Jan C.
on 10/7/07 1:50 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Decided today that I wanted to clean out the wildflower bed and transplant all of those to the outer edge of the shade garden area. They will have more room to grow and will look more natural over there. So we dug all of them up and then Joe went fishing. I took all the wildflowers, a wheelbarrow full and my shovel and transplanted all of them while he was out fishing , of which he caught nothing. Phooey. I think it was a ruse to get out of work , what do you all think. Lol

I then sprayed the empty wild flower with weed killer so it will get rid of all of the left over weeds and wild flowers ….I am going to plant it full of tulips and more of the lilys and then next summer when the lilies are up I will plant dwarf zinnias in and around the base of them. So I will have 3 seasons of bloom and color.


I am going to Kohls tomorrow morning during the last day of their grand opening. I haven’t been to a kohls store for a long time. I need to see if I can find an evening dress for my brother and his new wifes wedding reception. They got married on in Sept but are just now on the 19th having their reception.at the Basin hotel in Eureka Springs. Big band music and ball room dancing. Joe and I haven’t gone dancing in a long long time.

Is one of the greatest exercises there is. And lots of fun too.



TRACI: Hope you had a wonderful day at church today. And enjoyed your family too.

Your welcome for the web site. The bars appear to be expensive but there are two to a package and each bar is very large. I usually have to take half of one and then a couple of hours later eat the other half. 42 grams of protein is a really good snack of protein.



LANA: lol loved the age thing you sent. Mine says im only 43 right now and will live to be 102 well that is quite awhile left to live, guess I better get some money saved up you think.lol

That was a great wow moment you had with the shirt. …relaxed fit is a good fit isnt it. It is amazing how much has come off isnt it? Just makes me go wow all the time. Lol


Oh boy I hope your everblooming lilac gives you years and years of enjoyment.


How big is this tree that the nursery is going to plant for you.

Hey I have an idea, lets get a group together to go to to get tummy tucks or other things done and maybe they would give us a group discount lol. If we can get in at the well know places that do good work it wouldn’t bother me that is for sure.



NUTTI: so you do a lot of sitting while you are working but you will just have to get up once inawhile and go for a walk around the neighborhood. Do just a block  two times a day to give you some exercise, before long you will be doing more.


I know you love miss Pixi but why do our kids think we want to raise their kids for them. We can love them a lot but we still don’t want to raise them lol

I just wont babysit for my granddaughter more than an hour or two to give her a short break , to shower or what ever. I am just too old to do that anymore. I do love them but a little goes a long ways.

You know that is why God made us able to have babies when we were young not older. Lol







Brenda Minks
on 10/7/07 3:42 pm - Silva, MO

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to pop on and say hi! I am doing a little better as far as my feet go.

I got my stitches out last week and hope to get my pins out this week. I am still having some pain but I think mostly I am having a lot of soreness cause  it hurts if I move my toes. My husband resigned from the church he has pastored for almost 5 years. He feels God is calling him to another church, just don't know which one yet. The last 2 Sundays we have been at a General Baptist church in Advance Missouri. Its a beautiful Church we wouldn't mind pastoring there. I won't be coming out to the C.O.F. meeting the 22nd, I would have liked to but with my feet not totally healed yet and due to financial contraints I just can't . With Christmas right around the corner I have to put my extra finances toward that. Hopefully maybe I can come back out there in the spring and see everyone again! Does anyone know anything about the area around Bolivar, MO.? I have been looking at some areas around Stockton Lake and Pom De Terre Lake Areas about 30 minutes or so from Springfield. Dennis and I are looking at that area to retire to in the next 3 to 5 years. Well it's been a long day and my feet are talking to me. So I'm going to bed. Everyone have a great Monday! Love Brenda

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Sheila H.
on 10/7/07 10:08 pm - Marshfield, MO

good morning my angel and friends!!!  yes that was a BEAUTIFUL weekend, i spent it at home watching movies, cleaning house and repotting some of the house plants to bring back in soon, cos i know its gonna frost some time just hope i dont miss the news as to when lol Julie...congrats on the 101LBS!!!! Nutti...im not sure where u live but if u tell me i can find out  where closet workshop is to u cos i work in 1 in marshfield and they r good at working with u so u can work how ever many hrs u need or feel u can.....

