~Whats Happening Friday (for Jan)~
Hello Missouri Peeps~ Thursday was cold, spent most of the day trying to get warm, never did warm up-even after putting on a sweater AND putting a blanket on me! WOW...I hope that this isnt an indication of what winter will be like for me-I will be asking Santa for one of those wraps-wonder if they make them in electric blanket style? LOL!! Well, I am filling in for Jan. I hope that you will all still continue to post, as Im sure she will be on here to read them and respond tomorrow when she is back~! I know NOTHING is like Jan, but hey-post out of sympathy then...LOL...Dont give me a complex!
Tomorrow Mikes best friend, Wally, who is like a brother to me, will be here for 2 days. I have to work all weekend, so I will just being seeing him tomorrow for a bit and thats it-BUMMER....He is the one who wants to have the surgery-and needs it as well-but his wife wants him to spend the money (cash pt) on a new car for her and tells him that he can lose the weight IF he would watch his carbs and have self control. When you weigh 600# or more-you NEED surgical intervention! He has told myself and my hubby that he really wants this surgery and has been offered early inheritance money to receive it-but his wife says no. I am hoping to have a chance to really sit down and talk-since last time he was here-so was she-and she MADE SURE we didnt get ANY chances to talk about WLS....I love him and dont want to bury him when he can do something about it. It breaks my heart. Please say a prayer for him. Thank you. Im not getting into the rest of my day. I have been dumping for about 15 days straight-and the ulcer meds arent working to settle my tummy like they used to. The past 4-5 days, I cant even keep liquids down at times-and definitely NO FOOD whatsoever-not even my yogurt or cheese. I am praying like mad that its not a stricture-and it hurts like something fierce, so I am going to wrap this up and go lay down! ***Lana-thanks for missing me-where I belong-thats so cute. Remember when....we couldnt wear a heavy shirt-or sweater, because we would sweat like mad? Heck, it could be winter and I would have the fan blowing on myself full blast and my desk was no where around the heater vent! LOL....Now, I wonder what we will look like this winter? Eskimos maybe? How cute! Love you. Glad your doing good and really hope to see you in 2 weeks. ***Susan-I posted to you yesterday-how wonderful about the Oxy and Percs. I knew you could do it. The docs arent always right-and congrats on the clothes size. Glad you are feeling better and hope you continue to! Dont get back into those old habits-I think you have been through too much crap to go back to old ways and ruin all you are working for. No matter what happened in Branson, I wish you well and pray for you daily. ***Bev- Im so sorry to hear about the migraine and the housing issues-like you need that right now on top of everything else. Im sorry!! Good luck next week with Dr. H's appt. We are all praying for a wonderful visit for you-you have waited a LONG TIME!! Congrats-the wait is almost over!! I hope you get some much needed rest in your 4 days off! ***Brenda-I cringed when I read about your toes and the pins. OUCH!!! Im so sorry you had to go through that! NOW-do what the doc said and KEEP THOSE FEET UP so you can get better, would ya? WOOOOO HOOOOO-a sz 12-you go girl-I am doin my famous baby circle dance. Not really-but would like to-LOL....Im so happy for you!!!! I did get your email-but the only thing that came through were the animations-no writing whatsoever. Can you resend it? Sorry about that! I do hope you and Dennis move this way-because we go to Stockton Lake a LOT and I can see you a lot more than I do now-How cool would that be? I would love that!!! Love you and praying recovery will get easier WHEN you do what the doc says-LOL...I know its uncomfortable for you and Im sorry. Miss you. **Mel-do you think we will ever get to connect again? Between certain people and then sickness-Im wondering. I hope and pray all is well at the doc tomorrow and the 3 of you are in my prayers. Love ya.
Well, I am getting off here-I hope that everyone has a wonderful Friday and weekend-and be safe. All my love and prayers, Janet
Hellooo Mo
just thought Id post to say Im gonna be gone till Sunday. I have spent the day getting myself and the kid ready to head to KC tomorrow. we are going to stay at my Grans. I lost my fathers mother in Aug so Im very excited about spending this time with my mothers mother. and my aunts. I will be in Liberty Mo
Sat we are headed to the KC toy and miniature Museum and very possibly some shopping. Sat night we are all gathering at my grans because I get to teach them all how to do the glue flowers I have been making. and Im taking a few suprises for them....since they dont come to see me
and sunday we will head home.....just in time to make ready my houses to show off if Tammy,Mel and Janet decide to come see me!! my friend Ruby is going to help me get all of them down so they can be looked at.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! and that blessings flow!
great job JanSub!
