Jan C.
on 10/9/07 4:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Tonight was a work night and boy was I busy, Had a patient pass away, one to have the bottom drop out of her blood sugar and then go into seizure activity, another one that fell and cut open a place on her head. Now anyone that has ever worked in a nursing home knows that this all requires stupid amount of paper work on almost any of these cases. I was up to my eyeballs in paper. Lol

Oh yeah and another patient that took off her illostomy bag and there was, well I wont go into what all there was with that. If you know you know and if you don’t you really don’t want to know lol

Before I left for work this morning I dug and separated all my daylilies and spread them out in the larger bed . I really have some pretty ones and am glad that they are multiplying.


Tomorrow Joe has to go and have another round of cortozone shots for his back. His doctor did several studies and told us that he wasn’t  a good candidate to have the Nerve ablation done so he scheduled him for another round of th cortozone shots. I hope these help more than the others did. He said he was going to do these himself this time. Don’t know if that will make a difference or not. But hope it does. Lol



GENO: I see that you are having surgery this coming Friday….Hope you have someone that will report to the board how the surgery went. We will be praying for you.



MELISSA: Sure seems like you have really taken to this taking care of baby , so fast and no we know you aren’t wanting to take the place of the babies mom but he has probably already attached himself to you.


No I wouldn’t want to be a landlord of a lot of stuff. Too nerve wracking.


No it isnt normal for a baby to wheeze. Do they smoke around him? A lot of babies are really allergic to cig. smoke. So that may be it more than a cold.

Is the wheezes on intake or output of Breath? You are doing right to take him to a doctor.


Well you know that babies know the person that will protect them and loves them, so yes he feels safe with you and reacts that way when his parents are around.

I know that God has a plan for you and that maybe he is just showing you something that you have been wanting to keep your eyes closed about So be open and aware that God does speak to us in lots of ways.



TRACI: Oh boy if I had the money I would and could spend a lot of it in Cold water Creek, they are just my style of clothes. Love them. I just never paid much attention to them before since I couldn’t fit into them , they are beautiful.


How do you make lavender scented shelf paper? Im very curious. Sounds lovely


Hope you got your puppies all bathed, that isnt an easy job I know.




JANET: it is fantastic that you are back on line. I really missed you , a lot.

Glad that you and Steph are both getting some answers to your problems and yes I would imagine that her real Dad not really wanting her or never taking part in their lives has affected her. Sure is funny how one child can deal with stuff and the other one cant. You would think that since they were sisters they would equally deal with things.


I wish your friend was coming on the week end of the COF meeting he could maybe get a lot of answers.

I know you will help him out a lot tho.


Whoooooohooooo Jon ,2 fish? Wow


Wow didn’t know you could sew. That is amazing that you have lost so much weight and can sew yourself new clohes too. Wow.



BEV: If you have medicare you will probably hear from Dena within a couple of weeks with a surgery date. I don’t think it will make a difference about not losing weight in this 6 month time limit, unless you weigh more than the hospital will take .

I think that if you make  your own shakes that Dr. H. will allow you to use those instead of the other crappy stuff. Lol


Good I hope you feel well enough to go to water aerobics. That is really good for you and good for your back too.


So sorry about your little fur baby leaving you. I know you miss her and even tho she is in a better place with no pain it is still hard to take.



BOBBY JO: hey way to go on that weight loss. that is really good. Did you think that you would be below 300 this quick?


We are anxious for you to get your computer back so you can keep us posted on everything. Take care and keep losing.





Tonight was a work night and boy was I busy, Had a patient pass away, one to have the bottom drop out of her blood sugar and then go into seizure activity, another one that fell and cut open a place on her head. Now anyone that has ever worked in a nursing home knows that this all requires stupid amount of paper work on almost any of these cases. I was up to my eyeballs in paper. Lol

Oh yeah and another patient that took off her illostomy bag and there was, well I wont go into what all there was with that. If you know you know and if you don’t you really don’t want to know lol

Before I left for work this morning I dug and separated all my daylilies and spread them out in the larger bed . I really have some pretty ones and am glad that they are multiplying.


Tomorrow Joe has to go and have another round of cortozone shots for his back. His doctor did several studies and told us that he wasn’t  a good candidate to have the Nerve ablation done so he scheduled him for another round of th cortozone shots. I hope these help more than the others did. He said he was going to do these himself this time. Don’t know if that will make a difference or not. But hope it does. Lol



GENO: I see that you are having surgery this coming Friday….Hope you have someone that will report to the board how the surgery went. We will be praying for you.



MELISSA: Sure seems like you have really taken to this taking care of baby , so fast and no we know you aren’t wanting to take the place of the babies mom but he has probably already attached himself to you.