Mel.....way to go with the baby, hope ALL goes good for u  this liquid diet? younes must get a better 1 than i do lol cos all i get is 5 slimfast a day  and that probably starts sat. Jan your garden is gonna be so gorgeous next yr and i hope to have a lil more in my yard too next  and ya i think Joe just used that to get out of working lol ( men ) lol anyway hope you all have a GREAT week love and hugs


on 10/8/07 12:43 am - Joplin, MO
Good Morning MO Peep's              Thought I would get in here and post a few while the baby is down for a nap. He has been up since 7:am, changed, ate, and had a bottle. Now he is down for about an hour nap. It is thundering and raining here. I wish I could stay home and get in some warm sweats and curl up and watch tv and lounge around today. Got to meet the old tenants at the house at noon tho. Change the locks on the doors. Then head back to Carthage to my appt at 2pm for my 2nd shot in the back. I'm praying that I start getting some relief from these shots. This weather is killing me right now. All weekend I have hurt and have felt miserable.        Adrain's (the baby) parents came over yesterday for dinner. They staied most the afternoon visiting the baby. Terry & I fixed dinner together and he cleaned everything up. God Bless his heart!!!!      Well I need to ge toff of here and get ready to jump into the shower. So I can get ready for the running I have to do today. I pray everyone has a very blessed day. God Bless Mel
~~God has seen you struggling, God say's its over, A Blessing is coming your way!!~~
Tammy H.
on 10/8/07 2:32 am - Holcomb, MO
Good Morning Folks.... Ok we still have had NO rain down here in the bootheel..Which one of you is hogging it up lol lol lol.... Yesterday was a really good day....I did nothing at all!!!! After 4 days on the concrete at work I'm too pooped to do much on Sundays lol.....Well I did go get a few groceries and put part of them up...But other than that NOTHING! My sister and Ada cleaned my house up and then my wonderful friend Paula cooked me supper.....Ada and her neice even cleaned up the dishes and stuff so I still done nothing lol lol... Then we played a game of CSI and had a ball.....Nothing like a good day of relaxation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well guys...Pray for my son....His dad got in on a deal taking care of some guys property and cattle for free rent....He works so he has talked MC into coming and living with them and taking care of things at the farm for a little pay each week on top of room and board....Pretty good he has to take out room and board on his own son! When in the HELL does mom get paid for all she has done in 18 years!!!! Dads had the easy way out and now he is charging room and board????? I never loose the urge to want to choke that man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But with all the alcohol and arguing I don't really think it will last long...MC hates dealing with his father when he is drinking and that is a daily thing with that man!.......Then on top of that I got a call today that the man in NC wants him to call.....They are ready for him to come back and work!..............I figure he will take it and that means he will be a million miles away from me again!!! But part of me feels he will be much better off going to NC than being with his drunken father that doesnt have a brain! He will make a lot more money and not be with all the crap out there....But dang it's soooooo far away! Anyways please say a lil prayer for him that he makes the right decision for himself.....And one for me too!!! I hate him dealing with his father daily....but I know I will still worry if he goes to NC! Please also remember my nephew that is in prison....We finally get to go see him this coming Sunday!!! Been almost 2 months since we have seen him....He is doing pretty good but there is so much that goes on in those places!!!! We are really looking forward to seeing him...I know it will be hard on my sister having to see him in there.....Jail was one thing but I know it has to be hard to see your child in prison..... Miss Flower Lady...