Jan C.
on 10/2/07 9:30 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Ran all over Branson half the day today, doing all sorts of things. Rented a car for the kids, told them an economy car and they upgraded them to a P.T. Cruiser pretty neat little car. I would love to drive it somewhere but they stay pretty busy .


I may not get this put online until morning looks like the storm is going to prevent that.

We are getting lots of thunder and lighting. And the satalite is out for the computer and the t.v. darn!!! Lol


Oh well I can at least get this typed up or most of it anyway and then add my replies to what you all said and save it till morning.


Tried to do some work outside today in the flower beds and the darn mosquitoes were so bad that I couldn’t stay out. and this was with long pants and a long sleeve shirt on and loads of spray too. They were just horrible down in the dead grass and flowers is like a nest for them. I may have to wait till we get a frost and then clean all of this stuff up.

Don’t want to but may have no choice. When those buggers bite me they make huge whelps on me that last and last and usually make sores. I think the older I get the more I get allergic too it seems . I have always been very allergic to wasp and bee stings but now it seems im getting allergic to chiggers and mosquitoes even. Weird.


Had to turn the computer completely off last night because of the storm so didn’t get the rest of the post even typed but here I am at 6am trying to get it on line.


Good to see that Tuffy is back with us again. Good going girl. Glad you made it.




VESTA: so glad that you are feeling better. Dr. H. says we can have the B12 shot every two weeks if we feel like we need it , it is water soluble and what you don’t need  you will pee out anyway. Wont hurt you.

Oh no watch out for those little packages of cookies and stuff. Look at the carbs on them. They are loaded. Girl. Stuff like that will sneak up on you. And probably if you only ate one it wouldn’t hurt but they make you crave more and more and more. Get back to basics when things like this happen and get it out of your system quick. . Sure hope we see you on the 22nd for the COF meeting. Craig will be visiting us then.



BEV: wow sounds like you have been having some bad times. But maybe it is all behind you now. Get your self back into your routine and maybe other things will fall in place .

So glad your niece is feeling better and that she has quit smoking. That is a plus that has come from her being so sick.

Good luck on the quit smoking thing,. I know you will feel better too when you get that done. I know I was there for years and years and I always thought that it was something that helped keep my calm but it doesn’t ,after getting it out of my system I felt so much better . Good luck with it . Will keep you in my prayers.


BOBBY JO: I sure hope you are writing all of these things down so you can have them for your book one day. Lol you have a great way of writing that is so funny and puts you right there.. Sorry about your infection , Don’t get me started on those drains. I think they are very archaic and not needed in anyway shape or form. Case in point , Dr. Hornbostel doesn’t use them and none of us had a need for them that I can see. Don’t know why they all think you do.

Glad that your pcs, nurse can take care of that for you daily and get well soon ,



SHANNON : So glad that the eating the steak is over and done and didn’t cause any bad things. I would have been sick for hours and hours I know. I still cant eat steak and im a year out. I have tried twice and wont try it again I don’t think. Didn’t ever care that much for it anyway. Lol


Well if you had ask me about a year ago for size 22 dressy clothes. I had several things that would have worked im sure. At least me or my sister one or the other could have fixed you up.Dont have anything at all left in my closet now that would work.



TRACI  K: hey great to see you. And hope you will come on here more . We need the experience of the older wls patients.  Glad to know that you aren’t having any problems of maintaining your weight. Great.



JANET: wow great to see you on. I don’t know if you go somewhere and see and read the posts or not but we all really miss you.

You sound as busy as usual….know that we are still praying for Steph and what ever the situation is with her. Some day maybe by the time you get your computers back you will be able to tell us if our prayers have been successful.


Give all your family a big hug and kiss for us and Oh happy belated Anniversary. Sounds like you had one really nice date with that cute hubby of yours.


Hurry back to us ….we all miss you



Well maybe i can get this posted this morning. We had about 3 inches of rain last night. Wow. Great, now I don’t have to worry abou****ering this week. Remember if you grow flowers and have things that come back every year that they still need a good watering every week , even tho they are aren’t blooming ok. That is how they keep their roots growing and making the plant bigger and better for next year. No fertilizing at this time of year should be done bu****ering yes.

Now is also the time of year to dig and thin out your daylilies and iris, transplant them to other beds or share them with friends.






