Jan C.
on 10/3/07 2:39 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wednesday sure is cloudy, I have to go to work tonight and im so dizzy, don’t know what is causing this. I am drinking plenty of water and fluids, don’t know about the protein maybe that is it, not getting enough protein in…Will go make me another protein shake before going to work, that ought to pump it up lol.


Joe is busy outside trying to winterize the trailer for the kids some. Wish we could afford to do more for them but that is about it right now. Maybe more later.


I need to go check the t v guide and see what I want to record tonight on the tv. Since I have to work tivo is such a good thing.


Hopefully tonight will be a quite night and nothing bad happen to anyone. I get so upset when something happens to any of my little people.


Oh I forgot to tell you all I got 130 Lily bulbs delivered today so I will be getting those in the ground probably this week end.  That will be a lot of fun.




CRAIG: yeah im really excited that you are going to get to come to our COF meeting on the 22nd. That is so cool.

You better watch out those women are going to mug you one of these days.

Yeah your buddy Joe better have some good tactics to tell you to stay out of those womens clutches lol



VESTA: well im glad about the scale, those things can be really scarey sometimes cant they lol. But yeah you don’t need all those carbs that come from the cookies and crackers even sugar free ones still have carbs that we don’t need especiall right now while we are still trying to lose some weight.

Sure hope you get to come this month to the meeting.



TRACI K: well sounds like the vampires were really out in full force this morning weren’t they? 18 vials. Good grief that ought to keep them supplied for awhile. LOL


Glad you are back with us , hope you stay for awhile this time.



BEV: LOL  so sorry I gave you an extra vice to get rid of lol. I too was hooked on sodas. I don’t know what kinds you drink but I bought the caffeine free ones like the diet I drank and started putting first off ¼ of it caffeine free then the rest of the reg and every couple of days would increase the caffeine free part to more till I was doing all caffeine free and was able to give it up without caffeine withdrawals, I then substitute  crystal light so I would have a taste of something in my water. For me it worked , most anyone can break a bad habit you just have to substitute a good one for the bad one …you can do it really you can. Im not any stronger than you are.

Happy birthday puppies….hope you have a fun time with that.




BOBBY JO: I am so sorry that you are feeling badly with everything else that you are having to deal with. Take care of yourself and don’t be getting too upset it will all work out.

Keotisis, that is that wonderful state when you are losing weight like crazy. Wish I could get myself back into that state. Yeah it stinks but is a good place to be to lose.

You don’t really want to get rid of it yet it will go away on its own when you get to where you are eating a little more.


JANET: oh so glad that you are back again today. …Yeah it sure is amazing what a mama can do when one of her babies is threathed ….Im proud of you too. That is very hard to do , to go past your own fears .


So sorry that little man isnt feeling well. I hope that he will be better soon.

Sorry about Mike too. We will keep them both in prayers. As well as you too with your back pain, I sure hope dr. Mcdreamy can help you out some.


Love you and really miss you , a lot.








Traci K.
on 10/3/07 7:22 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning Jan ( and everyone )- hey, maybe you were feeling dizzy for me, after my 18 tube blood letting yesterday!  It's going to be a busy day here:  I'm going to be a dog sitting a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel girl that I re-homed, as her new parents are going on their 50th wedding anniversary trip and asked me to dog-sit for a few days.  So I am excited to see Maggie again!!  So I need to get ready for Maggie's arrival today - which should be around noon, I have a couple errands to run this morning and some laundry to do.  I'm not feeling the best today, so we'll see how much energy I have as to how much else I get done.  Have a great day everyone. Traci
Susan T.
on 10/4/07 12:54 am - Saint Charles, MO

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing well here. I am feeling a lot better and almost back to the real me. I am having computer problems still at home with my notebook, but hopeful that I can fix the problems with the new Norton 360 I bought yesterday, that way I can be here a little more, I sure miss everyone. It is really hard now that Rory is driving over the road, thank goodness for unlimited cell phones or I don’t think I could get thru this, lol! He has been stuck in Calf. For 2days waiting with his team driver for a load to get out and to somewhere else. Please pray for him to get one soon, so he can start getting hours behind him and can come home for a visit soon. (I cant believe he has been gone for four weeks).

I did have a pretty good wow moment(s). Randi is getting ready to go to Mall of America with her girl scout troop on Sunday so I had to buy her a few things to wear. She was taking so long to try everything on I grabbed a pair of clearanced jeans from a rack I thought was an 18. When I was trying them on I was like, “Oh darn, I must have grabbed a size 20 cuz these are way too loose.” I checked the size and they were 16’s. Just to make sure I tried on a couple of different size 16’s and they either fit or was a little loose! I cant remember when I wore a size 16 jeans. I have only lost 5lbs since the 18’s but have lost 4 inches in the waist. So don’t forget to measure yourself when you haven’t lost pounds you could be losing inches!


Sounds like you will have your hands full with bulbs this weekend. I hope that the dizziness stops for you soon. I had no idea that not enough protein could do that. Guess it can do a lot of things to you when your not getting enough of something like that. Learning more about my body everyday.


I hope you are doing good. I try to get on here every couple of days and read but really have been bad at it lately. Take care.


