Jan C.
on 10/12/07 2:51 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hi everyone.  It really felt strange to not have to come home from work last night and try to get my brain to working and do the Whats Happening Post. Thanks Janet, it was really nice of you and you did a great job too. Last night at work was pretty relaxed and calm.


Weather here this morning was 42 degrees, brrrrrrrrr that iwas cold. Lol  and Janet they make smaller blanket that are electric so you could use one of those …I got a Cabella’s catalog in the mail and they have blankets that are made that you step into and then wrap around you , pretty neat looking , I am thinking about getting one of those for this winter and watching tv. Lol maybe save on the heating bill some.


I really hate my hair, this curly stuff has got to go somehow. I think I mainly dislike it because it looks fake like a perm. And I grant you it isnt. That is what makes it so bad. If it was it would grow out and the perm would go away.  Guess I will wait a couple of weeks and see if she can straighten it some.  Yuck.


I hope everyone had a great day today. I guess I did didn’t do a lot . I am going to have to start making my granddaughter walk with me every day more and more so she will get over this wanting to come over and just sit. I can barely stand doing that and that is all she wants to do and I hate to be mean and tell her that I have got to stay busy doing something. It is beginning to make me sort of depressed and I am not going to do that . I have came way too far to fall into that state.


Has anyone heard from Gino his surgery was today. I hope all is well with him.


JANET I hope your friend and you get some time to really talk and you can give him some really good info so that he will be able to really make a decision that his wife cant shake. He doesn’t need a wife like that, wonder why people cant see that they would be much better off alone than with someone like they try to hang onto.



AMBER: Im so sorry that you are going thru all of the turmoil like you are. I will be praying for you , for your understanding of the problem and be able to see what the situation really is with him. You are a beautiful , intelligent woman that deservers happiness and with a person that will treat you as you should be treated  We will all be praying for you and your babies .



NUTTI: I know you wont return till Sunday ,,,,OH YEAH  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON SUNDAY THE 14TH   I heard thru the grapevine that she is 29 and holding…



TAMMY: wow will be glad to see you on the 22nd at the Circle of Friends. I hope you got a little more sleep this morning. And the princess went back to bed for awhile. Sounds like she really does think she is THE       PRINCESS ;lol …

Sounds like you are really excited about getting to come see us again.



BOBBY JO: I sent you a letter with my phone number in it in case you want to meet up while you are down next week end. I don’t live very far from Branson. About 30 minutes and that is only because of the curves and hills. Lol . Call me if you want to and can get away for a little while.

Did you get the protein powder I sent you yet?



SUSAN: wow you are sounding so much more uplifting and full of plans for the future. I am so proud of you about taking it into your own hands to get off the pain meds. After , Joe, my husband was injured he was on some pretty heavy pain meds , oxcy and percocet , plus some other hard ones. He came off of them by himself without taking anything else to get rid of them and had no side effects from it. So it can be done , the will power and by the Grace of God will protect you and give you strength.  Just remember that, YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO WILL STRENGTHEN YOU. When you start feeling bad or weak repeat that verse. Ok?



MELISSA: wow, you all now have a ready made family….just what you were missing in your life , you now have. Praise God that you all were there for these small bundles from God , their poor little lives have been so hard and that isnt what childrens lives are suppose to be.

At least you can have fun buying her some clothes. What is the little girls name? Where was she when Terrys brother was in the hospital?

Im glad that they or the state cant do anything about you all having them. People like that have no need of having kids at all.

And they seem to be the kind that have more and more and more all the time don’t they.

I hope God blesses you for being there for these babies.








