Ok, I know its a waitn process wit this but I'm just wonderin . I went to my psyh Oct 2nd an I didnt wanna be a pain an call them to see if he fax my review yet. Do they call an let you know when they get it ? Um...Do they call an let you know when they going to fax it to your ins? I thnk I'm be patient but I'm at a stand still an dont hav a clue of wats next. So if you can help plz .let me know thanks an take care.
Sweetie, dont worry we have all went thro that emotion. Personally I was a pain in the butt to them. I was nice and plesant but I kept right on top of them to make sure that I got that paper work going and they didnt drag there feet about it. Just remember to breath. lol Give it some time then call if you would like to.
Good Luck

ok for me it took about 6 weeks . my pysch doc told me 2 weeks and then when those 2 weeks rolled around she was gone on vacation. So then i waited another 2 weeks and she still gave me the run around. to be honest i was very pissed. i finally got an answer that she was faxing it that 5th friday and it was actully the next tuesday when they finally sent it so yes you should be a pain. i felt she was gonna forget who i was it took so long and i will not be using her for my aftercare if i have to ever go back. i felt she was unprofessional at best because even though they get busy. she avoided my calls via her receptionist who always told me she was with a client even when i went in and said i would wait. and i stayed nice even if i was upset but when i contacted my nurse she told me also to be persistant. Be Blessed.