No I wouldn’t want to be a landlord of a lot of stuff. Too nerve wracking.


No it isnt normal for a baby to wheeze. Do they smoke around him? A lot of babies are really allergic to cig. smoke. So that may be it more than a cold.

Is the wheezes on intake or output of Breath? You are doing right to take him to a doctor.


Well you know that babies know the person that will protect them and loves them, so yes he feels safe with you and reacts that way when his parents are around.

I know that God has a plan for you and that maybe he is just showing you something that you have been wanting to keep your eyes closed about So be open and aware that God does speak to us in lots of ways.



TRACI: Oh boy if I had the money I would and could spend a lot of it in Cold water Creek, they are just my style of clothes. Love them. I just never paid much attention to them before since I couldn’t fit into them , they are beautiful.


How do you make lavender scented shelf paper? Im very curious. Sounds lovely


Hope you got your puppies all bathed, that isnt an easy job I know.




JANET: it is fantastic that you are back on line. I really missed you , a lot.

Glad that you and Steph are both getting some answers to your problems and yes I would imagine that her real Dad not really wanting her or never taking part in their lives has affected her. Sure is funny how one child can deal with stuff and the other one cant. You would think that since they were sisters they would equally deal with things.


I wish your friend was coming on the week end of the COF meeting he could maybe get a lot of answers.

I know you will help him out a lot tho.


Whoooooohooooo Jon ,2 fish? Wow


Wow didn’t know you could sew. That is amazing that you have lost so much weight and can sew yourself new clohes too. Wow.



BEV: If you have medicare you will probably hear from Dena within a couple of weeks with a surgery date. I don’t think it will make a difference about not losing weight in this 6 month time limit, unless you weigh more than the hospital will take .

I think that if you make  your own shakes that Dr. H. will allow you to use those instead of the other crappy stuff. Lol


Good I hope you feel well enough to go to water aerobics. That is really good for you and good for your back too.


So sorry about your little fur baby leaving you. I know you miss her and even tho she is in a better place with no pain it is still hard to take.



BOBBY JO: hey way to go on that weight loss. that is really good. Did you think that you would be below 300 this quick?


We are anxious for you to get your computer back so you can keep us posted on everything. Take care and keep losing.








Traci K.
on 10/9/07 10:07 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Oh Jan - sounds like a horrible night at work for you.  {{{hugs}}} Lavender shelf paper:  easy peasy!!  You will need: Wallpaper essential oil in the scent, or scent  blend, of your preference water spray bottle Mix 2 parts water to 1 part essential oil and pour into a small spray bottle.  (usually 2 ounces of water to 1 ounce of essential oil is more than enough) Cut enough wallpaper fit your shelf.  Turn the wallpaper over to the back side and spray on your essential oil water evenly.  You don't necessarily need to soak it to dripping - just coat it lightly.  Then let it dry.  Once dry, put it on your linen closet shelves, line your dresser drawers or in your bathroom cabinets.   The heavier weight of wallpaper works best to keep it in place, but you could use a heavy wrapping paper too, if needed.  I have to run right now, but if you want, I can post pictures later showing the lace trim I made for the shelf front in the linen closet, and instructions on how to do that as well.  :) Today I have a day of computer work.  Have a blessed day everyone. Traci
on 10/10/07 12:36 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri, No news really on the Nixa front.  Just living and loving it!!!   I have noticed an interesting thing that I'm attributing to my good vitamin regimen.  My fingernails are stronger and longer than they have been for 30 years. I always had "good" nails but they sometimes wanted to split and now they are tough!!!  Think it is the vitamins because I never took them until surgery.  However, the cuticles are drier than they've ever been.  What's up with that??? I'm still undecided about having my rings sized.  Just when I get ready to do it I have a little flare up of arthritis and they fit.  If they were smaller I'd have to take them off.  What to do??? I love Claudette's idea for the December Circle of Friends meeting.  Pot luck and gift exchange - what could be better? DD and DGS got their new puppy last Friday.  He is a Schnoodle (Schnauzer/Poodle Toy) and his name is Owen.   He's a good boy and DD is really enjoying him.  She's always been more of a cat person but he's small and she's loving it. Gotta get to work. Hugs, Lana

