Wasn’t Wednesday just beautiful? I so enjoyed the day . First I had to take Joe to the pain clinic again for his shot in his back. The one doctor said he didn’t think he was a candidate for the nerve ablation but I don’t think he tested him for it because maybe he is one of those doctors that doesn’t like to be told things , which I do lol
Anyway the doctor that did his injection today said that he needed to have a disk study done which the other doctor didn’t do , only an MRI. So I know that the other doctor just didn’t want to do it because…..???
Well I don’t think he knows me very well lol
When we got home I planted about 6 more mums , hopefully they will do well this winter and not die like some of mine did this last year. The ones I bought today are the little button mums that form up into a nice mound. I just love those.
I am still working on this other flower bed. After digging it up I sprayed it really well with weed killer. I hope we got a lot of the roots out.
We had to take our tiller into the repair shop last week because the gear box jammed and needed a new one on it, well today after we were almost home they called and stated that it was ready , darn wish they would have called before we left Branson we could have come home the other way around. Lol Oh well I will go pick it up on Friday I guess. After my hair appointment. My stylist couldn’t find time to do my color on Friday but I need the thickness thinned out of my hair some . I lost some of it for awhile but it has all come back in and is thicker and Curlier than ever. Don’t know what in the world I am going to do with it. Maybe the answer to it is to let it grow some and de bulk it a little. Maybe that will pull some of the curl out.
TRACI: WOW that sounds like something Martha Stewart would do lol. That sounds really nice, You have me envisioning making some for my girls for their houses. Don’t know if I would get it done but im always one of these people that love the ideas of doing those things whether I ever get it done is another thing all together.
Yes would love to know all of your pretty things you do. Maybe another M.S. wantabe would love those ideas too. Maybe you might just inspire me enough that I do some of them.
LANA: hi sweetie. How you doing today? My finger nails seem to be growing faster also , that I noticed too.
Sizing rings it is a problem isnt it. I don’t have RA like you do but I do have OA and my hands swell too , I know what you mean about the rings fitting one day and not the next.
Yeah I love the idea for the December COF meeting too. Sounds like we are meant to have some fun that month.
Sorry I was at work when you called the other night , was in the middle of spooning food into a little lady .
JANET: I want to thank Janet for offering to do the post of Whats Happening for me some since I work at night. By the time I get home and get it all written up some times it is after midnight and I am sitting here banging my head on the keyboard trying to stay awake. Lol Thank Janet I really appreciate it a lot . Look for her first one to be this Friday morning.
Oh man there is nothing like a back up sewer is there to wake up to . OH YUCK!!!!What did you find out that it was?
Honey I would make myself get over that POS ex husband my self. There is a saying that (He who angers you , controls you.) Boy and I know you sure aren’t letting him control you or don’t want to anyway.
It sure sounds like he is a crazy loon that needs to be locked up, he doesn’t see anything wrong with the fact that he has never done anything for the girls or helped support them or anything ? Now that is some ignorant stupid person.
Im glad that you have someone to help you move furniture around…don’t get too down in your back…
BEV: I too had a 3.5 hour trip to get to
I am praying tht your roommates daughter arranges something to work out for you on the place to live. That can be very flustrating, especially when you are already stressed over other things. Just know that your MO. Board family will be praying for you and a good resolve to your present blank.
Good morning friends!
Well guess that will teach me to miss coming to the board a lot. I guess that whatever hateful things were directed at Claudette were truly bad because they have been deleted! I know that it was a load of crap and I am sure that Claudette knows what a wonderful and helpful person she is and is above such crap! You know I love ya girl and have emailed you thanking you for all the time you spend helping all of us and giving us your free time to make this journey easier.
Havent been on the board for awhile. I am feeling so good it is scarey! As a matter of fact too good I guess. Since I had my last surgery I am no longer having near the problems that I was having eating stuff. This was a good thing until I gained 5lbs. Now I know that this happens to some people and it isn’t that big of a deal, (weight fluctuates) but I am ashamed to say I kinda lost it. I have had a hard time with Rory being gone and started to fall back in to some old BAD habits. How quick I found out that can happen! So I am getting right back on the “horse” and tring to do things right again.
I knew I should have listened to Janet and kept that dang food diary! It is important. I thought with such little amounts of food I could keep down I didn’t need to track it. WRONG!!
