~Whats Happening Monday (for Jan-no offense Traci)~

on 10/14/07 10:37 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear MO Peeps~ Jan called my phone last night and said that she needed me to do her thread this morning as they were stuck down in AR helping her daughter with the move. My oldest had my phone-called me through my youngest daughter and told me of the voice mail-so had her call Jan back to tell her I would do it. Well, when my oldest got to the house-she asked if she could stay overnite AND use the computer to do her tests on line and to also turn in some homework. Told her of course, and by the time she got done-I was crashed on the couch!  So-sorry its running late. I know the days that Jan works already, just dont know that it will always get done the night before-but I will do my best. I havent read any other posts as I wanted to get this done as quickly as possible. I wanted you all to know Jan is ok, just ran into a snag with the moving!! ***Jan did want me to tell you that her and Lana are going to be trying to find a place for the group of us on the 22nd and to watch for future posting-ok?**************************** Lots of action on the board again yesterday. I dont want to even bring it up again, so I am just going to say I am praying for our board and group members-for complete healing. I hope everyone that reads this will join me in praying as well.

Traci, I hope you didnt think I posted to step on your toes, I did not-most everybody knows that I fill in for Jan and I wanted to make sure that everyone saw what happened with Jan and so on.  Have a good Monday everyone and a blessed week. Janet

Barbara S.
on 10/14/07 11:11 pm - Freeman, MO
Janet: Thank you for helping Jan out. I do appreciate you! Our board is awesome so I know we will pull together. You are all in my prayers!!!!
Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

Bobbie Smith
on 10/14/07 11:14 pm - Ashland, MO
~~Yawn~~Stretch~~~ Mornin' Monday BLAH!!!! Mondays are blah days lol especially this monday it is raining here in Ashland..which means no outside walking for me for the Dr.'s say I am not far enough out from the infection to really test many waters yet lol well like I would walk in pouring down rain anyway ( shhhh noone has to know that I would) we were lucky enough to have all the kids stay longer this weekend we get dh kids every thursday-sunday and we get them all till tonight and the 15 year old for the whole week to work with his dad...since all are homeschooled its easy to do this... my 12 year old decided yesterday was a good day to buck up to mom and tell me that she wanted to go live wth her dad since I was not able to do things with her yet so I laughed said pack a bag and then said where exactly are you going to live he drives a big truck has no house and noone to watch you or school you so you have to go back to public school she went and unpacked the bag walked up to me and said Mom I love you and I just want you better thats all.. I said well I love you too and I want me better..she is my worry wart and I think she is tired of me going daily to have my drain area packed due to the infection..so anyway...Other then that all is well in Ashland...I have been working hard while i have been down on a childrens book that I started writing last year and have decided that I will remain hot and heavy on that project for now my mind is filled with ideas and all for it and you know why the fire is hot you should cook lol....anyway I trust you all will have a great day .... Jan I know you arent around but in case you read this I still have no positive answer on if we are going to make DH family reunion lol he has jobs backed up to the hills but if we do I want to meet for tea and a chat thats for sure...if we come we will be there Friday -Sunday for sure!

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


Susan T.
on 10/15/07 12:22 am - Saint Charles, MO
Hello friends, Had intended on a nice long post and (a little venting, not with anyone here), but do to alot of things that have happened over the weekend, I can only post a short post.  I am going to go home and work on fixing my computer today.  Cant stand missing daily posts and helps myself to post here too. JANET You are the reason I keep telling myself I can get thru this stupid pill thing, I was withdrawling all weekend but refused to take more pills than I am down to, to feel better.  I love ya for being such an example. JAN Thank you for the words about Joe.  Everytime I hear another story about a person going thru this stuff, it gives me a extra push that I need.  Of course praying to the Lord is always wonderful to ask for help> Love Susan


Jan C.
on 10/15/07 6:07 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Janet we just got home and wanted to thank you sweetie for stepping up to the bat on such short notice. Love you and love all of you on this board...So sorry that all of this that happened this week end,   WE WILL SURVIVE....thank you Glenna. we really appreciate it more than you will ever know.  



Brenda Minks
on 10/15/07 6:50 am, edited 10/15/07 6:53 am - Silva, MO

Hello Everyone!! My day so far has consisted of driving to  Poplar Bluff and hitting Aldi's and  Wal*Mart for our Bi-Monthly buying  groceries day.

I hate spending money on food!!!!!!!

