taxi cabs
Here is the scoop - they are concerned for your health and well being. They don't want you to be taken advantage of my a person you do not know, you will be weak and need some assistance as well. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who would volunteer to come pick you up from the hospital, but if you were in a tight situation here is how I got around it once. I had a in/out minor medical procedure a year or so ago and my husband couldn't get off work so I "pre-arranged" for a specific taxi driver to pick me up at a specific time. I'd kept the names of a couple drivers I'd had to/from the airport so I had some knowledge that he wasn't sleazy (sorry, don't mean to offend anyone can make you feel uncomfortable). Anyway, he called me on his cell phone when he was close and I had the nurse wheel me down to the front door. I told a little fib to the nurse that he was a friend of mine that just happened to also drive a cab. But, back to what I said before... if you need a ride, please let us know when/where and someone will step up to the mound to help you out.
RNY 8/8/7