(Jan) lol lol.....I will have to make me three trips to your house next year to see each season of the flowers...You know one of these days you are going to run out of room lol lol....I don't even see how you remember all the names of all the flowers ,you have sooo many! I can't wait till spring so I can plant all the seeds you gave me....I been meaning to grab me a few mums to get planted but haven't managed getten it done yet....guess I need to get on it pretty soon! Mel.....Send me a pic of your lil sweetie....I can't wait to see how cute he is! You sound so natural with all of this... Has the parents said much about him being there? Are they glad you and Terry are the ones that have him? Have they said much about what all they need to do to get him back or do they seem very interested in it? I know...I know... Im nosey lmbo!!!  Im just tickled to death for you that you are getting to enjoy what time you have with him.....Your in my prayers.... Janet.....Miss you girl....Been getting your texts...I had to slow down on mine cause my package is only for 200 texts and for some reason everone in the world has been texting me this month...guess it's national texting month lol lol lol......I hope all is well at your place....Hope to chat and catch up on things soon.... Brenda....Dang I didn't know it was suppose to take you this long to get back on your feet!!!! Did they tell you it would be this long? I'm sorry you wont be able to make it to another meeting but we will plan to go again....Maybe the winter weather wont be terrible this year and we can go again in Jan or something....Your in my prayers..I hope all else is well at your place....drop a line or call sometime....Miss ya....God Bless. Cindy H.....Call me today sometime....Just go ahead and call my cell number cause I will be in and out today...But I do want to hear from you...And if we can we will see if we can set something up for me to run up that way tomorrow and see you....My grandmother lives up that way too and I need to go see her as well so I will kill two birds with one stone that way.... Susan....How you doing sweetie??? Have you gotten back on your feet pretty good from the surgery? Hows things going with your sweetie being out on the road? I hope all is well at your place...Miss hearing from you... Nuttie...If all goes well and I get to make it to the COF meeting the 22nd I plan on bringing some things that have gotten too big on me....I was thinking you were behind me a bit so if you think you might be interested drop me a line and let me know about where you are size wise at the moment and I will make sure to bring them if you can wear them and want it.....You dont have to post just leave me a private message or email me at [email protected] .........If you don't want them that wont hurt my feelings at all....Just let me know and I will check to see if anyone else wants them....  Well I got to wrap things up and get mine and Joes 5 days worth of laundry done lol lol...I hope you all have a great Monday...God Bless each of you!!!! Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 10/8/07 7:36 am - Wichita , KS
Good afternoon OH family!  It's been a busy weekend and not all that great either.  My niece had to go back to the ER twice due to a bloody nose but she is ok now they packed it and that is making her miserable.   Sunday morning my friend woke me up at 7am telling me that our almost 18 yr old Yorkie wasn't doing well and said it was time to have her put to sleep and I agreed so we went to the ER Vet and did that which was really hard.  We are going to have a funeral service at a pet cemetary for her probably Sat.?  We have to go there and make the arrangements.  I know this may sound crazy to some but when you love your pets as much as I do you will do anything for them.   I have been having a lot of problems recently with back pain.  I have been taking like 3 advils and 2 tylenols to help with the pain but it doesn't help much neither does the heating pad.  The dr. can't do anything for me really just told me to rest and that the pain was probably due to my weight?  Guess I will have to live with this until I lose my weight? I had today off so I'm resting a bit but it's back to work tomorrow.  I didn't get to go to water aerobics this morning so that was a bummer I'm hoping that by Wed. morning I will feel more like going? I was watching Oprah this afternoon and she had Jessica Seinfield on there she wrote this new cookbook about puree foods such as veggies to get your kids to eat right and all her recipes are low fat too so I called the bookstore to reserve a copy it looked interesting.   I made some protein balls today the one's with rice cripies and they are good like them better than the ones with oatmeal.   Well, I hope you all are having a good day it's really nice out today so hope you all are also enjoying this beautiful day.  Take care and God bless. BEV~