Everything has gotten so danged expensive!!! My g-daughter Sarah spent the weekend with  us, she is so sweet. I am so glad the COF support group will  continue!!!!!!!!!!! I had such a great time when I came out to  Springfield with Tammy in August. I wish there was a support group here for us. I started one last year in Fredericktown but  couldn't get anybody to come. You all are so lucky in the Springfield area to  have so many support groups to go to!!!!!!! Well I'm going to go, my cat has decided she  wants some loving and keeps rubbing my face

making it really hard to type. Love to you all Brenda

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Brenda Minks
on 10/15/07 6:52 am - Silva, MO
Traci K.
on 10/15/07 6:55 am - Sullivan, MO
Goodness no girl - I always wear steel-toe shoes.     I'm not easily offended or upset, I promise.  I was just trying to help.  No worries about me.  Just glad Jan was okay. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Glenna V.
on 10/15/07 6:57 am - MO
Hello everyone, What's Happen Monday?  Well, it's been a very busy day in my world today......but aren't they all?  lol I always stay so busy, but today I've had some extra things going on.  I'm working on getting organized since I have taken on the role of the new leader at cof.  Give me some time and I'll get things together. I want to thank each of you that have responded to the news of me being the new leader.  I appreciate the confidence that you have expressed that you have in me.   Lana:  I love you too, and it means a lot to know you will be there for me. Tami & Jean:  Thank you for the well wishes.  I'm so happy that you all got together and are putting another group together.  When I suggested it to Jean, I know she was very open to the idea, and it looks like it will soon be a reality!  You Go Girls!!!  You will do a wonderful job and so many people will benefit from your efforts. Amanda:  You're welcome.  See you there next week! Tammy H.:  We all understand that it's not possible for you to be at every cof meeting....but we will all be tickled pink everytime you can make it.  That says sooo much when somebody drives as far as you do to attend a meeting.  It means so much to see you there.....come as often as you can. Traci:  Thank you for your prayers.....no one could do anything better. Janet:  You are so sweet.....You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome.  lol  Thanks for being such a great supporter to your friends and the cof group.  And thanks for filling in for Jan while she was out of pocket and away from her computer. Brit:  I'm was glad to see your post.  It just broke my heart to think of our cof ending.  No, I'm not Claudette.....there's only one of her, that's for sure.  We will sure miss her. Shebamae42:  Glad you aren't tripping out about the group now.  lol  Eleven days.....we'll be counting them down with you. Brenda M.:  I know that you have only been able to come to one of the cof meetings so far, but we hope you can come again as soon as possible.  Thanks for your support and kind words. Vesta:  I realize that you live far enough away from Springfield that it isn't always possible for you to make it to the meetings.  We love seeing you there (and Linda too)....so come as often as you can. Jan:  Welcome home!  Isn't home the best site you've ever seen when you have been away?  My Dad always said, when you took a vacation the prettiest site you would see was your own driveway when you pulled back in home.  lol  I guess that's were I got to be such a home body from. Thank you, Jan.  I know the cof group means a lot to you.  That's easy to see.  Thank you for your support that you give everyone daily.  You are so loved. Love to you all, Glenna
Beverly B.
on 10/15/07 7:43 am - Sedalia, MO
Hello Janet, Jan and all Just thought I'd pop on and post for a minute. Haven't been on for awhile, just haven't felt like doing anything. I had a really bad weekend. First off my granddaughters birthday was saturday,( she turned 10 yrs or double digets as she called it)  my daughter had planned a sleepover and party at a local motel. That is what my granddaughter wanted to do as the motel has a swimming pool and hot tub. Well about an hr before the birthday party was to start she got bit by a pitbull. He grabbed her by the throat. She had to have stitches on both sides of her neck. The doc said it just missed her jugular vein. I am the biggest animal lover but something should be done with the dog, it belongs to my nephew and it has bit 4 or 5 other people and killed my daughters pet goat. I know not all pitbulls are mean but my nephew has made him that way. I thank the lord that it was not more serious. Then my daughter called to let me know that my other grandson was in the hospital with a broken wrist. He was playing with his sister and fell landing on his wrist and broke it really bad, had surgery this morning. Then my oldest grandson got stabbed in the leg, another accident. Boy it was a mess all weekend.  I have all my test scheduled. Gonna have my sleep study done on Nov 6, then the stress test done on Nov 8, my pulmony function test on Nov 19th then my appt with mo bariatric on Nov 21. Busy month... Sorry about all that is going on with COF but it looks like things will work out. Hopefully one day I can make it down there and see how much fun you all have.. Boy this rainy and cooler weather is playing havoc with my old bones. After awhile all this pain just gets you down.  Janet it is so good to see you posting again, I missed your newsy post. I love reading what is going on with everyone. Well gotta get off of here for now. Hope everyone has a great day....  



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