Traci K.
on 10/12/07 8:15 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone I'm having computer issues - mine is in the shop, and I'm on hubby's.  His mouse is weird and I don't care for it much.  *sigh*  Hopefully they can fix mine and I can pick it up today.  I need to try to clean some today.  The usual Saturday stuff.  :)  Have a great day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Shannon C.
on 10/12/07 10:10 pm - Kirksville, MO
Hi Everyone! Been down and out this past week from the sinus crud that is going around and then wa**** with some type of flu tuesday and was worshipping in the bathroom for about 24 hours.  Had lost 10 pounds as of yesterday.  Had a very hard time getting in my liquids and did not even try my protein until yesterday and finally got the minimum in. Dad built a fire in the wood stove yesterday and it felt so good.  I Put more wood in this am.  I put a pot of Chili on this morning as it sounds good.  I am making it with ground turkey and kind of child mild so if its not hot enough others can add more hot sauce... Its raining out so don't know if they will move the Red Barn Arts and Craft festival to inside somewhere or not.  I was going to walk down town to get my exercise in. I am now down to a 1X.  I can't believe it.  All my scrubs are 2X and up.  Will try to pick up a couple of sets at Walmart to hold me over.  I really want to wait until I stabalize a bit before buying more stuff.  Its hard enough keeping up with my underthings. LOL! You all have a great day and stay safe! Love Ya! Shannon



on 10/12/07 11:32 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Good Saturday Morning to you ALL!!!~ Wow, yesterday and then already this morning have been very emotional days with me and my friend, Wally. He got here about 1 pm yesterday and we got 3 hrs to talk-where Jon was too shy to interrupt-and the kids werent home from school-Mike was still at work. We were able to talk about everything-and the tears were flowing-on both of our sides, because he knew-that I knew exactly what he was talking about and that I had been through it, personally. He said he has seen the most amazing differences in my life-and now he wants the surgery more than ever. After the last time they visited-he really opened up to his wife and told her his true fears-which is something I advised him to do in an email I had sent him. I felt like maybe she resented me a bit because he spoke to me about issues that he had never spoke to her about-and we all know what jelousy will do to a person-and a persons relationships! The hardest part of my journey, in the beginning, was sitting down and really opening up to Mike about how I felt day to day and how miserable I was-and how I wasnt living life, and so on. Well, Wally is at the point I was at-where he just wants to die. He is so sick of his life the way it is-and he doesnt see any end in sight. Shelly finally said that she would be behind him-after she understood where he was coming from!!! That is why he was allowed to come here, by himself-she realized our bond was important for Wally and for his life! To top it all off, I got my monthly visitor yesterday-which I wasnt prepared for, because usually there is a 3=6# weight gain that week and I havent gained anything????? So dunno whats up with that-but anyway, got on the scale this morning and I have lost another 2#, taking it to 209# lost and now I officially weigh less than my memory goes back. I came in the kitchen to give Mike my daily weigh in report (always do it in the morning) and Wally was in the front bathroom and heard me tell Mike-and came out, hugged me and then we started talking about surgeries again. He is going to see a surgeon in Wichita Falls-and he is going to work on the whole process when he gets home. I told him to get on this site and check everything out. He is lucky-he has 2 uncles who are docs in Wichita Falls and BOTH are going to help him!  So-PLEASE pray for Wally everyone. I beg you. I am scared that we will be burying him if he doesnt get the surgery and soon. He cant even walk out to the car without huffing and puffing for 5 minutes. His apron touches his knees and he is miserable. He just doesnt want to live anymore if he has to live like this. He talked of having the lapband-and I told him I did the same thing-and then explained to him, that he would NOT get the same results as quickly, about the fills and so on. I recommended the sleeve to him since his BMI is close to 90. I believe he said 88 or 89. Anyway, it breaks my heart to know his desires and so on-and to have to know that he is feeling the same way I did just a little over a yr ago.  I know that we have awesome prayer warriors here, so please pray for him. Thank you so much!!! I have to work all weekend, so I tried to get all the laundry done yesterday-was up until 1 am doing laundry and such. Made a huge batch of spagetti-but still am not able to eat. 2 bites and I was in the bathroom vomitting again. Am hopeful that this cycle will end soon. The up side is the weight is coming off-and I cant even do the shakes right now, so that is odd-but the downside is that every time I TRY to eat anything, even yogurt, I get sick! So-I am getting ready to drop Steph off at work, come home and get some misc stuff done-and get my christmas projects packed in my work bag and away I go-LOL....I am hoping that I can cut out a little early tonite-depending on what Mike and Wally do at the track. They say they wont be late-but neither of them have been to a nationals race in a couple of years-and a lot of their out of state friends will be here today and so I dont see them leaving all that early-LOL.....then I will get up very early tomorrow morning and make a big ol breakfast for all my guys and Steph before Wally takes off. He is going to stop and see his parents on his way home. His mom is dying. They told them last Dec that she had from 2 mos to one year-and she is still around-but has hospice now and steadily gets worse-so he wants to stop in and see them, as he did on the way here. **Jan-your so welcome! It sure felt weird though, to see you post on your thread!! LOL.....but I had fun, and its no problem at all~will help you any time I can!  The little girl that Mel and Terry have now-her name is Claire. I havent met her yet, but I do thank God for people like Mel-who would take a child that would otherwise be thrown into a system or have to live with parents who will scar her for the rest of her life. Thank God! I hope that she ends up with BOTH of them permanently! She has such a motherly way about her-and I just know that she is going to make such a difference in these kids' lives and I am glad that she has this chance. Guess Jon will have someone to play with now when we see each other!

