Circle of Friends WILL Continue!!!!

openRNY 4/04
Glenna I think you will be great as a leader of the circle of friends support group. You have been a very positive role model first at New Beginnings then at Circle of Friends. You make it look easy! You are very knowlegable about WLS. I know that when you,Tammy B and I first began talking about starting Circle of Friends we did not know where it would go. It has been very sucessful. Many people have been supported/helped through the meetings.I am really glad you have decided to take the position. If there is anything that I can do to help ,just let me know. I know you and I had talked a couple weeks ago about adding a supplemental meeting for people that needed more than one meeting a month.This has been requested by many people This will not be competition but a supplement. We are trying to come up with a name. Some friends from the COF supprt group and I have spoke for the room at The Library Station on north Kansas street. We will be having the first meeting on November 3 at 6:30 pm-8:30 p.m. We also have Nov 17th scheduled same time same place. This will be very informal discussion/support. Everyone is welcome. There will be a different facilitator each time. Life is so busy for everyone this will give more opportunitiy to attend a weight loss support group that will fit into thier schedule. We are lucky in Springfield to have the choices that we do. Whether it is location,schedule,format,personalities or what ever works. I hope everyone can find one or more support groups to meet their needs. Weight Loss Surgery saved my life. I lost 225 pounds 3 years ago.I have been given the chance to live again.I spent several years existing. Now I am living again. I am going back to school to get certified as a nurse practitioner. This is how I feel I can help people,primarily obese people. I was discrimiated and treated so badly as a patient prior to my WLS that I nearly died. I see and hear about this all the time. I know I can't save the world but maybe I can make a big ripple.God left me here for a reason. I am thankful for every day God gives me. Lets all grab our boot straps and keep marching forward. Keep loving one another.Keep caring about one another. Try not to judge. You never know what that person has been through or is going through. We can't always fix the problem but we can listen. Sometimes we just need to listen.
God Bless
Jean E Wood
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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