Weekend again , the weeks sure go by fast don’t they? Or maybe it is just me lol
Was at work last night and had my phone with me and Lana called right when I was getting ready to help feed some patients. So couldn’t talk to her a lot but she said she was really missing all of us. We miss you to Lana.
Saturday. is my day to plant all of those Lily bulbs I have , also to dig and divide the day lilies I have plus I still have 2 bunches of the double orange daylilies in with my other ones , I have to move them as they will totally crowd out the other daylilies if left there .
Busy day planned tomorrow. So really need to get this done and get into bed so I can get to work early in the morning.
MELISSA: I know that baby is really enjoying having you and Terry to take care of it right now. Probably the first time it has ever enjoyed its little life. How old is he?
I have been praying that God somehow would allow you and Terry to keep him.
Would be a wonderful thing for him that is for sure.
Take care of yourself and keep your appointmentds with your doctors, you need to do that so you can find out what is wrong and get well, we want to see you be healthy.
NUTTI: I have heard of a lot of people dumping on the carnation instant breakfast, don’t know if it is the carbs in it or what but it isnt a great thing for the amount of protein you get from it is it?
If you are going to do a shake you need to get at least 30 grams from it. Go see Melissa about the protein powder we all use it is great and mixed with 6 oz of milk you get 30 grams of protein. Well worth drinking.
You have been having some good wows haven’t you? That is wonderful.
Seems like a lot of people measure their walking by how much of wal-mart they are able to do lol.
Good for you , keep it up.
What ever you want to know about flowers when you get ready to do your yard let me know. Ok?
TRACI: hope you are feeling better. When will you know about the lab work? Hope it is something that can be fixed easily.
There were a lot of garage sales around this area today. Hope you found some good bargains.
BOBBY JO: hello girl, miss talking to you daily and miss your cheerful chattings.
Take care of yourself and hope you get all A’s for going to all the trouble of going to the library to study.
Very good weight loss. WOW.
Hellooo Mo board! not doing much today...my legs and back are up in protest over all of the walking I did at wal-marts and Hobby Lobby. I think today I will stay home and work on a few projects. take it easy. the sf carnation does not have the protien in it I need...this I know....I mixed a scoop of protien powder in it. and I tolerate skim milk or low fat milk.....so it definatly was the carnation. so Im back to my old standby....banana shake.....protien shake with a banana in it....is good for the fruit serving one needs to be healthy. Dean bought me a juicer because he is worried Im not getting enough nutrients....I think he just wanted a juicer! he has a thing with small appliances. very exciting time for me as I have had several sales on e-bay. of my flowers....to bad for me that I like to turn around and use that money on more minis...hahahahaha not much else going on around here. I have to make myself a to do list for next weekend of things I have to get done and pack before my trip to KC to visit my family for my birthday. Im am looking forward to that. was also thinking of checking into the sheltered workshop....I am disabled and I would like to work
I am trying to fix the earlier post...computer went wonky on me.
Have a great day!
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Just finished my Algebra II class and THANK GOD next week is my final and I will done with math for the remainder of college....I knew when I went back to obtain my degree that there would be a class that I absolutely hated and well the two math classes that I have had to take were it.... we are at the Large Library in Columbia today they are having a huge book sale and I get great text books for my homeschooling adventures so I just spent 20.00 on about 40 books :) go to the dr at 2 for the changing of the wick I fell like a candle that cant hold its flame they keep changing this wick so much.... it looks great and they say that it wont be long before we are done with this ..... now the cold on the other hand I havent had a cold in years and all the sudden I get it now...I refuse to get sick anymore after this I refuse I tell you!!!! Sorry I havent been on our computer will be back and going on Monday according tot he COmputer DR..... you guys I hope you all know how much I appreciate you all even though I do not call you all by name Bobbie Jo
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334