**Susan-thank you. I know exactly what your going through right now-and I KNOW it gets hard. I know its a trial, but I knew you could do it-I did it, and now we find out that Jans Joe did it too! You will feel better once your off all the big guns. Not saying you will get to the just tylenol point, Lord knows I have tried-and the pain is so intense that at times I just want to die, but I am better off without all that other stuff, thats for sure. Thanks for the prayers too. I have been staying quiet and working on some personal stuff that only I can do for myself and my family. I do pray for all of you every day and I hope Rory is home soon. Take this time to do for yourself-did you get to quit smoking like you wanted to when Rory went over the road? **Tammy-Ammy-cant wait to see you as well!~Everyone needs time away sometimes and yes, I did talk to Mel about going to Nuttis on Monday afternoon already and she said it sounded good. So-its a plan. I am excited to see all her miniatures and her other tie dye stuff! **Brenda-I emailed you back last night. Your email touched me-and made me cry. Tell Dennis Thanks, from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate all the love and prayers from both of you. I would LOVE to see you move by Stockton Lake. We love to fish there-and I would have a bonus up that way-being able to see you and meet your wonderful husband! Cant wait to come to church and see Dennis preach sometime!!! **Chelle-how are you doing today? Hope your good. Take it easy and slow down!!! I love you and think of you!

Well friends, I am going to close and get Steph to work-which means piling all the kids in the GMC to take and drop her off. I am going in my PJS-my Eeyore pants and t-shirt that is too big, but its the first present clothes wise Mike ever bought me-and I could never wear it-it was too small and I told him then, never to buy clothes for me again. I was humiliated cause he bought the biggest shirt the Disney store had in Eeyore-and it is a 3x and it didnt fit. By the time I came across it, in a box a couple of weeks ago-its like a dress on me!! I cant part with it though!! So-Pray that nothing goes wrong before I get home-LOL... As always, your in my thoughts and prayers! Have a wonderful weekend. Janet