I am asking for prayers for me with my back. I decided that I am done with the oxycotin and percocet pain pills and have started taking less and less. I was up to 80 mg of oxycodone a day and am happy to say I am down in 3 weeks to only 30mgs a day . Yeaaaaaaa! They tell me there is no way I will be able to stay out of the wheelchair without some of the pills, but what the heck do they know, they also said I was gonna be in one permanently by the time I was 40! They don’t know everything!
The pain is pretty bad at sometimes but I am running 3mins on the treadmill and walking 27min everyday. I have to talk myself into it everyday and am crying by the time those 30 mins are done but its worth it. The weight gain and eating every hour feeling like I was starving, scared the crap out of me. I went thru too much pain since this surgery to let myself go back to the old me.
Well enough about me,
Saying a prayer for your mums. Do you have a good website for the information of the nerve ablation? I have done some searching but not enough good info to take to my surgeon. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you. I know that Joe is lucky to have you with him when he goes to see those doctors, nothing is going to be left unanswered!
How are you doing lady? I hope good.
I am okay, sorry I haven’t called you lately. Trying to play catch up from being laid up again. I miss Rory like crazy but it is getting easier to do everything all by myself. I have no idea when he will be home. He says by the 31st of Oct., we will see. ERIN I hope you get the job with the Bariatrics Phy. Let us know what you hear!
Everyone else I hope you are all doing well and as usual I miss coming here and wish I could pop in more often. Asking Santa Claus for a new computer but with the way this year has been I think it maybe the following Christmas before that could happen. Everyone take care.
Love Susan
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ Hello. Hello. Hello!! Yesterday pretty much kept going the way it had been! I just took a deep breath and gave it to God! Erics mom called BOTH girls to talk to them-only she had my number down for Steph-so she left the mess on my phone. I did tell Steph she called though. Steph has not seen her since they got back from Vegas and knows that Megan made a comment to Eric that his family NEVER sees or talks to the girls unless he is here-thus, the reason for the call-and then the he is moving back to town crap. Oh well-I wont be able to stop him no matter what he decides to do-so I am just praying about it. Whatever will be, will be-right? Jan, your right-Im not gonna let him anger me. He did control me all morning yesterday. I can just hold onto my faith and make sure I am there for my girls when the other shoe falls again, like always, I will be!
We got the furniture all changed around. I didnt help with any of it-but I did sit on the floor while Megan french braided my hair-and when she went to help me up, my feet slid across the carpet and I landed smack down on my tailbone!!! OMG...talk about hurt. Between that, my knees and back and hips because of the colder weather-and I have dumped every single time I have tried to eat anything for a week except a scrap of cheese yesterday and one shake-the other shake I made-I was dumping before I got two swallows down. The ulcers are acting up-so I was up with that pain most of the night. I didnt even wake up with Mike to have coffee or talk before he went to work. WOW!! Must have been tired-but then again, I was bouncing up and down until almost 4 am between dumping and my tailbone/back pain.
I got some "assignments" from my psych. I was thinking he was a little "off" his rocker at the time-but now that I have started doing it-I have been looking at some things differently. Its amazing how fast we can lose track of the good things/blessings in life-when other things are going on. I wonder why that is? I know I am not the only one, but I hate to admit that I can concentrate a lot longer on the bad things happening, then to relish in the good? I have always regretted/resented having to go on disability and putting a financial strain on my family. Have a lot of guilt over it. He asked me-did you WANT to be disabled? No-so I didnt go out and do it purposefully, why the guilt? Dunno. Jus****ched income being cut and struggling more-and I dont like it. But-there was a HUGE blessing that I dont seem to concentrate on-and its the fact that I get to be with Jonathan. The first 2 1/2 yrs of his little life someone else saw him during the week more than me-and it used to just kill me-that I missed so much-because I was blessed to be home with the girls until they both started school. I stayed home only for 3 months with Jon and then off to daycare and I worked. I missed him so much! So-I guess that trading one thing for the other-he brings me more joy on a bad day-than I had at work on a good day. I need to always remember that!! I have a lot of guilt over not knowing what was going on with Stephanie. I used to "pride" myself in knowing my kids and keeping them safe and so on-and so this thing with Stephanie-its really taken its toll on me. I dont feel like I am a good parent to her and so on. That one is hard. The psych tells me that