Dear MO Peeps~ I got home and came in to post on Whats Happening and was flabergasted to read the email and posts about the COF group. I am so devastated, and I am extremely angry at who was sending Claudette those hateful emails and messages and then falsely accusing her of starting it herself!
I know if I post what I think of you, for doing what you did to her-that the thread would be pulled-but I want to tell you, YOU ROBBED so many people of the fellowship, support, love and acceptance that ALL of us received (and everyone deserves to have) at the group AND from our wonderful leader! I, for one, can tell you, that the first COF group I attended in Jan of this year-changed my life. I had NEVER been around a group of people so loving, accepting and non-judgemental in all of my life. When I left-I felt like I FINALLY belonged somewhere (for the FIRST time in 38 yrs of life!!) and that I was NEVER going to have to be the "Odd guy out" or feel lonely or alone ever again-and I KNOW, for a fact-that a lot of people feel the same way. My regret here-is that our dear leader was so viciously (sp?) attacked-that she resigned from what she was good at-because some people are so spiteful and full of unhappiness and hatred- that they had to attack someone and cause so much pain in their lives when ALL they did was care. What the hell is the world coming to? Whatever problem anyone has with anyone else-to be so childish, to pick someone apart-when apparently, they DO care about supporting our group of people, is just uncomprehensible to me. I cannot believe it. Support, leadership, sharing, love, understanding, acceptance and advice given at our group-came from knowledge and came from the heart (Not to mention the time to plan, the calls, the organizing). IF someone doesnt care for someone-then they didnt HAVE to be there-they didnt HAVE to stay-they didnt HAVE to attack anyone-just know that there were several dozen people that DID get everything listed above every month. Most of us had only ONE complaint-that we couldnt meet more often-or that we never seemed to have enough time-and NO MATTER how you slice it-because we enjoyed our group so much-it could have been 3 hours long-and we would still feel the same way!!!
I feel like we are (I am) lost now. I feel like whomever you are-you not only attacked Claudette-but you attacked ALL of us who love the COF group. You attacked something that some of us love so much and feel so strongly about. I know that many of us tonite-have broken hearts. I can tell you something right now-I have been tossing the idea of starting a group in my area-and all I have to say is-I have seen what this has done to all of us who love the group, Im not sure if I would ever want to be so proud of something, so dedicated, so willing to give of myself, like Claudette did-to have to worry about what and when I post or who may be offended and so on. I guess that I was wrong, when I thought that we automatically ALL have a common ground here-and that we ALL are just enhanced after the surgery-some people, no matter what-are NOT going to be happy-and can and will find a reason to pick a person apart. Or pick apart our board for being too loving or whatever. I wish I could take back everything that has happened on the board and to Claudette over the past week-and I wish that I still had my group to go to. MORE than anything else-I WISH that everyone would remember every single day what it was like at your lowest point before surgery-where people picked away at you-called you names-and demeaned you in every aspect of your life-and would remember, on a daily basis HOW that felt-and NEVER do it to anyone else-because NO ONE deserves to feel that way. We ALL deserve love, support, encouragement and understanding. We ALL deserve to be accepted. When did ALL of that become a crime, a reason to hate or pick someone apart? I know, for myself-I dont ever want another person to feel the way I used to feel-and I felt safe at the COF group. I felt accepted, loved, understood-and proud. If someone didnt want to be a part of that-thats great-thats your choice-now, because of this-its no longer our choice! I hope that you will join me in praying for Claudette, and for those of us who have been misplaced now-due to this situation. Janet
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334