Craig Watts
on 10/2/07 9:47 pm - Green City , MO
Good Morning...Ms Cedar Creek USA 2007 It rained up here in California, Missouri pretty bad last night. Its so nice afterwards I got to sit out on the porch with Ma Peg and Michael with his new laptop and wireless connection..They spoil me rotten..HEHEHEH..... I get to go home this weekend coming up...They are missing me up there....My brother is doing great with his new pace maker..He has been walking and losing some weight actually...Iam very proud of him.... Yes, I get to come to Springfield for your meeting on the 22nd. Iam so excited....I will have to get me a new outfit again to wear...lol....I love to shop for clothes now....and to my astonishment I got a medium sized shirt yesterday....NOW TELL ME PEOPLE IS WLS WORTH  IT OR NOT? ...I SAY TEN TIMES OVER YES YES YES....... I went to a convience store for gas here in California and these two elderly ladies were in there..One was working the register and one was visiting here..I paid for the gas and turned around to leave and one of the ladies said.." OMG look at that..right there is breakfast, lunch, and dinner all rolled into one" ...I just about fell over ...My face was all red and I turned around and they said "its ok darling" live alittle...... What is a guy to do ? LOL......I will have to get some advice from my buddy Joe Cook I think....LOL..... Well, you all take care today and be good and keep up the good work on losing those inches and lbs......God Bless each and everyone of you.....Craig Lee

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


on 10/2/07 11:05 pm - pomona, MO
good morning all..hey Graig you be gettin fistey..lol..you are looking wondwrful..you have come a long way,God sure poured his blessings on you..It will be great to meet you in person.                            Jan I must have looked at the scales wrong, my weight was right this morninmg,scared me ....but I am leaving the little cookies and crakers alone...I am so glad to be under 200....onederland...lol I want to come to the meeting this month, I plan to...lords willin and the creeks dont rise...I cant remember all newbies but welcome all, and congrats to all on the losers  bench..love ya all ..vesta


Traci K.
on 10/3/07 12:03 am - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone! Thanks for the welcome back!  It's GOOD to be back!  I used to post here on the MO board every day and got busy and hadn't been here in a long time.  Anywho, just got back from my "blood letting" (aka:  6 month blood work labs) and 18 tubes of blood later, I think I need a nap!      Yikes!  My vein kept wanting to collapse, so she had to wiggle it a bit to keep it all going, we got what we needed, but it was getting uncomfortable there at the end.   Hopefully I'll get the results back, maybe by Friday, but certainly by Monday.  Hoping for a good report.  I have some housework to tend to today.  Have a blessed day everyone.  Traci
on 10/3/07 3:00 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH family!  Jan, I think there was a little misunderstanding I don't smoke my niece was the one who smoked and quit due to her illness my problem is I drink too much soda pop which I have to stop that.....yikes!!! I went to water aerobics this morning but I didn't stay for the entire class my back was hurting and I thought I better stop while I was still able to walk.  My lower back and left leg has been bothering me a lot lately.  I can be walking and all of a sudden my hip gives out on me and then I can barely walk or bend over.  I hope after I have my surgery and lose weight that won't be a problem anymore? I have a lot going on this month it seems.  I am having a birthday party for my puppies who will turn 1 yrs old on the 24th but the party is going to be on the 20th.  I have company coming around that time as well, and on the 17th I have to travel to Sedalia to my appt. with Dr. H.  I have to get my house in order and get caught up on chores with everything that was going on with my niece I got behind in chores so my house is a mess and laundry is pilled up. Well, I have to get back to work I hope everyone is having a good day? Take care and God Bless..... Bev~

Bobbie Smith
on 10/3/07 9:50 am - Ashland, MO
How's this strike ya..... on top of everything else I start the %^%#$ antibiotic and now I have a cold.... and the worst thing in the world will belly surgery SNEEZING!!!!!!! Today I can sit up and all without the belly pain from the infected area ..... but I dont feel like sitting up becuae my head is stuffy  lol just went for another walk with DH and he is like how are you feeling ,,Just lovely honey isnt it every wmans dream to be sleeping in a recliner while her husband is in the comfortable bed.... taking antibiotics for this hole in the stomach and sneeze till all her innards come out that hole ?????????????   hehe Actually although all that is true it is more of a bother then anything.... I mean I decided that I needed to get back to trying to do what I do each day even though   I can not bend over and stuff due to the infected area I can do some things ... so today I started on a new recipe for my famiies big dinner ( we have like a totally cooked by me meal on Thursday becuase that is the day we get all the kids) and I told hubby I said okay this is going to be something I make up in my mind and have things I do not like so that I am not tempted.... he said fine with him he thinks I can cook bark and make it taste good lol  so I am making them my version of Hawaiin Chick and Veggies......also ok what up woith this Ketosis Aromis???? This odor I keep getting every now and then my DR said its from the Ketosis... how you get rid of this ???? Also is that why when I wake up now its taste and smells as if a Elephant borrowed my mouth for toilet lessons ?????????..........All you guys are great and I appreciate you all letting me get on here and rant and rave over anything especially Elephany dung!!!!  Love ya

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.