on 10/13/07 1:56 am - Concordia, MO
Janet,     If you continue to have these eating problems, please see your doctor.  This far out, you should not be having all these problems.  Please make sure you are getting hydrated.  God Bless, Colette
Tammy H.
on 10/13/07 1:31 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall.... Setting here having coffee before I have to get ready for work and wanted to drop in real quick... Jan...Good to see ya back...I think Janet done a great job for ya.....It would be great for you & your grand-daughter to be walking parteners.....I need to get my sister up and about to start walking with me....She wants to loose weight too and I hate exercising alone.... Yeah I know Christa sounds spoiled...She is...Especially on mine and Joes part.....She has been with us for most of her life with Ada living with us several times and me baby setting her while Ada worked....Plus other than Ada's crappy father and his wife popping in and out when they want to...She don't really have any other grandparents to be with.....Steven lost his mother when he was 13...His father is still alive but he don't bother to come see her too often and never takes her on his own.. The actual truth is her mother is more spoiled than she is cause she has gotten toooooo use to Joe and I doing for her and has gotten to relaxed!!!! She is suppose to be working on getting them an apartment soon...It's going to be a big change for them but I will be glad...Then it wont be so easy for her to let momma do for Christa! My youngest step daughter has really curley hair and it drives her nuts! I got her a straightener to put on it and it helped alot but it's about grown out of her hair now...so she has started using a straightener some so she can have straighter hair some days....It's even worse when it rains lol lol.... Janet.....Sounds like a plan...I don't care what yall plan, It will be so great to be getting away and I'm so excited about getting to spend time with you all.... I am so HAPPY for Wally!!!!! I know you must be tickled.. I hope he gets to get things started really soon! Keep me updated I am excited to see how things go for him!!! Hope your stomach gets better soon....That's not good not being able to eat or drink....I hope your getting enough in to keep from getting dehydrated! Mel....WOW..Another one!!! You must be thrilled!! I will check around and see what I can find to help out...Did you say she is in about a 5T??  Susan...I will be off the next 3 days....I'm going to call you so we can chat one day while I am off...How much longer is your honey going to be gone for? Will he get to be home long when he comes in? Cindy H....Where's my phone call girly??? I'm off Sun, Mon & Tues....Get a hold of me and maybe I can make it up your way one of those days for us to meet and set and chat a bit..... Amber...So glad things are getting easier with the liquid diet...You will be so proud of yourself for making it thru this part of the journey!!!  I'm sorry to hear about the emotional things you are going thru...If you would like to talk you are welcome to give me a call....That's what Angels are for! I'd be more than glad to lend an ear....Your wieght loss journey is alot emotionally to deal with but to add all the extra you are going thru is alot for someone to deal with.... Well I wanted to do a lil more to my post but time is flying by on me and now I got to get up and get ready for work already!  Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday! My prayers are will you all.... Luv & Hugs..Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 10/13/07 1:52 am - Concordia, MO
Just a quick hello,     Happen to have a 3 day weekend without call so I feel like a bird left free to fly.  LOL.       We had State in our building last week for survey so put a lot of hours in.  Our new administrator(bless her) the first day on the job at a new facility state walks in for the annual survey.  But we got a good team and we came through it with just having to fix a few things.      We have been busy busy as usual.  Today I was sick when I got up, think my sugar was real low as I dont eat much sugar.  As soon as I drank some juice and ate my turkey bacon I was much better.  I frequently had low blood sugar before surgery.   Have a great day.  Colette Anyone know where Sky is?   Its been a long long time since I saw her post.
Jan C.
on 10/13/07 2:47 am - Cedar Creek, MO
I get emails from Sky once in awhile. She is doing really good . They have been traveling around for their business , dont know exactly what that is . She said she saw Dr. H and he said he could go back in and finish up her surgery any time she wanted but she hasnt decided if she wants too or not. So far she has lost about half her weight and isnt gaining it back so i think she is happy with that.   Jan



Tammy C.
on 10/13/07 11:24 am - St. Charles, MO
Hey all, seems like forever since I posted on here.  Been busy with Life is all, nothing exciting. On the health side I've been actually swimming and doing water aerobics a few times a week.  My eating is day to day, what went well one day make my stomach hurt the next.  I need to focus more on my protein count because I'm fairly confident I'm not getting in enough - which is why I'm not losing any pounds right now.  So weird to eat so little and not lose. I had a second surgery on my left wrist (carpal tunnel) this past Thursday, so one-handed typing is limiting my messages for awhile.   Do you see the new picture?  I took Rebecca's advice and updated it with a current one.  What is it going to take to get Jan to update hers??????
Tammy C.
RNY 8/8/7

Brenda Minks
on 10/13/07 1:18 pm - Silva, MO

Hi Everyone, I am on here late just wanted to say hi. I have been busy all day trying to get my house work done, I'm moving kind of slow cause my toes are still sore but getting better all the time. Jan I posted on Thursday's what's happening about why we are wanting to know about Boliver, MO. Well I got to go take a shower and get in bed. Church tomorrow! Brenda


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




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