Today I didn’t do much of anything except walk, I took 2 different walks today for a total of 6 miles. The last one I took with my 2 year old great grandson that was a trip getting a 2 year old to walk about 2 miles. When we were almost home he wanted me to carry him, I told him no way boy you are way too heavy. So we stopped and rested some for him.
I wanted to do my flower bed today but was just lazy I guess, Tomorrow I wont get it done either since we are going to be helping my oldest daughter in moving. She is moving to Rogers Ark. Which isnt that far really just sounds like it. Lol She acturally will be closer to her work in
Today in the mail I got a card telling me to reserve August 2nd of 2008 for my class reunion. I cant believe it has been so long ago that I graduated. But I am really anxious to see everyone. See if I recognize any of them. Got out my old yearbook and started looking at all of the people I graduated with. Brings back lots of memories.
Has anyone heard how Ginos surgery went yesterday? I don’t know if he had an angel or not. I ask but never got an answer from him.
I hope all is well with him.
Today is Nutties Birthday Happy birthday Nutti,
TRACI: hope the computer is doing ok in the computer hospital. Always seems strange when we have to use a different one doesn’t it?
I love Chili and I like it hot hot hot.,,,I have no problems with spicy food, I eat jalapenos straight lol have since I could eat solid food and doesn’t make a diference for my stomach.
My sister, Sugar was at a garage sale today and called me and wanted to know if I wore size small in scrubs. I told her yes and she said there were some of the cutest scrub outfits with pants , top and a lab coat to match each outfit for 5.00 a set. So she bought me 5 new ones. So look around at garage sales and see if you can find some. That will make me have 10 outfits to wear to work in wont have to wear the same one twice for awhile. LOL
JANET: I am so happy that your friend Wally has a friend like you and glad that his wife is mellowing to the fact of him possibly having the surgery. Sounds like he needs it.
Tell him he is more than welcome on our
Janet you need to talk to someone about your not being able to keep anything down. sounds like you might have a stricture….call your surgeon. I know it would mean a trip to
Yeah im excited for Melissa that she has both of these babies, a ready made family. Would make things a lot easier if worse comes to worse in her health.
I know she wont have any trouble loving those children as her own.
Im excited for her.
TAMMY: LOLwelll good luck to me in getting my granddaughter to walk with me much., today I took the great grandson. Lol so most of my walk was at a pretty fast pace to keep up with him.
Lol that is ok about your princess being spoiled, that is what grandparents are for. Lol
So has
I am thinking about going to get a straightened for my hair too. I don’t know how they work but am going to try I think.
It is driving me nuts.
Yeah I understand what she is going thru , it isnt funny to have this curly hair , I know a lot of people think it would be neat but it isnt. It does exactly what it wants to and nothing else.
COLETTE: hello friend, glad you all passed your state exam, Yes I think you all are owned by the same corp as our home is. But according to the D.o. n. we are.
Did you see my post under yours yesterday about Sky?
I wish some of them that use to post daily would come back but I don’t guess they will
Who knows maybe one day.
TAMMY C: hey my picture isnt that old. But I will get another one taken some day soon. Well I didn’t think it was that old it is about a year old I guess but I don’t think I have changed that much in the face will take another one and see. Lol
Yeah im headed for carpal tunnel surgery for both hands and total knee replacement for both knees. I think that is why I am dragging my feet about a tummy tuck too since that is a lot of surgeries due soon.
Love the new picture. So glad to see you are doing well.
BRENDA: I almost missed you tonight. But at least I did see your post. I know those toes really are sore. . Take care of yourself. Yeah I saw whatyou posted about Boliver. There are some pretty areas up there. And Stockdon lake is suppose tobe pretty good fishing I think. We would be happy to just have you that close. Have a good day tomorrow.
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
oh i bet you enjoyed the walk and the weather is beautiful. we had our 30th reunion in Aug and i paid and planned to go but chickened out at the last minute cos i was like 125 lbs smaller last time they seen me, but they r planning another 1 in 5 yrs and you can bet i WILL be at that 1 lol the calcium pills...i got caltrate600-D chewables...will them be ok?
i made it thru my 1st day of slimfast easy but this am i have a BIG headache... dont know if i told younes all but they found a bacteria that causes ulcers so they have me on antibiotic and another pill, said it should be ok by surgery day.... 12 more days!!!!!! get that bench polished up!!!! LMBO wont be long till i get to join u all well im going to see my husband this am so hope eevry one has a GREAT day hugs
Hello Everyone, Well all I have done today so far is went to church this morning at a Baptist church in Annapolis. Then came home and found out about the COF support group! I hope you {Jan} and Lana get a time and place set up for the meeting next week. I do pray someone steps up and starts a new support group for you all. I do understand why Claudette felt the need to step down, and I truly sympathize with her.
My toes are getting better all the time, still kind of walking like a duckLOL
That's all for me.
Later ~ Brenda
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Jan, I'm sorry I mistyped - with doing one-handed posts I guess I missed a couple letters... I meant to razz Janet for having such an old picture. I've heard so much about how great she looks and saw a glimps of her in some of the pictures from the Reunion. Come-on Janet, let that skinny person come out to play.
RNY 8/8/7