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~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Good morning friends,
I am ready for the weekend! Although since the reunion I have had the phones every weekend so I am not sure why I feel like I am getting a break! I think my brother thinks because of that get away he has to be gone every weekend with his wife hunting, fishing or camping! Don’t really mind too much, guess I am glad he is having fun, its just all the drunks always go to jail in the middle of the night and want to call you between 2 - 4am and slobber in your ear. I never get them out until they have sobered up, cuz if we bond someone out for DWI and they go home and then go back out and drive while drunk and hurt someone we could be responsible for accidents or worse. But it doesn’t stop them from calling. Nothing like a COLLECT, obscene, slobbering drunk phone call at 3am, lol!
YUMMY, soup sounds good! Well at least home-made cuz I think it will be a LONG, LONG time before canned soup sounds good again, lol. I am with you on the cold weather, a lot of people think I am crazy but after living in Idaho and Colorado give me cold weather any day. I just love it and cant wait until next year when we start looking for property to buy near Estes Park, Co. We have to wait until Randi goes to college to move there but will be worth the wait!
Thank you for the support in regards to the medicine. I am trying and it helps to have friends that are supportive and who understand how much pain can affect your life. Hope that I am a Tylenol only user soon.
Don’t let things get you down and I know you are really looking forward to your appointment with Dr. H. I didn’t have him but there are a lot a people here that say he is fantastic so I am glad that you will see him very soon.
I know that we have gone thru a major situation between us but I still read your posts and miss you very much. I pray every day for you and your family they are still like my own family. I am sorry that crap is going on with the Ex. Hopefully when that shoe falls it hits him in the head and knocks his butt out! I love you too girl!
YOW!! I was cringing when you were talking about your toes. Hope that they are doing much better now. Sounds like they are getting back to normal. I did the same thing as you at Fashion Bug, I still go to the plus size when I first walk in there and then remember I can shop on the other side now, GREAT FEELING!! Congrats on the size 12!!!!
I know that you and Terry are really enjoying that baby. I have been trying to keep my nieces baby as much as I can. He just turned a month old Sept. 29th. I forgot how much they cry when they are spoiled. I think that since the mom and dad are only 16yrs they think every time he makes a noise at all they have to hold him, lol. She told me her doctor said that you cant spoil a baby 6months or younger. That she could hold him as much as she wanted to and it would be okay. HAHAHA! She knows that isn’t true! I hope everything is going good or at least you are feeling better. Tell Terry hello and the three of you take care!
Yea!!!! Protein Pills! Yep, I cant bring myself to drink shakes right now either and I made the protein balls but too peanut buttery! I don’t care too much for peanut butter. I need to try Lana’s cream cheese balls recipe and see if those work any better! I wish I wasn’t hungry all the time! I think I’m crazy but when I eat its like clock work, I am hungry always just about 1 hour after eating. Seems like my tummy is totally empty an hour later. I really have wanted to talk to Dr. Scott about it but they keep canceling my appointments and resetting them. I haven’t seen anyone in the office since Aug because they keep canceling. It has been 4 months since my surgery and have only seen Dr. once at one month visit. My next appointment is November 9th if they let me keep this one! You would think after my other surgery they would want to see me but oh well!
Hope that you have fun at the meeting next weekend and enjoy all the visiting you are going to get to do!
What the hell???!!! Read your forwarded message that I missed before it was deleted!! I guess some people are only happy when they are tearing up others!!!! Just another example of, “UNLAWFUL USE OF A STUPID MIND”, heard that that it is punishable by , “LIFE, without the possibility of any wonderful Circle of Friends!”
Everyone please have a great weekend and give your wives, hubbys and significant others big fat hugs! If I cant hug my hubby at least someone’s giving hugs and getting hugs!
Love always,
Thank you so very much for doing this for me today Janet, I really appreciate having the day off. I had to be in town this morning at 9am to get my hair cut and colored , my stylest wanted to know what in the world i had done to my hair , i ask her what do you mean , she said it is thicker and curlier now that it ever was before. She said i dont know what i can do with all of that curly hair. I ask her if she could straighten it some and she said she could but i would have to wait untill i got thru withthe color for at least a couple of weeks. She did thin it way out so that helps some. but it is still curled up all over my head , looks like the old lady curly permenants. lol picked up the chain saw and the tiller over in Hollister after beauty shop. so that was real exciting. Got home and got the babies stroller out and went and knocked on the granddaughters door and said lets go for a walk. Put both of the babies in their double stroller and we took off for our walk, about 1 mile. I can do more but not up and down hills like this is. Oh yeah my great granddaughter is doine lots better. She is eating more and also drinking lots more too. She wont use a sippy cup or a bottle only something like a small water bottle with no top on it, like a soda bottle. Weird child. lol
Hopefully this last shot that Joe got in his back the other day is helping some. They really increased the amount of cortazone they put in there this time. We will see what happens. My day wasnt too exciing just did some normal work around the house, did a load of laundry and the other things i stated already.
Will talk to all of you again tomorrow on the Whats Happening post. HUGS AND BLESSINGS JAN