Tonight was a work night and boy was I busy, Had a patient pass away, one to have the bottom drop out of her blood sugar and then go into seizure activity, another one that fell and cut open a place on her head. Now anyone that has ever worked in a nursing home knows that this all requires stupid amount of paper work on almost any of these cases. I was up to my eyeballs in paper. Lol
Oh yeah and another patient that took off her illostomy bag and there was, well I wont go into what all there was with that. If you know you know and if you don’t you really don’t want to know lol
Before I left for work this morning I dug and separated all my daylilies and spread them out in the larger bed . I really have some pretty ones and am glad that they are multiplying.
Tomorrow Joe has to go and have another round of cortozone shots for his back. His doctor did several studies and told us that he wasn’t a good candidate to have the Nerve ablation done so he scheduled him for another round of th cortozone shots. I hope these help more than the others did. He said he was going to do these himself this time. Don’t know if that will make a difference or not. But hope it does. Lol
GENO: I see that you are having surgery this coming Friday….Hope you have someone that will report to the board how the surgery went. We will be praying for you.
MELISSA: Sure seems like you have really taken to this taking care of baby , so fast and no we know you aren’t wanting to take the place of the babies mom but he has probably already attached himself to you.
No I wouldn’t want to be a landlord of a lot of stuff. Too nerve wracking.
No it isnt normal for a baby to wheeze. Do they smoke around him? A lot of babies are really allergic to cig. smoke. So that may be it more than a cold.
Is the wheezes on intake or output of Breath? You are doing right to take him to a doctor.
Well you know that babies know the person that will protect them and loves them, so yes he feels safe with you and reacts that way when his parents are around.
I know that God has a plan for you and that maybe he is just showing you something that you have been wanting to keep your eyes closed about So be open and aware that God does speak to us in lots of ways.
TRACI: Oh boy if I had the money I would and could spend a lot of it in Cold water Creek, they are just my style of clothes. Love them. I just never paid much attention to them before since I couldn’t fit into them , they are beautiful.
How do you make lavender scented shelf paper? Im very curious. Sounds lovely
Hope you got your puppies all bathed, that isnt an easy job I know.
JANET: it is fantastic that you are back on line. I really missed you , a lot.
Glad that you and Steph are both getting some answers to your problems and yes I would imagine that her real Dad not really wanting her or never taking part in their lives has affected her. Sure is funny how one child can deal with stuff and the other one cant. You would think that since they were sisters they would equally deal with things.
I wish your friend was coming on the week end of the COF meeting he could maybe get a lot of answers.
I know you will help him out a lot tho.
Whoooooohooooo Jon ,2 fish? Wow
Wow didn’t know you could sew. That is amazing that you have lost so much weight and can sew yourself new clohes too. Wow.
BEV: If you have medicare you will probably hear from Dena within a couple of weeks with a surgery date. I don’t think it will make a difference about not losing weight in this 6 month time limit, unless you weigh more than the hospital will take .
I think that if you make your own shakes that Dr. H. will allow you to use those instead of the other crappy stuff. Lol
Good I hope you feel well enough to go to water aerobics. That is really good for you and good for your back too.
So sorry about your little fur baby leaving you. I know you miss her and even tho she is in a better place with no pain it is still hard to take.
BOBBY JO: hey way to go on that weight loss. that is really good. Did you think that you would be below 300 this quick?
We are anxious for you to get your computer back so you can keep us posted on everything. Take care and keep losing.
Tonight was a work night and boy was I busy, Had a patient pass away, one to have the bottom drop out of her blood sugar and then go into seizure activity, another one that fell and cut open a place on her head. Now anyone that has ever worked in a nursing home knows that this all requires stupid amount of paper work on almost any of these cases. I was up to my eyeballs in paper. Lol Oh yeah and another patient that took off her illostomy bag and there was, well I wont go into what all there was with that. If you know you know and if you don’t you really don’t want to know lol Before I left for work this morning I dug and separated all my daylilies and spread them out in the larger bed . I really have some pretty ones and am glad that they are multiplying.
Tomorrow Joe has to go and have another round of cortozone shots for his back. His doctor did several studies and told us that he wasn’t a good candidate to have the Nerve ablation done so he scheduled him for another round of th cortozone shots. I hope these help more than the others did. He said he was going to do these himself this time. Don’t know if that will make a difference or not. But hope it does. Lol
GENO: I see that you are having surgery this coming Friday….Hope you have someone that will report to the board how the surgery went. We will be praying for you.
MELISSA: Sure seems like you have really taken to this taking care of baby , so fast and no we know you aren’t wanting to take the place of the babies mom but he has probably already attached himself to you.
No I wouldn’t want to be a landlord of a lot of stuff. Too nerve wracking.
No it isnt normal for a baby to wheeze. Do they smoke around him? A lot of babies are really allergic to cig. smoke. So that may be it more than a cold.
Is the wheezes on intake or output of Breath? You are doing right to take him to a doctor.
Well you know that babies know the person that will protect them and loves them, so yes he feels safe with you and reacts that way when his parents are around.
I know that God has a plan for you and that maybe he is just showing you something that you have been wanting to keep your eyes closed about So be open and aware that God does speak to us in lots of ways.
TRACI: Oh boy if I had the money I would and could spend a lot of it in Cold water Creek, they are just my style of clothes. Love them. I just never paid much attention to them before since I couldn’t fit into them , they are beautiful.
How do you make lavender scented shelf paper? Im very curious. Sounds lovely
Hope you got your puppies all bathed, that isnt an easy job I know.
JANET: it is fantastic that you are back on line. I really missed you , a lot.
Glad that you and Steph are both getting some answers to your problems and yes I would imagine that her real Dad not really wanting her or never taking part in their lives has affected her. Sure is funny how one child can deal with stuff and the other one cant. You would think that since they were sisters they would equally deal with things.
I wish your friend was coming on the week end of the COF meeting he could maybe get a lot of answers.
I know you will help him out a lot tho.
Whoooooohooooo Jon ,2 fish? Wow
Wow didn’t know you could sew. That is amazing that you have lost so much weight and can sew yourself new clohes too. Wow.
BEV: If you have medicare you will probably hear from Dena within a couple of weeks with a surgery date. I don’t think it will make a difference about not losing weight in this 6 month time limit, unless you weigh more than the hospital will take .
I think that if you make your own shakes that Dr. H. will allow you to use those instead of the other crappy stuff. Lol
Good I hope you feel well enough to go to water aerobics. That is really good for you and good for your back too.
So sorry about your little fur baby leaving you. I know you miss her and even tho she is in a better place with no pain it is still hard to take.
BOBBY JO: hey way to go on that weight loss. that is really good. Did you think that you would be below 300 this quick?
We are anxious for you to get your computer back so you can keep us posted on everything. Take care and keep losing.