This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point 
Liquid Diet----334


on 10/3/07 11:30 am - Diamond, MO

Good Evening Jan and OH Peeps~ I wasnt going to post tonite, but the most amazing thing happened today and I HAD to get on here and share it with all of you. Those of you that know me, know that I am deathly afraid of snakes, well, I have often wondered IF I would ever be able to protect my children against one, should the situation arise. Well, not only DID the situation arise tonite, but....(are you ALL sitting?) I KILLED IT ALL BY MYSELF!! Actually, I wouldnt have even bothered with it, believe me, but it reared its head to strike Darrel and I slugged it with my shovel about 10 times!!! I wasnt even really that scared.  I did feel like I was going to vomit and I know my adrenaline was flowing like crazy, but I did it. I even shoveled it up and walked across the property and put it by our Morton Building!!! ME!!! It is 3.5-4 ft long, pretty fat (to me anyway). Not sure what it was, but figure it wasnt good since he was trying to strike Darrel! They normally dont do that, if you arent bothering them. He was going to feed the dogs in the pen and it was next to the sidewalk that leads to the pool from our front porch, then it came on the porch, and when Darrel walked to the side, it lunged and I just started hacking on it!! Darrels eyes were as big as saucers and he thanked me 100 times AND told me how proud he was of me!! Told him that I love him more than I am afraid of a snake, and he knows how scared I get, so he is feeling major special tonite. Has told his dad, his BIL, Aaron, called Megan and then his friends and told them all about what a hero his mom is!!!! I have been up since 4:30 this morning. Jon woke up in the middle of the night vomitting his head off. I had to strip his bed, his clothes AND put him in the shower all before 5 am. Then, I laid on the couch with him while I put on his Pokemon Movie to see if he would go back to sleep. No such luck. He didnt touch any of his dinner either. Am giving him plenty of fluids though and his sf popsicles. I hope he gets a full nights sleep tonite. Mike got injured at work today. While he was at Diamond Schools delivering a new copier and showing them how to use it, one of their huge shelving units fell over, right across his back and pinned him underneath it. He is hurt. Dammit. I just made soup and sandwiches for dinner since Jon and I werent up to snuff yet and Mike didnt feel like eating really. Made him so he could take some pain meds. Didnt get to work with my SIL today since Jon was sick, but I did have to go to town to pay 2 bills and go to the grocery store and get Jon some more drinks etc. My back is hurting something fierce today. Not sure if its the weather or not, but I am not doing so hot hanging in there. Thank God I get to go see Dr. McDreamy tomorrow. I NEED HELP! Not the mental kind either. The pain just gets so intense sometimes, that you cant help but to think to yourself that the only time your gonna feel better is when your dead. If the pain meds dont help, and neither does ice, heat, ointments, nothing works, I just dont/cant stand living this way. Well, I am going to wrap this up and get the little man to bed and go get Steph from work. She had a college deal at MSSU this evening and Megan took her since Jon was sick and Mike is hurt. SO, I wouldnt have to leave them. Anyway, its almost time to leave to go get her. **Jan, no-I hadnt been on the puter in a week. I havent had access to read or anything. Mel posted 2 times for me, but then I lost email as well....so yesterday was the first day, and I didnt get to read any, I started to, but the lightning got so bad, I had to shut it down. When I got back on to post, it was getting late and I just wanted to finish so I could go lay down! It sure feels good to be loved and to be missed. Thats for sure!!  I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can pick up my desk top puter tomorrow evening. Hopefully. I miss it so much! He is also working on the laptop, but no rush there. As long as I have something!! Mike got a call from his best friend, Wally-and he will be here on the 12th and he is coming without his less than friendly wife!! Yy. They have a big race on the 13th. So, he will only be here from the evening of the 12th, be gone the whole day the 13th and then leave the morning of the 14th. He is the one who needs and wants to have WLS and his wife wants him to spend the money on a new car for HER....Not on the surgery FOR HIM. Even tho its HIS money and his life. We will be burying him soon IF he doesnt lose some weight. He prob weighs close to 600# and he wants time to talk to me about the surgery since Shelly never left our side the last time they were here. She didnt want me to talk him into it. Even tho, he wants it already!

I would like to say I MISS YOU ALL. I think of you often and I pray for you always. Please take care and hopefully, I will be able to get on tomorrow night, unless I am at work or Mike or Jon need me.  Love to all, Janet

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