Im working again today and then again on Friday wow 3 days in a row. I was down to just work Wednesday and Thursday but one of the girls called me last night saying her mother had to have a heart cath. On Friday and she needed to be with her. So I agreeded to work for her. She said that she owed me a day so we will see.
I really don’t mind, we will see if my body does lol. I might go to working 3 days a week all the time this winter since I wont have a lot of things to do outside. But will see how it works out
Cant wait till this week end to get to plant all of those lily bulbs. I have a vision of what I want it to look like next spring. LOL gardeners are eternal optimists.
Oh yeah I have about 15 blooms on my re-blooming iris right now. Im so excited. I cant wait for them all to bloom out I have never gotten the re- bloomers to bloom in the fall before.
My Mums are all blooming so pretty too this morning.
Well im here after work to get this done and posted beforer I go to bed. I have to get up fairly early in the morning since I have to take the granddaughter with her little girl to the doctor. Some shot and also see if there is any reason why a baby this age would eat as much as she does and be losing weight. She has lost a total of 1pound 2 oz now. She is 7 months old and looks like she is 4 or 5 months old. She is alert and happy and sweet .
TRACI K: LOL yeah maybe the blood letting was the reason for the dizziness, I don’t feel that way today so maybe it was. Lol
Good luck with the dog sitting , was the dog yours to start with? That is a very pretty type dog.
SUSAN: good to see you back on here again. I know that has to be hard to get use too , with your husband out and gone like that. I don’t mind my husband going to Ark to visit his family for a week end but im always ready for him to come back home too. So don’t think I would do well with him gone that long. Can you ever eventually go with him?
Hey that is really good, size 16s that is great. And I know made you feel really good.
Yeah not getting enough protein can make you pretty sick …
TAMMY: LOL yeah I stop planting in the winter time , sometimes at least.
Do you plan on coming to the Oct 22 COF meeting? Just was wondering., Craig is going to be there. I know that Brenda knows him
BEV: I am so sorry that your family treats you like that. Please know that the people on this board love you and we will be your family if you need us to be. And we wont abuse you.
Where better to vent than on here and you are more than welcome to do that. Your safe and lots of us understand. Know that we are here for you any time.
BRENDA: WOW good to see you and glad you got your stitches out. Do you and Tammy think you will be able to come to the COF meeting on the 22nd? We would love to see you again and Craig is going to be there this month.
Would love to see you again. take it easy and rest when you need it.
When I was puling into the area of our homes there were about 12 deer all over this yard at the front of the subdivision, then down the road a little father there were about 6 more and when I pulled into my driveway 3 of them were standing in the area where my ponds and flowers were up there in front.
There are so many of them this year it is pitiful.
Well need to get to bed. See you all tomorrow.

Hellooooo Mo board
I have had some issues with dumping.....seems as though the sf carnation breakfast does NOT agree with me.
the first time I had eaten half a protien bar about 30 mins before the shake....wow
was I sick! I had to go to bed and I was still shakey when I woke up 3 hours later.....
but to make sure today I had another....without the protien bar I was out of commission for an hour.
soooo now what? it is all to sweet tasting I can hardly make myself drink them.
I only drink them because I need the protien and the calories. but ohhhh man I hate them and just being 3 months out sucks for me!
I have begun going out to lunch...as mine only cost 1$ I think its ok!
a couple of WOW's a few days I got inot my tub of cloths from when I was smaller and found several things I can wear and today wore one I had only worn a few times when I out grew it....its like having new clothes and it fits me better now than it did before. I remember when I bought it...Catriona was still twirling and I needed a new shirt to take her to compitions....she quit twirling in 6th grade....she is in 11th.
and the 2nd wow is a goodie!
today I went to Wal-mart got in the buggy on one side of the store and by the time I got to the other side of the store it was dying! so Im crap Ill just walk it....I had my grandbaby with me who is 2 and my friends daughter who is feeling so much better now! maybe back to school next Tuesday.
and I WALKED the whole store and got all my groceries and Pixie a new out fit looked at costumes and was on my feet for an hour in the store!!!
everyday I feel better and am able to do more and want to do more!
the wanting to clean house and go garden is soo strong.....so I know something is changing and my body is starting to catch up with the want to.
The weight loss seems very slow but I think Im loosing inches...I had to pull my seat up today...in my van the seat sets all the way back so I can drive.....today I moved the seat up.....UP!
not much but !
Mel sounds like you and Terry are doing the best you can in a difficult situation! need a high chair?
Jan I wish I had some of your knowledge about flowers....next yr I am going to redo my whole yard.
well at least start on it.....I havent cared in so long its a pitiful yard!
We also found out on Tuesday that the new Grandbaby is a BOY! everyone is excited!...of course for different reasons! Im just glad that now they will have one of each and can STOP!
Im a firm believer in taking care of your kids and my son is lacking.....but he starts another job tomorrow and maybe they can get their car legal....and no I wont help them do that.....they still act like teenagers living at home....smack! guys you the mom and dad now....have fun with that!
I did my time and with only one kid left in the nest its very peaceful around here!
ok Im done writting my book!
yall have a great day!
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You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
Hey Jan and All Missouri people, I finnally got my internet back!!!! I'm so happy about that!!! This has been some very crazy couple of weeks.I told you all about us moving to yhe country, Well that didn't work out so well. The guy we were renting from kept calling us and asking if we were keeping the screen door shut and if the windows were close every time it rained. But the worse thing was that on september 23rd we had a small family part to say good bye to my son and grandchildren ,we had about 12 to 15 people there. Just sat out in the yard had lunchmeat sandwiches, just a nice day. He called that night and told us that we couldn't have company at our house! That we had rented it for my DH and I and that was all he wanted to have there.I freaked out and told Gene that we were moving. So we did. Now we are living back in Kirksville into a house that hasn't been lived in for about two years. It was a mess so we got the first month free to go in and clean it up. So we are in here now and it's going fine. The best news is we are saving even more money, we were going to save 105.00 at the farm here we are saving 150.00 a month from what we were paying . So that's nice. So i am still busy unpacking it seems like it takes forever.
Well my kids left on the 28th. I miss them so much. They have been gone a week today but it feels like forever. It gets alittle bit worse everyday. I call them everyday at least once sometimes twice. Rob's new job is going really good, and they have a really nice house. I hope it works out for them. I just miss them so much. They were at my house evertday and now they are gone. I bet the little guys are wondering where grammy is!! I haven't been able to keep up on every body. I hpoe all are doin well.Take Care, Tammy V.