Rianne D.
on 10/8/07 9:24 am - MO
What's happening?  You ask what's happening??  Well, this day totally STINKS!!!  I just want to go crawl in bed and not get out til in the morning....and forget this day ever existed! I'll start at the beginning....oh, and forewarning...this will be a long story so if you don't wanna read it you don't have to..... I woke up at 7(ish) am to do more studying for my Fundamentals of Nursing FINAL that I had this morning....I studied a lot.  Then, I went to my dr's appt....he was very pleased with my weight loss....178 this morning!!!  YAYYYY!!!  We talked bout my labs from last month....everything was within normal limits except for my liver enzymes are STILL high...ugh!  But, the good news is, they were a lower high than in August when they were high.  So, I guess that's good?? (Here's where the bad day started)  After I get out of the dr's ofc I turn on my car and I notice that my temp gauge on my car is on HOT!!  Uh-oh...that can't be good.  I called my dad (he's a mechanic), in a panic b/c I HAD to go take my final....well he told me I could pour whatever water I had in my car into the water tank and it would be ok to drive to school and then back home where I could finish filling it up.  So, I poured 2 bottles of water in the tank and began driving to school. Well, when I was ooh...about 2 or so miles away from school....driving on the freeway....my car suddenly STOPS!!  In the middle of the road, in the pouring rain....I almost got hit....I got cussed out, yelled at, and flipped off more times than I can count!  My car starts billowing whitish gray smoke from the hood so I had to get out of the car (b/c I was scared) and stand in the pouring rain until a cop pulled up and let me sit in her car. So, in my panic, I call the first person I think to call (a classmate) and ask her to relay to the teacher why I'm not there to take the final.  The teacher was SO nice, told her to tell me not to worry and just call her asap and let her know what's going on.  So, I wait 45 mins for a tow truck...then after I was towed had to wait 90 mins for them to decide that the water pump and timing belt needed to be replaced BEFORE they could even determine if anything was wrong w/ the engine.   I called my dad and he's going to drive 4 hrs up here to get the car (he left at 6pm) then drive 4 hrs back....he's bringing me my mom's extra car to drive for now...but he said it might just be cheaper to buy a new car....like I have the money to do that.  Luckily, mom said I could borrow her extra for a while til we get things figured out....ugh! Oh, and then, after I had to call a TAXI to take me to my house b/c I don't know anyone in Springfield and Jon was already asleep....my teacher calls me and totally proceeds to gripe me out saying I needed to plan better next time and not call a classmate.  She also said that I was LUCKY they were still gonna let me take the test, but I did have to pay a $25 late fee to take a late final.  GRRRR......Like I really wanted my car to break down lady...especially today of all days..... Anywho....so yeah, that's my day....hopefully tomorrow will be a better one.....at least I don't have school the rest of the week after tomorrow....I do have work but that's okay with me!! I love you all and I miss you all bunches!!! I think the potluck thingy in Dec will be FUN!!  My bday is in Dec too :-D
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"I come this way only once, so let me do all the good I can, for I
will never come this way again."
scales.gif image by strawberryswirlnet
Traci K.
on 10/8/07 9:26 am - Sullivan, MO
{{{Bev}}} I'm so sorry.  It's been a busy day here, thus why I'm just now arriving.  I actually had a reply typed out earlier and lost it, then got called away from the computer with the kiddos and just remembered I didn't reply!  LOL   Nothing terribly noteworthy to report.  Still waiting on my blood work.  Have a great evening everyone, Traci
on 10/8/07 10:37 am - Diamond, MO
Hi Jan and OH Peeps~ This is going to be short. Just wanted you to know I went and picked up my desk top tonite. Forgot the power cord, thank goodness we had another one that worked for this puter. Found out last Thurs that I broke a bone in my leg, where it meets my knee. Surgery is the only fix-and since I need to have the knee replaced anyway-since I have lived with it this long, have to wait. He is sending me to a pain management do****il I get the surgeries I need/or the burning of my back nerves to get some relief. He understands how frustrated I am-has had me for a pt for 10 yrs and knows I dont like to take pain pills-and I am not addicted. He said I am the ONLY pt he ever had that weened themselves off of Oxy and Vicodin without methodone and hospitalization. Told him that I didnt let myself get addicted. Never abused it. Never will. I dont want to be in pain forever, but right now, I will take the pain meds until I can be fixed. Lets see. Kids are ok. Some stressful things going on, but am not gonna get into it right now. Please keep sending prayers this way. Mike took the boys fishing tonite down at his parents stocked pond. Got a call about 10 minutes ago that Jon caught a 2.5# catfish all by himself!! He is pretty happy. After that, they will have to come home, eat, shower and I will have to go get Steph. Have 2 more appts this week and working 2 days to fill in for one of their workers who is in TX right now. I will just have this week and next-and thats it. The owner of the motel doesnt like to pay people out of pocket-so he usually finds people and gives them a room for working. Although, they have been ripped off so much due to the people he wants to let work. My dad doesnt want just anybody working for him-so its in discussions. The job itself is easy, but there are a lot of people *****side there, who think they need to come up to the commons area-hang out and chat all day-and Im not like that! I have been doing my projects while working, which I am allowed to do-and I sewed a really cute sun dress for me, and starting on some christmas presents. My dad said that next week-I can do my projects in the office area-he is putting a table in there for me, and its behind the door, and there is a wall, so all those freak shows wont be hanging all over me all day long. Maybe if Im not out front-they will go back to their rooms and leave me the hell alone!! Well, I will see you all tomorrow. Gonna get off here and feed my boys.  Love and prayers to all, Janet
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