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 10/10/07 2:44 am - Diamond, MO
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Well, you may be sorry today that I have my puter back!! LOL... I am having a horse**** day and its only 11 am! wth?  Got up this morning and the house smelled really bad-well, its the sewer, so we poured stuff down the drain and flushed some other stuff down the toilet and then I lit a bunch of candles and sprayed some smelly stuff!!!  Opened the windows and now Im cold-maybe we will get lucky and wont have to have the sewer drained-but if we do-its better to do it now than after the ground is hard and its freezing cold out!! Ok-so an hr later, my oldest calls-her dad has been emailing her about his regrets in life, blah, blah, blah-and drops the bombshell on her this morning that HE IS MOVING BACK HERE! His ONLY concern is ME and my calling the police on him for his felony level in back child support. He doesnt feel it would be safe for him to come back to MO unless I will drop it, because he wants to spend the rest of his dying days with his girls-and I am the only thing standing in his way. Oh NO he didnt use that card. I hung up with Megan and called him. I left a mess on his voice mail-and then 1/2 hr later, his mom calls me. Then his sister.  I really need to forgive him, because thats what Jesus would want-and let him come back to be with his girls-they are the only thing that matter to him in his life right now-and he wants to make ammends before he passes away.... Wait a minute! Am I the ONLY one *****members HOW in the beginning of Feb, when he decided to move back down here-that he PROMISED them he would never move away again and they would finally  be a "real" family? HHHMMMM....ok-and that lasted less than 6 months and he even told Steph and Megan that he had to go back to Vegas because THEY were the ONLY thing here for him-shouldnt that be enough IF they were that important to him? Would have been to me! I said-let him come. I cant stop it. I dont care-but I am NOT gonna let him get away with this crap anymore. I was told today that I am a heartless ***** So be it. Where the hell were these people when my 16 yr old started cutting herself because of the pain and because of the "control". For 9 months she has been cutting her arms, stomach, legs, and her wrists. Where were they? This heartless *****well, I AM THE ONE WHO PICKS UP THE PCS of their broken hearts. I am the one who watches them scream at me because they are angry and hurting because of him. I am the one who watches them sob uncontrollably. I am the one who picks up the pcs. Mike and I. We have watched 3 of our 4 children being ripped apart by their other part time POS parent, and know what? Im done. Between those 2, they owe Mike and I right at 20 grand. WOW....Mike and I go without ALL the time, to make sure those kids have ALL their needs met. Not Eric, not Angie. WHEN they feel like being a half ass'd parent, they throw scraps here and there. WOW...bet that just kills them! Do I feel sorry he is dying and Angie has MS and says she is too? NO! I feel sorry that they brought children into this world that they have hurt so much. I feel sorry for MY CHILDREN. That is MY ONE AND ONLY REGRET. I cannot take the pain away caused by these people. Thats it. So, now, because he is dying, he wants to come back and cause more crap? He just left in June. So, things with his flavor of the month didnt work out-and he is gonna run again and play the Im dying card-and lay it on ME....Well, sorry-I didnt make his bed-I am NOT laying in it! No way!! I told his mom AND his sister-you wanna pay me the arrears-it will be dropped-but that the court would do it-its NOT up to me anymore-its all in the states hands-and the states have suspended his license AND have a warrant out for his arrest-so THEY and ONLY THEY can drop it. I cant. I wont. I am NOT gonna lie and say he paid me off. Whatever. Im heartless. So, why does this bother me so much? Im just so tired of the games played with my kids' heads. I dont know how much more I can take of these 2 before I lose it. I told his mom AND his sister-its so funny HOW much they CARE about MY girls-when they NEVER call or see them unless their biological sperm donor is in town. They dont ever see them otherwise. Only when they run into them at Walmart. Thats TRUE LOVE...TRUE CONCERN. Its pathetic when my bff calls them neices and nephews and knows their likes and dislikes....pretty sad.  Ok, Im off that soapbox. I know they are gonna call Steph and make me the bad guy-thats the only thing I am worried about-is how she is going to react. They dont seem to care WHAT SHE is going through. They will play the dads last wish, dying card on her-and I will have hell to pay. SO, perhaps-he needs to make sure IF he comes this way in spite of everything, that he has the room and means to take care of her as well. We arent playing this game anymore.  Ok. Im off my soapbox. Or skyscraper! Mike asked me to join him and the boys fishing last night. I went, even though I felt like I had too much to do at the house. Mike caught a 4# catfish-that thing is the length of the inside of the cooler!! Darrel had 2 big fish on his line and his line broke. Jon pulled in a good sz bass and crappie, but we threw them back since we are trying to keep those stocked. I wanted to keep the crappie though!! LOL...Good eating! I had about 4 fish on my line that all got off-dang it. I was bummed out. The one only got off because he wrapped himself around the dock and broke my line! I had to fish out my light up bobber-LOL...cant see the bobber when it starts to get dark. Almost blind in the left eye and night sight isnt as good as Id like it to be. Now Jon wants a light up bobber too-he thinks thats cool! Tonite the kids are coming over to help me arrange furniture and straighten up the front porch. They unloaded their trunk the other day (the latch broke and Mike had to fix it for them) and somehow the stuff never made it back into the trunk. Said they didnt have the room-but they had the room when we removed it???? Go figure that one out. LOL....so-they gotta get their load of stuff and will help me straighten that up too. Went grocery shopping yesterday and $106 later, still walked out and forgot the laundry soap. I sure hate it when that happens! Oh well, so I now have to go get that and the bobbers. Not sure I will be going in today-have asked Megan to pick that stuff up on her way out today-along with my power cord for the puter that I forgot when I picked it up Monday night. I, like Lana-cant wait for the December COF group.  