the way there and back.  I was really pleased with Dr. H and Dena.  Now I just have to wait on insurance approval which Dena told me that Humana takes their time.  I am going to keep on them and tell them if they don't have approval in my surgeons hands by open erollment which I believe is Nov. 18th I am dropping them and will just have straight Medicare.  Dena said Medicare doesn't require pre-approval.  I never thought that having extra insurance would cause problems like this but like I said if they don't get my approval by Nov. 18th they are history!!!!!!  I got my binder from Dr. H which they said would be like my bible for a while.  I already read all of it on the way home but I'm sure I will have to refer back to it.  There were several people there having their first appt. with Dr. H.  I asked if I would be able to have my surgery by the end of the year and Dena said it was possible it all depends on the insurance company.  I wish now that I would have never signed up with Humana and just kept straight Medicare but I will give them a chance a small one but they will have one.   It stormed all the way home I was glad that my friend drove I can't see very well in the rain or night so she offered to take me.  I hope that when I have to go back it's not snowing or icy?   Well, that in a nut shell was my day I hope everyone else had a good day and stayed safe during the storm?   Bev~

Sheila H.
on 10/17/07 10:23 pm - Marshfield, MO


glad u had a good visit and sorry about the raining, ur blinder will be ur best friend for the next couple months, i know ive had mine since Aug 29th they had told me medicare takes 2 weeks for approval so thats weird.... Jan. ....i will be there monday as far as i know....what could stop me? who knows but u know how things pop up some times..YES 8 more days!!!!!! whooowoowowowowow im so ready love and hugs


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