Circle of Friends Cancelled
Well, I just the email from Claudette that the Circle of Friends group will be no more......I am truly heart broken.....I absolutely LOVED the meetings and learned so much through interaction with people who have been there done that. I also was totally looking forward to someday being one of those "seasoned" postops and sharing my wisdom with the newbies in our group.
This will not be happening now b/c of some people.....some anonymous and some not. I just think it's a shame that people have so much unhappiness in their lives that they project that onto other people.....
If you didn't like the group, then JUST DONT GO! Who gives a flip what you think......I sure don't. I find it truly shameful b/c that group could have made a serious difference in someone's life....and now they won't get that chance because of those hateful hateful people. And, she is NOT doing this just for attention...she is doing this because she has been slandered and been attacked for no freaking reason.
I'm pissed off and sad so I'm going now.
I just got the e-mail too. I feel for Claudette. I also know that the group just cant disolve b/c a few people are being rude and do not like the group. Being a newbie 7 months out, I have not the qualifications to do this but I did suggest maybe her passing the torch so to speak. The group is great and I HATE the fact that it is no longer. I will not attend the group I came from b/c of the people and leader (some of the fellow members were really nice dont get me wrong), so now I am stuck finding another new group. I hope someone seasoned in this surgery can take Claudettes torch and run hard and fast with it. I will talk to you soon.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Well I do feel for her as well----but if someone can pass this along to Cluadette Id be grateful--
Claudette---and to everyone else
I can understand 1st hand what she was going thru--in a different situation but I understand the slander, the ignorance of some people---but if she can think of it as this-----She can come back to the group and keep it going--yes its hard to ignore people but she didnt let anyone or anything keep her from having her surgery 6 years out right? Well now today---take a stand----Get the group meeting again and back on here--just like no one stood in your way of having surgery--dont let them stand in your way of being a great leader of a great group !
*looks around for Claudette* Everyone is looking for you--Please come back and continue doing what you do, and everyone else who doesnt like it, can turn the other way---not read your posts and keep their mouth shut! This is silly to attack others--we are grown adults and not everyone can like what everyone says or does--thats what makes us--US !
So maybe that can get her back on here--I hope so--so many people depend on her, the group, the advice etc----Dont let anyone knock you down from what you love doing Claudette!!!!!