Sounds like soooo much fun. I am looking forward to that!! What a wonderful group to have such a wonderful celebration together with, huh? **Jan-Im so sorry about your night at work. I did my clinicals for nursing in a nursing home and it broke my heart when I hate times like those. I feel for you. At least you make the time they do have left-nice-and they can always count on smiles from you, right? That means a lot-and they do know who cares and who is just there for a paycheck, right?  I will keep you in thought and prayer-along with Joe and the grandkids. I hope the baby girl gets better each and every day. **Nutti-was so good to talk to you yesterday. When Tammy comes, you mentioned us all 3 coming over to your place Monday afternoon. I will talk to Mel-but I bet its a plan. We may have a couple little boys with us-but Jon already likes you and the baby is fun to cuddle with!! We will get you to the group. Like I said-I am more than willing to ride with you so you dont get lost-but then we have to hope and pray I dont get lost myself. Maybe we can follow Mel and Tammy? May have to wear a smoking patch, however. Not sure how I will do that far without a smoke. LOL. Thanks for the advice about Steph and sorry it took so long to call you back. I have just had a lot going on. **Tammy-Ammy-its no problem at all for you to stay with Mel Mel-its not like I am 96'd from visiting you there. We can do something together. Maybe go try on some clothes at NBC or something? who knows-but we will get it all worked out and settled. Besides, its fun to cuddle with the baby and play with him. I never tire of that, thats for sure!! To everyone else-your prayer requests are being fulfilled, your in my thoughts and prayers and I wish you all the best. Now that I have my puter back and its running like its suppose to-I may be able to get on here and do a little more one on one posting. I sure miss that.  All my love-Janet
on 10/10/07 4:20 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon OH family!  It's a beautiful day out not too cold and not hot just the way I like it wi**** would stay this way all year around! I am getting so excited because one week from today I will be traveling to Sedalia to meet Dr. H.  I am a little nervous only because I don't want any obsticals to come up to prevent me from getting my surgery I am hoping and praying that everything just falls into place.  I have Humana Choice PPO insurance which is a Medicare replacement policy if they say no go then in Nov. during enrollment I will drop them and just go with straight Medicare I know they will pay for it so I have been told?  It's been an interesting journey this year making the decision to actually have the surgery after for many years saying that I would never resort to surgery then going through the process of seminars, support groups, special diets and learning all I can about the surgery and the new life I will have.  It's been trying at times having to develop patience cause this is not a journey for impatient people that's for sure and I am the type of person who once I set my mind to wanting something I want it now not later so this has been hard on me.  Maybe it's God's way of teaching me to be patient? Well, I was having a pretty good day until I just got a call from my friend/roommate.  See I live with my friend and her mother and every once in a while her mom gets in a mood and wants us to move out.  She never complains about things until it comes to this.  She doesn't tell us if something is bothering her she just gets to a point where she wants us gone.  My friend Diane has a house it's very small house she just kind of moved in to her mom's the first of the year after her mom had hip surgery, I was already living there.  I feel like I have no place to go I can't live with anyone in my family they don't have room for me and my two dogs and I can't afford to get my own place right now the only option I have is for me and my friend Diane to move into her little house.  I don't want to do that but I don't have much of a choice now.  I feel trapped and I feel alone.  I wish I could get my own place and have my own things around me but instead most everything I own is boxed up in the basement.  I am at work and this wasn't a good time for her to lay this all on me because I am fighting back the tears right now.  I don't know what to do I think if I didn't have my two dogs I would just give up on life it's too hard, I'm tired of my life it really sucks and I was just hoping that WLS would help change that.  Now I don't feel wanted where I'm living.  It's not healthy to live somewhere where your not welcome but yet I feel trapped cause I feel like I don't have options.   Well, I have to go to the restroom so that I can splash cold water on my face and maybe let out a few tears without being seen.  Take care everyone and if you could say a little prayer for me. Bev~

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