Suggestions Please
I go see Dr. H next Wed. for my first official appt. I haven't lost any weight during my 6 mo. supervised diet well I have but gained it back! I was just wanting to lose a few pounds quickly before my appt. and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to how I can do this in a week? I thought about doing just protein shakes 2x a day and eat one meal kind of like slimfast however slimfast makes me sick so I would make my own protein drinks or I can do Boost those don't make me sick. I was just wondering what to do I would like to be able to say that I lost a little weight! Any suggestions?
i also lost weight be4 Dr appt but gained it back, what kind of insurance do u have? medicare takes about 2 weeks or less...
You dont like slimfast either? well we have to do slimfast or boost 5 times a day for 2 weks be4 surgery...i start sat. and NOT looking forward to it either but it has to be done....
im back on 2 shakes a day and sensible dinner and that usually works pretty good but ive decided these last couple days im gonna just eat whatever im in mood for cos its end of eatting line almost lol
good luck
Was there any issues with Dr. Hornbostel or with Medicare because you wasnt able to lose weight? I have lost anything and I'm starting my fourth month. I think it's because I am unable to exercise. Did you find it pretty easy getting approved with Medicare? I have Medicare too so I'm curious!
Thanks !

I haven't gone to my first appt. yet it's next Wed. so I don't know if there are issues about me not losing any weight from what others have told me you don't have to lose weight on the dr. supervised diet just have to try. I haven't gone through the approval process yet either I do have Medicare but I also have a replacement plan called Humana Choice PPO if they by chance don't approve me then I will drop them in Nov. and just have straight Medicare cause I was told that Medicare will approve it. I will keep you posted after I go to my first appt. next week.