kids can be very good at keeping things from their parents when and if they want. Dunno how he is gonna prove me wrong on this one-but at least now I know what to look for and the signs etc-before something really bad happens, right? Maybe thats why it happened when it did-or rather I found out when I did-plus its helped her to identify and ADMIT why she is so angry-and I am happy to report-that only one thing was about me-and that was I am overprotective-the rest of the stuff was about her sperm donor. I have been sitting back and trying to be quiet and find myself, if that makes sense. So much has been going on-and I havent done that yet. There are changes that have to be made-and changes I need to make within myself-and I have to have the courage to do all of that. I know that everyone keeps telling me that they are there for me, if I need them. I have to do this on my own. I love all my friends for being so supportive-but sometimes you have to back up-look at a situation and fix it. I cant do anything until I fix me. Right? So, I have this pc of paper I started and I hv to carry a copy with me. Of my blessings, things that make me happy-and things that were bad-but something good came of it. Its amazing what happens when I take that out and look at it!!! Ok enough of the psych babble-LOL.... I feel bad about the Claudette attack. I was shaking when I emailed her-I was so mad. I did respond under her important post-because I hope that spineless coward gets in there and reads what I said to them. Claudette has done so much for me, and for so many others-that I personally felt attacked when they attacked her and our group. I was ready to fight. In fact, Id sure hate to see what would ever happen if someone said some of those things to our faces!!! LOL.....all I can really think-is how sad for them. I really feel sorry for that person, because they are obviously not truly happy in life or with their support group to attack ours-and they are jelous and petty. Who whines about when or how someone words something in a post? A very miserable person that seems like they wouldnt be happy for anything in the world. I do know one thing-they wouldnt fit in with us-we are too loving, nurturing, caring and supportive of one another to have such strife in our group-there is no place for it. Im sure if they came annonymously to our group-they would be amazed at how loving and supportive we would all be to that person-right? it amazed me they compared us to other boards. My response, as has been in the past-then go there. We really dont have a place for that here anyway. We are here to love, support and encourage one another-and if you wanna TRY to knock people down and start ****you belong somewhere else-Im sure there are other websites that get off on that type of behavior-I hope they find it and get away from all of us! I cant wait for the December COF party!! Thats going to be so much fun!!! Cant wait!! Trying to think of what to bring. Thought about my beans again-but dunno.....will have to think about it a bit and see what everyone else is doing too. Well, today have to finish up all the stuff I havent gotten done this week. Wally will be here tomorrow and then I am working all weekend. I was suppose to work tomorrow and Sat. But, I wouldnt have gotten a chance to see him-because I would wor****il 10 pm, and then Wally and Mike have the big race on Sat, and he is heading out early Sun morning-so Fri is my only time to really get to spend with him! So-Im working all weekend instead. My parents anniversary is Sunday too-so they were gonna go out of town for the night-but due to my being so new and everything and Mindy being in Texas-they are going to just go to dinner and to a movie. I will be able to get some more christmas projects done-so I am happy. My dad set up a work table etc in the back office so that I dont have to sit out in the commons area and put up with all of the people who live there that dont have a life-and just want to sit there and chat the whole time I am working. YIKES!! I will be behind one office-and that door locked-with monitors so I can see people and a bell on the door when it opens-so its all good! I made some mistakes last weekend that cost about $50-thank God I didnt have to pay it out of my pocket!! LOL....I thought I was gonna have to-but the owner said-that happens sometimes and he was really happy that I did the best I could and tried. Gave it 100% and they werent short in the till-which they have been with other workers. So-the 4 times I hv worked, they were off .10, in our favor!! LOL The mistakes were I put the wrong amt in the credit card machine when it asked for taxes amt-I deducted it from the total and put in the difference, and I should have put the total-who knew? No one was there to help me, and it was my first time..... **Jan-sure hope Joes back nerves can be burned. Glad you found out that tidbit! Hope the shots help! Tell Joe he is in our prayers, ok? As well as you, your daughter and grandkids. How is the baby girl? Hope she is better!! Your very welcome with the Whats Happening post. Im sure its not gonna be as productive as yours-but I will give it a whirl~LOL.....Just glad I can help out when you need me! Love ya and thanks for all the encouragement