Sent in my packet - just waiting
Well, I finally got all my necessary letters, labs and huge stack of paperwork filled out and got it sent to my surgeon last week. I guess I am just in the waiting period now.
I have United Healthcare and they say they cover this, so hopefully I won't have any trouble. I have decided on Dr. DeLaTorre. How long did it take most of you to get insurance approval and then how long before your surgery date?
Once I made the decision that I definately wanted this done, I want the surgery now. It is difficult to have to wait!!
Any suggestions on things I should do between now and my surgery to help get my body and or mind ready?

I am going to the DePaul hospital in St. Louis too.
I haven't called my insurance yet. I just mailed the packet to the surgeon last Friday, so with the holiday on Monday, they probably didn't get it until Tuesday. I didn't know how quickly they would forward it on to the insurance company. I guess I will start calling them next week.
I just called my insurance and they haven't received anything yet for Dr. De La Torre's office. They said after they receive the request, it could take up to 30 days to get a reply. I sure hope it doesn't take that long.
I think I remember seeing that a requirement of Dr. De La Torre's is to attend 2 of their support group meetings. I went to their informational meeting, but haven't been to a support group meeting yet. Does anyone know if that has to be done before the pre-op appointment, or just before surgery?
I thought it was just one or the other. I went to the info meeting back in November 2006 (yes its been a long journey). I don't think we have to go to two because I didn't and she scheduled me for my preop with no questions.
You should call Nancy and make sure they have everything. One of my girlfriends thought everything was a go and come to find out that she was still missing something (letter from psych eval). So it wasn't even sent yet to the insurance company.
Anyways, it takes a few days. It'll be there before you know it!
Hi Melissa!! I'm glad to see you are posting.....I've not been on here for quite sometime so it was nice to see you tonight when I came on.
Congrats on taking those first steps!!!! I suggest SUPPORT GROUPS, as many as possible and don't NOT go based on a bad first impression or any other reason....just keep going!! And take Kevin too!!! ALSO, make sure to at least make walking a part of your routine now. Some sort of exercise will greatly help. AND keep coming HERE!! : )
Congrats AGAIN!!!

openRNY 4/04