I spent all day running around Branson. First we had to take the g-grand baby girl to the Dr. they wanted a urine spec from her and we couldn’t get enough , so they tried to cath her and still nothing. Put a baby urine collection bag on and finally after half a day of pouring lots and lots of liquids down her we got enough for a spec. Seems she is a little dehydrated. Her mommy thought that she was nursing her breast milk and don’t know how long but evidently for some time there has been none there. That could account for her losing the weight too since basically all the calories she was getting was like 4 jars of baby food a day. And a few sips here and there of liquids. Poor baby but we now know so the fluids and being poured to her now. She is so cute , wont use a sippy cup at all the only way she wants to drink anything is like with a soda bottle type bottle. She drinks out of it right too not with the bottle all the way in her mouth. So far today we have put about 24 oz of formula and about 6 to 8 oz of water down her. Plus her baby food which has increased too. We are determined to get that weight back on to her.
Went to check out the new Kohls store was looking for a dress to wear to my brothers reception. Didn’t find anything. I want something party looking but because of the loose skin on my arms I would like to have something that sort of covers them without being a total cover up. Don’t really know what I want but will know it when I see it.
Wanted to go to Cold water Creek at Branson Landing but didn’t have time. Will have to go by myself sometime I guess.
Went by Lowes and bought some mums and panseys and tulips bulbs today.
BRENDA: Ouch the feet sound very painful. I sure do hope they get better soon.
When will you know if you all get the church in Advance. That would be nice wouldn’t it?
Sorry you wont be here for the 22 COF meeting. Would have loved to see you again.
Why Boliver area? Nothing against the area just wondered what made you think about that area?
SHEILA; Sounds like you had a great week end. Hope things are going along for you really well. Wont be long before you get to start your liquid diet lol but it will be ok and im sure you will do great at it.
MELISSA: You make taking care of the baby seem so easy. You are a natural at it that is for sure.
I hope the shots start helping you some. They aren’t much fun to be going thru for nothing that is for sure.
Does the baby seem to know his parents when he sees them. Is he happy or does he get quiter or have you noticed any changes in him at all when they are there. Bless his heart he is so lucky that he has you and Terry to take care of him.
TAMMY: Sorry the rain is getting hung up somewhere along the line. We had another really good rain here today. I especially sent it on to you but I guess someone is grabing it up.
Will be praying or the son and nephew, your sister and anyone else you requesed prayer for.
You know you are more than welcome any or all of the flower seasons. Lol Same goes for anyone else too.
Remembering the names of flowers is like remembering the names of your children lol and grands and great grands and all the people in your life. It is just something you do.
BEV: so sorry about the loss of your oldest pet. That sort of thing can pull on the heart some cant it?
Take heart about the back pain. Some people it hasn’t helped but before surgery I could barely walk because of back pain now my back doesn’t hurt me at all. It is like wow no wonder I feel so good I don’t hurt. Well my knees but that is a constant.
The water aerobics will help your back pain a lot, just do what you can and try to do a lot of stretching in and out of the water. Have no way of knowing but a lot of the pain is probably tight muscles. And believe me that hurts a heck of a lot.
RIANNE: oh my baby you really did have a bad day didn’t you? Hope the car situation gets ironed out and even tho you have to pay to take the final it is better than not being able to take it at all. That would really be bad if they didn’t allow taking it at all .
Yes we will all pray that tomorrow will be a better day for you, and good luck on that test.
TRACI: good to see you even tho there wasn’t much there to respond to still enjoy seeing you
JANET: Yippee!!!! So glad that you have finally gotten your computer fixed and back up running.
I have missed you so very much.
So sorry about your knee and know that you have to be in so much pain. How ever are you standing it?
Will all stand firm in the belief that all things that are stressful in your life will be handled by God and our savior Jesus Christ.
Love and care for you and your family a lot.
Tell Jon we are all really proud of him and his fish. That is a nice size catfish, good eating.