over Steph and all the prayers-I appreciate you listening and your advice and prayers. It means a lot to me. **Lana-Thanks for all you do. I dont think you know what it means to me. I wish we all lived closer so we could get together once in awhile!!! I love ya! **Susan-so glad you are finally doing better!! Way to go on the Oxy-I am proud of you-because I have walked in those footsteps and I know how hard that is. Just ween and take your time and you will do it-I know you can!!!! See-they say when your on that for a long time that you have to go on methodone to come off it and go to rehab-if you can do that-you can do anything and you dont have to let them tell you that you will be in a wheelchair! They told me that too-although there are days it looks good-I wont give into it. Im not letting it get the best of me, thats for sure. No matter what has happened in the past or in Branson, I pray for you and your family-I wish you well and I sincerely hope the worst is behind you and you continue to strive!! It does get better! I hope you stay away from those old habits, you have been through too much crap to flu**** down the toilet and thats exactly what you will be doing! **Mel-you better get your butt to the hospital if that pain doesnt go away. You dont know that an abscess pocket or something didnt develope while they have been dragging their feet and giving you 9 rounds of antibiotics, I know you keep saying-If you didnt have the baby you would go in-well, IF you wait and end up inpt, what good are you to Adrian then? Think of that. Call Dr. Barnes and get an appt and go!!! Dont make me tell Terry! I just want you to feel better and its not going to happen if your not honest about whats going on, right?
**Tammy-Ammy-will see you in a couple weeks. Hope you have a safe trip and we can all go to Nuttis for the afternoon and have some relaxation! Sounds like a plan to me. Hope I dont have to work, but if I do-it will be the last day. Im only working to help out 2 more weeks. I hope everyone else is doing good. Take care, and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers, Janet
Hello Everyone,
I got the pins out of my toes yesterday ~ can I say OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
That is one weird feeling!!!!!!!! He just grabbed hold of the pin, with forceps, at the end of my toe
and started working it back and forth and pulled it out. The left was not to bad but, the right one hurt like he**!!!!!!!! I guess it was stuck in there pretty good!!!! They were longer than my toe so I guess they went into my foot bone!!!!!!!! My toes are about twice the size they should be. The doc said it would take time for them to completely heal and as they do the swelling will go down.
He said to continue to keep my feet elevated but I didn't. I decided since I could put shoes on I should go shopping! BIG MISTAKE!!!! My feet swelled up like crazy!! So I paid for that with balloon feet last night.
But I did have a big WOW moment while shopping, I have been wearing a Misses size 14.
I went to Fashion Bug and automatically went to the Women's Plus Size Department, old habits die hard!
Well I felt elated after I realized all the sizes were to big for me! On that side so I went to the misses side. But the best thing was I bought 2 pair of dress slacks for church with buttons and zippers NO ELASTIC WAIST!!!!!!! In a SIZE 12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been trying to post all day but had some errands to take care of today and Dennis wanted to leave before I got this posted. So I’m going to post it late.
Jan the reason we were wondering about Bolivar is it’s about middle ways between Stockton Lake and Pomme de Terre Lake. About 45 minutes sort of NW of Springfield. The reason I was wanting to find out if anybody knew anything about was is my husband loves to fish and Bolivar is about 15 minutes from both of those lakes and yet close enough to Springfield that we can go there and do our shopping and what have you. We have always liked the Springfield area. Just starting to check out that area to start to figure out where we might want to retire to. He wants to be close to the lakes and I want to be close to Springfield but we want to live in a rural area with no close neighbors. So if anybody knows of any rural area with a small town close and close to good fishing lakes and also pretty close to Springfield let me know.
Lana I’m sorry I never didn't answer your question about my toes. Yes I had what they call Hammer Toes. It is caused by a tendon drawing up or on mine that was one of the problems. He did a tendon transfer and removed a piece of bone and put a permanent suture, made out of some kind of wire - it shows up on x-ray, in my toe bone and it stays in. I know it was really painful trying to wear my dress shoes before so now after I heal completely I pray it wont hurt anymore. Melissa I know you are enjoying your little baby!!!!!!! Janet I e-mailed you!!!!!! Susan I'm glad you are doing better!!!!!!!! Bev hang in there it will get better!!!!!!!! Tammy have fun on your trip to see everybody ~ wish I could go:( To everyone else I pray you had a great day and an even better one tomorrow. God Bless!!! Love Brenda
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.