Well I see by the board and by my email and from the phone calls I got from several of you that all h-** broke lose over the week end. I really was sorry to hear about all of the trauma and hubbub that went on but out of Ashes God will provide the new . Glenna thank you for stepping up to the place to be the leader.
And I think it is a wonderful idea that Jean and Tammy have come up with another group that will meet 2 times a month. That way maybe everyone can get to at least a couple of meetings a month. Wonderful. I myself am one that really likes the meetings and will I know attend at least one of Tammy and Jeans a month plus the COF meeting.
And if I need another meeting during the month there will be one within a couple of weeks at the most. I think it is great.
I want and hope that everyone that has been affected by all of this mess that happened this week end will be happy that it is all over and give Glenna our full support as we all should be very appreciative of her and her willingness to step up and become the new leader of the COF group.
LANA : Thank you for the support and the help this past Sunday when I was away from home, I am so happy that you called me and made me aware of what was going on.Thank you and also for being willing to help us get some calmness going .
TRACI: Thanks for being worried about where I was. That was very sweet of you.
We spent this past Sunday all day till about 9pm moving my daughter(Teresa) from Shell Knob , Mo to Rogers Ark, Took us lot longer than we thought and were so tired that when we got done we decided to crash at her new apartment instead of driving the 154 miles home. It was a very long long day.
JANET: tell your sweet daughter I said thank you very very much for the relay of messages. That was very sweet of her and she even thanks me for the little wedding gift I sent them. I hope I didn’t come off as too rushed and hurried but I had two more people on hold on the phone plus everything else. Lol Love you and your family sweetie.
Im glad that you got to visit with your friend and oh yeah thanks for the pictures they were really good and I love the look on your face when you were touching the snake, that was priceless. Lol Love it
How is Steph doing? I continue to pray for her.
BOBBY JO: lol I loved your story about your 12 year old. Sometimes we just have to let them think they are doing something on their own don’t we? Lol Glad she had a good enough head on her shoulders to know which side her bread was buttered on . lol
Hey great going on writing , I asways wanted to write my story but don’t know how to start lol Im afraid it wouldn’t be a Childrens story tho.
I sure hope you all come to Branson next week end would love to meet you . Im off all week end so if you get down holler ok?
SUSAN: You are welcome Sweetie, there are a lot of people that have kicked those stupid pills and you can too. All it takes is God and as we all know he is always there , always on our side , he will give you strength that you didn’t know you had even. So hang tough it will get over soon. Just keep clipping along.
Know that I and probably several others are praying for you daily.
BRENDA: I know what you mean about buying food, seems I think Joe should eat like I do and then we wouldn’t have to spend much on food at all if any. Lol. I would rather have my protein shakes and protein bars than food any day.
Brenda maybe the time wasn’t right for the support group last year. Maybe there would be more call for it now. By the way do you ever hear from Andrew? Usually the people that use to be on the board all the time still email me once in awhile but he just stopped completely nothing noted whatsoever.
GLENDA: So glad that you came in to post on the whats happening post. That is great.
Im so proud of you that you stepped up to take the reins , so to speak.
You bet home is one of the best places in the world to return to , even after a great vacation it is still always good to get home.
Thank you for the compliments and I do love the meetings and love everyone there and hope that the COF meetings can continue for a long long time.
BEVERLY B: hey so good to see you girl. Sorry to hear about all the problems with your grandbabies. Wow. That is really bad. All three of them ..
Congratulations on getting things all lined up for your surgery. I hope that after surgery your pain will be like mine and so much more manageable. I sure does help a lot to not hurt all the time.
It would be wonderful if you could come down and visit one of our meetings someday. We really do have fun at them.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good Morning Jan and OH board am starting 4th day of slim fast and its boring lol...been peeing so many times lol........... Jan u need to slow down remember i need a angel lol im so excited i cant believe its 10 days away and i remember telling u 6 months to wait for my 1st appt was to long. and now 8 months has went by...i got me calcium citrate tD in equate will that work? cos if not i have to go to another town thats all i can find here.. did u get my email about surgery day?
i just wanna say i love this board and our support group and would be lost without u all so THANK YOU ALL 4 helping me and being patience with me this far..
hope every 1 has a GREAT day hugs and love
Hello Missouri Friends, Just poppin in really quick to say hi! My stomach hurt me most of the night last night so I didnt get much sleep. I have a lot of crap happening here again, (go figure)! I think it is my ulsers acting up again because of the stress. Not sure because I am still taking my prilosec (sp) 2 in morning and 2 at night so not sure, but started drinking the nasty pink prescription stuff again trying to stay on top of it. I am going to try a get the money together to fly down to Tulsa this weekend and see Rory. He should be done with all his hours of training and driving so they will give him his truck the first part of next week I hope. Everyone take care. Sorry I couldnt comment to some of you personally, but hope asap. Love Always, Susan
Hello Everyone, Just going to say Hi. I have been busy today trying to catch up on my laundry and housework, being off my feet has gotten me behind. Jan - I hope you are getting over moving your daughter, that can be a very tiring job. Janet - I hope you get the problem solved with your fur babies. I am praying for your friend that he makes the decision to have WLS. I don't understand his wife? If she truly loves him she would want him to have it done and have a better quality of life and ultimately a longer marriage.
I loved the pictures you sent me of you and your family. You look great and have a good looking family. I couldn't believe you touched that snake!! I couldn't have done it!!!! Bev - I pray your birthday party for your fur babies is a great one! I pray every else had a great day! Well i'm going to get ready to watch Dancing with the Stars. I hope the ones I'm rooting for will not be going home tonight. TTYL Brenda
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334