Big pills like Klor Con and others after RNY???
RNY on 01/06/15
Do you have to crush everything for awhile? I am trying to get anything i can in chewable form, but i assume you can swallow regular sized pills.. My biggest one will be potassium which is pretty big, but i dont know if i can cru**** because its in a wax coating, i would have to ask the pharmacist, i just wondered how big a pill you can swallow , they said nothing about it at meetings i went to, also where can you get chewable calcuim citrate? Thanks much,
YOU can get it at Wal mart ...comes in a sqare type box in chocolate and a couple of other flavors that our wal marts dont carry. right after surgery you arent suppose to swallow any pills even reg sized ones. all chewable or crush and if it is a get cap punch a hole in it and put in applesauce or something. Maybe sf. pudding ....
Maybe you wont be on any of your other pills after surgery. I wasnt. I never had another pill of prescription type at all.
Now at over a year out i can even swallow 2 to 3 fairly large pills at the same time. have never had any problems with it but i was cautious at first,
RNY on 01/06/15
Our wal mart and the ones in Columbia dont have citrical chewable, and the ones i saw that were chewable were calcuim carbonate, and they said specifically to get citrate..
yes you dont want calcium carbonate, but citrate.....they are made by Citracal and every wal mart i have seen has them but not a lot of them. especially not as many as the other calcium chewables. which we arent suppose to have. lol the Citracal calcium citrate chewables are in the same type box ...go to google and type all of that in and you will get a web site where you can see what the box looks like ok?
RNY on 01/06/15
Thanks guys, i see them and both wal marts i have been to either dont carry them or are out, the same goes for my walgreens... must be popular?
I was a month or so out before swallowing any pills of size. Then it was my prenatal vitamin. No problems. Gradullay I moved onto BIGGER pills,...never the chewables and never any issues swallowing the whole handfull at once.....2-3 calium citrates plus my prenatal and now add to that my flax oil capsule and 2 small migrane prevent pills and an acid reflux pill and a stool softener and pangestyme.....all in one gulp! lolMy kids see that and can't believe it!! lol
Ask your Wal-mart to get those chewable cal-citrate in for you. Just tell them at the pharmacy counter.

openRNY 4/04