How is the new job going? I hope you are enjoying yourself being out of the house. Better its really hard work. Call me sometime when you can.

To everyone else, it is good to come back and see so many people still here and others that are new. Seems like every time I come here I see a new name! Everyone take care and enjoy your weekend.

Love Susan


Tammy H.
on 10/4/07 1:13 am - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall.... Wanted to take a sec to drop in and say Hi to everyone.. Been waiting on some rain but we haven't gotten it yet... The news said we might have a chance again today so I guess we will see..... Jan....Do you ever stop planting flowers lol lol.....Im kidding I love flowers....I just dont have the energy you have to have very many.... Janet.....Way to go girl!!!!! I can just see you out there pounding away on that snake lol lol....shouldn't be much longer and you will get a break for a bit from those crazy things..... Hope things are going ok around your place...My prayers are still with you all and your daughter! Is the accident going to keep Mike out of work for long? I hope it didn't cause much damage.... Mel...Haven't seen you on in a few days...Hows things your way??? Hows the lil one? Susan....Where you at woman????? I guess I am going to have to call you to find out how your doing since surgery.... Cindy....Looking forward to talking to you....Between 8-10 in the morn would be good cause its usually quiet around then and maybe I can talk to ya with out all the noise lol lol.... Amber...Hang in there sweetie.....You will be amazed at what you can do when you set your head to it!!!! You will do fine...I just know it!.....Keep popping in here each day....there is plenty people here that has already made it thru that stretch and will be more than glad to help ya thru it....And you can call me anytime you want too....Will keep ya in my prayers.... Brenda....Praying for you too sweetie.....Hope your feet are doing ok and you back up on them soon.... Well I guess I got run for now and get around for work.... Lifes gotten busy around here and I don't have the time I would like to have to be on ....but I think about you all daily and pray for you all....Each time I read a post and a prayer is needed I do it right then....So even when I dont post or answer your post...I am droping in here and there and checking things out and praying for any of you that need it..... God Bless each of you.... Hope you all have a great Thursday... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 10/4/07 1:33 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning everyone!  I my self am not having a good morning.  I have a migraine and my back is killing me.   Last night my brother-in-law called me and told me that if I didn't get my chair out of their garage by this weekend he was sitting it out to the curb.  When he said that to me I felt treatened and it really upset me. I told him "whatever" and hung up on him.  My brother-in-law is a drunk most of the time and when I was 15 he beat my sister up and I had the 2 girls trying to protect them from him.  He pulled a gun on me and said he would shoot me if I didn't let him have the girls and I told him, that he would have to just shoot me cause he wasn't getting the girls not in the state he was in.  I then called my sister on her cell phone and told her that I didn't appreciate her having her husband call me and treaten me like he did.  I get up set really easy and I'm very emotional especially with any confortation.  I told her if she was to sit my chair out to the curb that she had lost her sister then I hung up on her.  I am only one person I don't have a truck to move a huge chair nor am I physically able to do that but they expect that of me.  See my sister when she wants something says that her husband wants it cause everyone caters to him and is scared of him that's why I thought she had put him up to this.  My sister is the most rudest and selfcenterest person I know she says things that will hurt your feelings and she doesn't care.  I was so upset last night I cried for hours it wasn't just because of this blow up  I think it was a combination of things that just hit me all at once.  I am the type of person that thinks being mad at someone or holding gruges is a waste of energy life is too short to argue and fight about things so even though I didn't feel like it was my place to appoligize but I called her this morning and told her I was sorry for what I said and for hanging up on her.  My family hurts me in many ways and they don't even know it.  They only call me when they want something and when I have been in the hospital for various reasons they don't come to see me.  My mom has never been to my house but yet I'm expected to go to their houses and events but they can't come to mine.  It wears on me and it often feels as though they don't really care about me.  After last night I was ready to write them all off but I know I won't because no matter what they are my family and if you don't have family what do you have?  I have spent my entire life doing for them, living for them and I don't know how much more I can take?  I have been debating about writing good-bye letters to them just in case something goes wrong with my surgery but after last night I think I will because I have a lot to say there are things that I want them to know.  I'm not one for talking to people about my feelings but I can express myself well on paper and I think it's important for them to know how I feel about each and every one of them.   I didn't get much sleep last night I think I cried myself to sleep eventually and after having to take a valium.  Today I'm so tired and drained.  I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon and I know I need to since I am diabetic I just don't feel like eating my head feels like it's going to explode I wish I could turn out the lights here in my office that would help, better yet I wish I could just go home! I know I vented a little today and I'm sorry I just needed to let this out someway other than taking it out on myself like I normally do, anyway thanks for listening to me ramble. It's going to be another beautiful day, I love fall..... Guess I better get some work done thats if my head will allow it...lol Take care everyone and have a wonderful day! Bev~ 

Brenda Minks
on 10/4/07 1:55 am - Silva, MO
Hello Everyone, I got my stitches out yesterday, and it sure did sting!!! He said he would probably take the pins out next week. He still wants me to stay on bedrest, but I have got to do some laundry and I'm getting tired of laying around. But I don't want to overdue because my toes are still swollen quite a bit and they are SORE!!!!!! I pray everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!!! God Bless Brenda

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




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