Have a great day and am so glad you are back on.

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ Wow, this seems so weird to be back in here in the mornings!! Thanks for missing me, that feels good! I think Steve thought I was a weird-o or something the way I hugged on him thanking him for fixing my lifeline-LOL.....He didnt even want to take the money from me-and I told him, that had I taken it to a repair shop, I would have never gotten it back so cheap and so if he didnt take the money, I wouldnt take the puter back. I only had $22 on me, and the part was actually 24.99, so when I go pick up my power pack today, I will be giving him the rest of the money as well. Things have been really busy with all the kids and things going on around here. Sometimes I feel like there isnt enough time to do what needs to be done-or we want to do. Love spending time with all of the kids. Have been taking Steph to counseling, and then her psych, who doesnt work with adults, referred me to one of her associates, so I started going last week. I need to learn how to deal with Stephanie and what different things to look for and so on. I am having a lot of guilt, that I didnt know or recognize the signs for a long time. I cant believe it. Im dealing with a lot right now, and I am kind of staying to myself. Really. I know no one else can help me, and so I need to be quiet and just deal with things on my own. It stinks on one hand, but then on the other hand, I really just need and want "me" time. We are having company this friday for the weekend. Wally is coming, by himself, from TX. He will be here Fri afternoon. I cant wait to see him and be able to talk to him without his snooty wife around to pick away at him. I really feel compelled to sit and have a heart to heart with him about the surgery and the way his life WILL change. Im scared for him, that if he doesnt get the weight off, he will die. He is well over 600# and he does have medical issues and he is one of the best men I have ever met! I love him like a brother and would do anything in the world for him. Jon ended up catching 2 big catfish. Mike gutted them last night and they are in the freezer with the crappies. We will have another family fish fry when we get another batch done. I cant wait. Last Friday, at work, I made myself a sundress, it has big old sunflowers on it-and its beautiful!! I dont remember the last time I could sit down and sew, without 4 kids up my rear-and accomplish the task. It was nice! Mikes eyes about bugged out of his head when I showed him what I made while I was at work, he couldnt believe it!! I am also making some curtains for my livingroom for the windows on the sides of the fireplace and then the door that leads out to the side porch area that Mike keeps his slot cars out there. They match the furniture and color scheme in there-and I got the material for $1 a yard. Its thicker too-so perfect for the winter time. I also bought some beautiful fabric thats black and has sparkly different colored butterflies on it for Stephs room. She has a black irredescent light in her room at night and the butterflies and such will pop out at ya with that black light on. She doesnt know it yet-but I am making her curtains and then she has one of those room dividers, I am taking the 3 panels out of it thats in there now, and putting the material I bought in it and painting it. I cant wait to see her face!
My ex SIL gave me 3 rolls of wallpaper trim that is like a jungle theme, viney type-its so pretty and 3 gallons of a beautiful green paint-and I am going to either put it in the den, or in my bedroom, I havent decided yet. I am only painting one wall the green, no matter where I put it. I think it would look nice in the den-due to the color scheme of the furniture-but all of that is going to wait until I get the garage organized and get carpets shampooed etc. Well, thats about it. Im sure there is more if I stop to think, but my "thinker" isnt working as well as it used to right now. I would forget my head if it werent attached to my body, thats for sure. I am going to go post the weekly weigh in, since I missed it on Friday. Wait till you see this-Im so very excited! As always, all my love and prayers. Take care. Janet
Whats happening Tuesady hmmmmm well lets see when I started the liquid diet I weighed 334 then the day of surgery I was down to 321 well today DRUM Roll Please I weigh in at 291 did you all see that I said 291 wooot even with this infection... this cold... and DH leaving for more then a week today to go work I am losing lol I am such a loser.... anyway hope you are all doing well and I look forwad to being on here more as soon as we get our computer back and Jan yes I hate math but my final is due on Sunday and then I am done with math in college WOOOOT you alll have a good day I am heading home and to take anp
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334